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Standardised solutions

The products below meet recurring queries from customers in a faster, cheaper and more efficient way than if we had to tailor the statistics to the individual customer.

On this page, we have listed the statistical products we currently have. Click on a product of your interest and read more about it. You can also contact our consultants to explore whether we can develop a new product or change an existing one by combining it with other variables.

A product from the shelf or tailor made statistics?

If you can not find a product that suits your needs, then it might be an idea to have a tailor-made solution instead.

Read more about tailored statistics

Business and trade

Statistical products that deal with foreign trade, retail trade and other selected industries.

Danish foreign trade by commodities.
Tourismen in hotels, holiday centers, campsites, hostels and marinas.


Products that provide statistics on other geographical areas than the general administrative divisions such as municipalities, postcodes or parishes.

Statistics on persons, dwellings and enterprises distributed on the nationwide grid.
Statistics in a self-defined geographical area based on a point or other delimitations.
Geographical areas ranked according to the probability of hitting a particular target audience.

Key figures

Products that provide a broad statistical profile.

A statistical profile of the employees of a company or the members of an association or organization.
A statistical profile of the citizens within a given postcodes.
A statistical profile of the citizens within a given parish.


The possibility of having your own version of Statistics Denmark’s StatBank.

If you want to convey statistical information through your own website, you can make use of our presentation tools. “Rent” your personal version of StatBank – Statistics Denmark’s professional tool for transmission of data.

Education, social and health

Products that contain socio-economic information about the population. Under key figures you can find other socio-economic profiles.

The number of households with cars in postcodes and parishes.


DST Consulting
Phone: +45 39 17 36 00