Digital behaviour
Here you will find statistics on our IT habits, e.g. online shopping, social media, media streaming, online news sources, participation in online democracy, use of public websites, IT security measures as well as various attitudes towards digitisation.
Selected statistics on Digital behaviour
How many are using social media in Denmark?
The survey is questionnaire-based. The EU part of the survey is based on the results of approximately 3,800 conducted interviews - collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 16-74 years.
The national part of the study is based on the results of approximately 4,000 completed interviews collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 15-89 years.
How many people shop online?
The survey is questionnaire-based. The EU part of the survey is based on the results of approximately 3,800 conducted interviews - collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 16-74 years.
The national part of the study is based on the results of approximately 4,000 completed interviews collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 15-89 years.
For what are we using the internet?
The survey is questionnaire-based. The EU part of the survey is based on the results of approximately 3,800 conducted interviews - collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 16-74 years.
The national part of the study is based on the results of approximately 4,000 completed interviews collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 15-89 years.
What are we buying online?
The survey is questionnaire-based. The EU part of the survey is based on the results of approximately 3,800 conducted interviews - collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 16-74 years.
The national part of the study is based on the results of approximately 4,000 completed interviews collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 15-89 years.
How many are gaming?
The survey is questionnaire-based. The EU part of the survey is based on the results of approximately 3,800 conducted interviews - collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 16-74 years.
The national part of the study is based on the results of approximately 4,000 completed interviews collected in May-August 2024, among a representative sample of the Danish population aged 15-89 years.
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The purpose of the Cultural Habits Survey is to document the cultural habits of the residents of Denmark. Culture is broadly defined, as the survey covers habits within the topics of culture, media and recreational activities, e.g. concerts, performing arts, cinema, literature, exercise, digital games and hobbies. The survey has been carried out regularly since 1964. Statistics Denmark has carried out the survey from 2018-2023 and in 2024, while previous surveys have been carried out by the Ministry of Culture. The survey has been carried out with a new questionnaire since the first quarter of 2024, and is therefore not directly comparable with previous versions.
The purpose of the statistics ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals is to analyse the access to and use of the Internet, and to follow the development. Survey questions have been deleted and added from time to time, in order to reflect new aspects and developments. The survey is based on international cooperation, a common Eurostat questionnaire and methodological guidelines. The statistics have been compiled since 2001 and in the present form it is comparable from 2008 onwards.
The purpose of the statistics is to shed light on the population's connection to and advertising revenue on the Internet. You can, for example, see how many active internet subscriptions there are in Denmark or follow the turnover on the internet by type of advertisement. The statistics are based on information from the Danish Energy Agency and The Danish Media Association and can be used to gain an overall insight into the distribution and turnover on the Internet.