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Green economy

The subject group green economy within the Green National Accounts covers statistics on the public sector’s environmental expenditure and –revenue, business enterprises’ expenditure on environmental protection, business enterprises’ production of environmental goods and services as well as environmentally related taxes (green taxes) and environmentally motivated subsidies, etc. (support for environmental improvements).


The statistics on the public sector’s environmental revenue and – expenditure provide information on environmental protection by the public sector, i.e. activities aimed at prevention and combatting of pollution as well as transition to sustainable technologies.

The statistics on environmental expenditures in manufacturing industries show direct costs and investments for environmental protection. The operating expenses include internal costs as well as purchase of goods and services for environmental protection.  For investments, a distinction is made between investments aimed at preventing and combatting pollution, respectively.

The statistics on business enterprises’ sales of green commodities and services analyse the business sector’s sales of green commodities and services produced with a view to being resource saving or to protecting the environment. The green activity is generally compiled on the basis of the part of the businesses’ turnover that relates to the sales of green commodities and services.

The environmentally related taxes provide a description of the amounts of environmentally taxes that are imposed on the different industries and households, etc. The individual taxes are generally divided into what is related to pollution, energy, transport or resources. Similarly, the environmentally motivated subsidies, etc. provide a description of which industries receive the environmentally motivated subsidies and other support for environmental improvements, and the amounts that are, e.g. paid out for environmental assistance abroad.


Documentation of statistics

Get an overview of the purpose, content and quality of the statistics. Here you can find information on the sources that the statistics are derived from, what the statistics contains and how often it is published.

Key figures

Related content in Green economy


Jonas Foged Svendsen
Phone: +45 39 17 37 34

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Green National Accounts for Denmark 2015-2016

Green National Accounts for Denmark 2015-2016