National accounts by region
The purpose of the national accounts is to provide a detailed overall picture of the economy in the context of a set of definitions and classifications in a coherent system of accounts.The statistics provide an overview of the economic development of the country's regions and provinces. The regional accounts are consistent with the national accounts and are comparable with the regional statements made in other EU countries.
The statistics provide an overview of the economic development of the country's regions and provinces. The regional accounts are consistent with the national accounts and are calculated according to the guidelines for the EU's national and regional accounts (ESA2010). The figures are comparable with the regional statistics compiled in other EU countries.
The regional accounts illustrate the geographical dimension of production and income conditions, as they are calculated in the national accounts from the production side. The main principle behind regionalization is the establishment, i.e. where the production activities take place. Information on gross domestic product, gross domestic product per capita output, intermediate consumption, gross value added and gross fixed capital formation at current and constant prices can be found here.
In addition, other taxes less subsidies on production, wages, gross operating surplus and mixed income and household sector gross disposable income in current prices can be found. Also, the number of employees and employment in total and hours worked are shown.
The principle behind the regionalization of the household sector income is the region of residence, i.e. the income is allocated to the region where it is received – not where it is earned.
Documentation of statistics
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