Personal assets and Liabilities
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Labour and Income, Social StatisticsJarl Quitzau
+45 3917 3594
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Personal assets and Liabilities 2023
Personal assets and Liabilities 2022
Personal assets and Liabilities 2021
Personal assets and Liabilities 2020
Personal assets and Liabilities 2019
Personal assets and Liabilities 2018
Personal assets and Liabilities 2017
Assets and Liabilities 2016
Assets and Liabilities 2015
Assets and Liabilities 2014
The purpose of these statistics is to provide register based information on the distribution of assets and liabilities in different strata in the population. In addition to this, it is also used in analyses of the pension system and to measure economic inequality. The statistics has been produced since 2014.
Statistical presentation
The statistics produces annual data on the value of value of real estate, cars, financial assets, pension wealth and debts. There are also separate and more detailed publications on pension wealth. The statistics are register based and are based on data at the individual level. It is linked to other registers in order to do subdivisions on age, gender, municipality etc.
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Statistical processing
Various sources are used for the register. Some components are delivered directly from the Tax administration. Regarding pension wealth assumptions are made to distribute bonuses. Finally the valuations of real estate, cars and unquoted shares have been imputed. All the data are compiled using anonymised personal-identifiers.
The first version of the 2023 release of pension assets is partially based on a projection. For approximately 6 percent of the assets, it has been necessary to project 2022 data.
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These statistics are relevant for researchers, ministries, Economic think tanks, pension funds and the media. It is used for forecasts on the pension system and, analyses on the level of wealth in different strata, the level of prosperity and the level of economic inequality. The statistical data and results are also used in other statistical areas within Statistics Denmark, e.g. in national accounting and as a supplement to the income statistics. Data on pension wealth are also used for the macro economic Model ADAM.
Accuracy and reliability
The quality of the financial data is high since most of the data is validated by the tax authorities. There is much larger uncertainty on the imputed market value of owned property, cars, unquoted stocks and the value of lifetime pensions. Data on assets that can not be linked to persons is not included. Data Wealth held abroad by Danes is likely lacking as well.
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Timeliness and punctuality
These statistics are published approximately 12 months after the end of the reference year. Publications are released on time without delays, as stated in the release calendar.
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These statistics have been compiled since 2014. Albeit unlisted stocks and defaulted public debt is only available from 2020. These statistics are compiled according to common European guidelines, but are unique as the only complete register based statistics with almost full coverage on wealth and liabilities. Use caution if doing international comparisons.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published yearly in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under Family distributed assets and liabilities. For further information, go to the subject page.