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Services to adults with disability and marginalised adults

The statistics are published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik and are also shown in a map of the country's municipalities created by Statistics Denmark Kommunekort. In StatBank Denmark, the figures are published under the topic disability. More information can be found on the subject page Disability and marginalized adults

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

These statistics are published annually in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik Handicap og udsatte (voksne).


These statistics are not presented in any other publications from Statistics Denmark.

On-line database

In StatBank Denmark, the statistics are published under Disability care in the following tables:

HAND01: Number of full-time services grouped by municipality and type of service. Calculated as full-time services per quarter.

HAND02: Number of recipients grouped by highest level of education, gender, age and marital status. The table contains data for 74 municipalities that have approved data for the entire period, from 1st quarter of 2015 to 4th quarter of 2022 inclusive. Every recipient counts as one for each disability service the person receives in a specific quarter (for instance if a person receives the same type of service more than once in a quarter, this person will only count as one in the specific quarter). It is not possible to add up the number of persons across the services since a person can receive a number of different services. The information about the recipients' age, gender and marital status comes from Statistics Denmark's population register. The information about the recipients' education is derived from Statistics Denmark's education register. Data on the individual recipients are retrieved from these registers for every year the statistics cover. For instance, the recipients for all of the 4 quarters in 2022 are linked with data for 2022 from the previous mentioned registers . Only persons up to the age of 69 are included in the table.

HAND03: The number of full-time services grouped by type of service and target group. Calculated as full-time services per quarter.

HAND05: The number of full-time services grouped by municipality and type of service – like HAND01 but calculated as full-time services per year.

HAND06: The number of full-time services grouped by municipality and type of service – like HAND01 but calculated as full-time services per 1,000 inhabitants (18 years or older) in the municipality per quarter. Information about the number of inhabitants comes from Statistics Denmark's population register.

HAND07: The number of recipients grouped by municipality and type of service – like HAND01 but calculated as the number of recipients instead of the number of full-time services per quarter.

The tables HAND02, and HAND06 are produced by linking the statistics' micro data schemes with the following sources at Statistics Denmark: The population register - The education register- The register of people on benefits (16-64 years) In some tables, the services are presented as full-time services. Full-time services are calculated per quarter or per year. For instance, if a service has been provided in 2 out of 3 months of a quarter, it counts as 0.67 service in the specific quarter. A service that has been provided for 2 months in a year will count as 0.17 service in the specific year. In other cases, the numbers of recipients are calculated. Here one recipient count as one unique person. I.e. that each person only count as one no matter how many times they have been referred to a service or how long they have received a service in the specific year or quarter. The two terms, full-time services and recipients, cannot be used to show anything about the intensity of the services in the period that they are provided for. Currently, intensity is not reported to the statistics, only the duration of the service.

Micro-data access

Researchers and other analysts from authorized research institutions can be granted access to the anonymized micro-data through Statistics Denmark's Microdata schemes.


Data are only available in the ways described in the previous sections

Confidentiality - policy

Data Confidentiality at Statistics Denmark.

Confidentiality - data treatment

If it is possible to deduce information about individuals because the number of persons in one data cell is very small, the data in the cell will be cleared.

Documentation on methodology

The transfer and exchange of data between the municipalities and Statistics Denmark are described thoroughly in the requirements specification which can be found here Handicap og udsatte voksne** Please note:** only available in Danish. The requirements specification is revised twice a year, and both the current and the coming one are available.

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.