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Social services for senior citizens

This is where you can find out how many citizens in Denmark receive home care and how big a share of the population aged 67+ are receiving home care. You can also find statistics on how much home care the citizens receive, and how long the wait is for assisted living facilities.

Explainer on…

Home care is provided in accordance with Section 83 of the Service Act to persons who, due to temporarily or permanently impaired physical or mental faculties or special social problems, cannot carry out personal help and care themselves, must have help with practical tasks at home, or need food service.

Selected statistics on Social services for senior citizens

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Social services for senior citizens. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

People referred to home care in their own homes by type of service

Here you can see how many people are referred to home care in their own homes by type of service, such as, personal care or practical help.

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Source data

The actual published indicators are based on following sources: In general, information from the municipalities’ care systems (in Danish, EOJ) is used to calculate the indicators. Statistics Denmark receives the data on either monthly or yearly basis.

Acute readmissions are based on Register for Patients from the Agency of Health.

To calculate a total for the country regarding referral hours at nursing homes, rehabilitation and preventative home visits, the population register from Statistics Denmark is used. The register includes and describes people who live in Denmark, in detail, on the basis of the available information from the register of personal identity numbers.

To calculate the quality of service, a sample based on telephone interviews and personal interviews is used. The Ministry of Health has been responsible for the investigation which in the future will be performed by The Danish Health Data Authority.

The agreement of documentation at the elderly area includes a number of impact indicators and background indicators. The majority of the effect indicators will be collected every second year via a national sample-based user survey, while the majority of the background indicators will be based on individual-based data obtained directly from the municipalities' care systems rather than manually aggregated information. It is agreed that the documentation regarding the elderly area must be anchored and compiled in Statistics Denmark.

Share of the population aged 67+ that receives home care

Here you can see the share of citizens aged 67 and over that is referred to home care in the individual municipalities.
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Source data

The actual published indicators are based on following sources: In general, information from the municipalities’ care systems (in Danish, EOJ) is used to calculate the indicators. Statistics Denmark receives the data on either monthly or yearly basis.

Acute readmissions are based on Register for Patients from the Agency of Health.

To calculate a total for the country regarding referral hours at nursing homes, rehabilitation and preventative home visits, the population register from Statistics Denmark is used. The register includes and describes people who live in Denmark, in detail, on the basis of the available information from the register of personal identity numbers.

To calculate the quality of service, a sample based on telephone interviews and personal interviews is used. The Ministry of Health has been responsible for the investigation which in the future will be performed by The Danish Health Data Authority.

The agreement of documentation at the elderly area includes a number of impact indicators and background indicators. The majority of the effect indicators will be collected every second year via a national sample-based user survey, while the majority of the background indicators will be based on individual-based data obtained directly from the municipalities' care systems rather than manually aggregated information. It is agreed that the documentation regarding the elderly area must be anchored and compiled in Statistics Denmark.

Share of the population aged 67+ that receives home care

Here you can see the share of citizens aged 67 and over that is referred to home care in the individual municipalities.
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Source data

The actual published indicators are based on following sources: In general, information from the municipalities’ care systems (in Danish, EOJ) is used to calculate the indicators. Statistics Denmark receives the data on either monthly or yearly basis.

Acute readmissions are based on Register for Patients from the Agency of Health.

To calculate a total for the country regarding referral hours at nursing homes, rehabilitation and preventative home visits, the population register from Statistics Denmark is used. The register includes and describes people who live in Denmark, in detail, on the basis of the available information from the register of personal identity numbers.

To calculate the quality of service, a sample based on telephone interviews and personal interviews is used. The Ministry of Health has been responsible for the investigation which in the future will be performed by The Danish Health Data Authority.

The agreement of documentation at the elderly area includes a number of impact indicators and background indicators. The majority of the effect indicators will be collected every second year via a national sample-based user survey, while the majority of the background indicators will be based on individual-based data obtained directly from the municipalities' care systems rather than manually aggregated information. It is agreed that the documentation regarding the elderly area must be anchored and compiled in Statistics Denmark.

Hours assigned to home care recipients

The chart shows home care recipients in their own homes by the number of hours assigned to them per week.
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Source data

The actual published indicators are based on following sources: In general, information from the municipalities’ care systems (in Danish, EOJ) is used to calculate the indicators. Statistics Denmark receives the data on either monthly or yearly basis.

Acute readmissions are based on Register for Patients from the Agency of Health.

To calculate a total for the country regarding referral hours at nursing homes, rehabilitation and preventative home visits, the population register from Statistics Denmark is used. The register includes and describes people who live in Denmark, in detail, on the basis of the available information from the register of personal identity numbers.

To calculate the quality of service, a sample based on telephone interviews and personal interviews is used. The Ministry of Health has been responsible for the investigation which in the future will be performed by The Danish Health Data Authority.

The agreement of documentation at the elderly area includes a number of impact indicators and background indicators. The majority of the effect indicators will be collected every second year via a national sample-based user survey, while the majority of the background indicators will be based on individual-based data obtained directly from the municipalities' care systems rather than manually aggregated information. It is agreed that the documentation regarding the elderly area must be anchored and compiled in Statistics Denmark.

Waiting time for nursing homes and assisted living facilities

Here you can see the waiting time for assisted living facilities for citizens covered by the assisted living facility guarantee.
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Source data

The actual published indicators are based on following sources: In general, information from the municipalities’ care systems (in Danish, EOJ) is used to calculate the indicators. Statistics Denmark receives the data on either monthly or yearly basis.

Acute readmissions are based on Register for Patients from the Agency of Health.

To calculate a total for the country regarding referral hours at nursing homes, rehabilitation and preventative home visits, the population register from Statistics Denmark is used. The register includes and describes people who live in Denmark, in detail, on the basis of the available information from the register of personal identity numbers.

To calculate the quality of service, a sample based on telephone interviews and personal interviews is used. The Ministry of Health has been responsible for the investigation which in the future will be performed by The Danish Health Data Authority.

The agreement of documentation at the elderly area includes a number of impact indicators and background indicators. The majority of the effect indicators will be collected every second year via a national sample-based user survey, while the majority of the background indicators will be based on individual-based data obtained directly from the municipalities' care systems rather than manually aggregated information. It is agreed that the documentation regarding the elderly area must be anchored and compiled in Statistics Denmark.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Social benefits for senior citizens

The purpose of these statistics is to display the quality level of municipal services in the elderly care. The statistics are a part of a cross-public cooperation, intended to ensure coherent documentation of important areas of municipal service, as well as to increase the comparability of the services provided in the different municipalities. The statistics are used to determine impact targets, frameworks and results requirements for key management initiatives and are comparable from 2008 onwards. Statistics Denmark is responsible for the composition and publication of the statistics.

Social resources

The purpose of the survey is to establish the available social resources (capacity, number of users, and general organization, etc.) in Danish municipalities. Furthermore, the survey analyses the social- and health-care related services administered by municipalities. These services include care for the elderly, dental services for children and young people and special institutions for children and young people etc. The social resources survey includes public and privately owned institutions. The statistics are published for the first time in 1972 but have been changed over time due to changes in legislation an user needs.

Need more data on Social services for senior citizens?


Siri Dencker
Phone: +45 39 17 33 67