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Ækvivaleret disponibel indkomst for husstanden (international definition)

Generel Beskrivelse

SILCAEKVIVADISP is calculated using the OECD Modified equivalencs scale. The family unit is defined by SILCFAM_ID and the concept of income is the variable HY020.

The variable describes the disposable income of the household, accounting for the composition of the household. This variable shoud be used when comparing Danish incomes to incomes of other countries, as it follows the international definition of income more closely than the Danish register incomes

Detaljeret beskrivelse

This section describes the main differences between the national income register and SILC-incomes.

The national income register uses Family ID's from the Danish Census to define the households. This definition does not allow for more than two adults (above the age of 25) in a family unit. This leads to a split of some households that in SILC are considered as one household. Due to the equivalizing of the incomes, this leads to higher estimates of income inequality in the national register.

Statistics Denmark fully allow for negative incomes in the register. Eurostat only accepts these in a few of the income components. Thus, some income components have an artificial lower cap of zero in SILC. Other than that, the differences are that the following components are included in the national registers definition of disposable income - but not in SILCs - Non cash-employee income other than the value of company cars (the latter is part of SILC as well) - Net interest expenses - Imputed rent - Net Value gains/losses on stocks etc.

Furthermore, the intertemporal adjustment of the taxes for the self-employed has not been done for the national register and Land taxes are considered to be an indirect tax and are thus not part of the taxes.


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