Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults
Contact info
Social og Sundhed, PersonstatistikKlaus Birch Lundgaard
+45 39 17 34 13
Get documentation of statistics as pdf
Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults 2023
Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults 2022
Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults 2021
Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults 2020
Disability and marginalised adults 2019
Disability and marginalised adults 2018
Handicap documentation 2017
Handicap documentation 2016
Handicap documentation 2015
The purpose of the statistics Disability and marginalized adults is to describe the extent of the selected services, provided in accordance with the Act on Social Services to adults with disability or marginalized adults . The statistics have been produced since 2015. These statistics replaced the information about disability services that the municipalities previously reported to the statistics Social Resources.
Statistical presentation
The statistics are a quarterly summary of selected services in the Act on Social Services, provided to adults with disability or marginalized adults. The statistics contain information on how many services are provided, either per quarters or years, as well as the number of recipients, based on their background and living conditions. Furthermore, information about the recipients' target groups (i.e. type of disability or vulnerability) is included.
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Statistical processing
The municipalities that refer persons to the selected services report data to Statistics Denmark. For the majority of the municipalities this is done monthly where data are reported automatically via the the administrative systems used by the municipalities. However, some municipalities report all or a part of the data via Statistics Denmark's online reporting service. The reported data are validated by the municipalities and they have to approve that their data can be used for statistics and publication. Before the statistics are published, Statistics Denmark removes invalid data and adjusts different varieties of overlapping courses.
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The statistics are relevant for ministries, researchers and disability organizations as a basis for analyzes of the development in the number of services provided and the recipients’ characteristics and living conditions.
Accuracy and reliability
This publication is based on data from 98 municipalities. Precision and reliability are primarily affected by inadequate reports from the municipalities. This is partly due to the fact that the municipalities experience technical challenges in setting up the system-to-system solutions used for data reporting.
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Timeliness and punctuality
These statistics are published annually. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.
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The statistics' time series is comparable from 4th quarter of 2013 to 4th quarter of 2023. However, the data quality is not known until Q1 2015 and data are only complete from Q1 2018 to Q4 2023 inclusive. The statistics can best be compared to the data on disability services that were previously reported to the statistics Social resources. The data are not directly comparable with international statistics.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik and are also shown in a map of the country's municipalities created by Statistics Denmark Kommunekort. In StatBank Denmark, the figures are published under the topic disability. More information can be found on the subject page Disability and marginalized adults