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Disability care


The statistics Disability and marginalized adults

The statistics Disability and marginalized adults contain data on selected services in the Act on Social Services, provided to adults with disabilities or marginalized adults.  The purpose of the statistics is to present the number of services and recipients as well as linking this with information about the recipients’ background and living conditions. There is also information about the recipient's target group, i.e. whether the person receives a service because of physical impairment, cognitive impairment or mental illness. The individual service may be provided based on several different target groups. The statistics have been produced since 2015 and contain data from the 4th quarter of 2013 and onwards.
Data are published annually. 
The Statistics include the following services in the Act on Social Services. Where no other law is mentioned in the text below, the law referred to is the Act on Social Services.  Please note that the symbol § is used for sections, which is customary in Danish legislation.

  • Activity and social life offers (§ 104) 
  • Treatment (§ 102) 
  • Sheltered employment (§ 103) 
  • Lengthy stay in housing with care and support, §§ 83, 85 (§ 108) 
  • Temporary stay in housing with care and support, §§ 83, 85 (§ 107) 
  • Social pedagogical support in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated in § 85, covered by the act Lov om socialtilsyn § 4, stk. 1, nr. 3, for instance
  • housing facilities in accordance with the §§ 105 and 115 in the act lov om almene boliger m.v. 
  • Social pedagogical support not given in housing facilities similar to such facilities as regulated in § 85, but, for instance, in the person's home 
  • Self-managed personal assistance (§ 96) 
  • Contact person for deaf-blind people (§ 98) 
  • Attendant scheme (§ 97) 
  • Subsidies in cash to hire an assistant, § 83, 84 (§ 95) 
  • Offer of group-based assistance and support (§ 82 a)
  • Offers of individual, temporary socio-pedagogical assistance and support (§ 82 b) 

Statistics on disability compensation services for children and young people

The statistics on disability compensation services for children and young people contain information about the municipalities´ grants of selected services for children and young people in accordance with the Danish Act on Social Services Act (SSA). 
It is the first time that these statistics are being published, with the aim of following developments and securing data and statistics, in the area of children and young people who receive disability compensatory services. The statistics highlight the number of children and young people, who receive disability compensatory services, as well as the number of services the municipalities have approved. There is information on the age and gender of the recipient of disability compensatory services. The individual child / young person can receive several services at the same time. 
The statistics have been developed since 2022 and the publication of the statistics will be on an annual basis.
The sections and paragraphs that form the basis of the statistics, deal with measures to children and young people who, due to significant and permanently reduced physical or mental capacity, are in need of help or special support. 
The following sections of the Danish Act on Social Services form the basis of the statistics: 

  • Special day care for children (SEL § 32)
  • Home training of children (SEL § 32a)
  • Special club offers for older children and young people (SEL § 36)
  • Personal help and care (SEL § 44 cf. § 83)
  • Supersede or relief of parents or other close relatives (SEL § 44, cf. § 84, subsection 1)
  • Help to maintain physical or mental skills (SEL § 44, cf. § 86, subsection 2)
  • Accompanying arrangement for children and young people between the ages of 12 and 18 who cannot travel alone (SEL § 45)  

Documentation of statistics

Get an overview of the purpose, content and quality of the statistics. Here you can find information on the sources that the statistics are derived from, what the statistics contains and how often it is published.

Key figures

Related content in Disability care


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