Shipping and ports
Port traffic shows the number of calls at the ports — in terms of ships, goods and passengers. The statistics are updated annually, and monthly in an experimental version. In addition, a calculation is made annually of the investments in the ports.
Traffic in terms of port calls is compiled on the basis of ports by e.g. type of ship, size and flag state. The statistics also include investments in the ports and maintenance costs.
With the exception of the monthly experimental statistics for ship calls at ports, the statistics are updated on an annual basis.
Information on the ports comes directly from the ports, while information on investments are from the National accounts.
The experimental port call statistics are based on vessel position data (AIS), which is collected by the Danish Maritime Authority.
Documentation of statistics
Get an overview of the purpose, content and quality of the statistics. Here you can find information on the sources that the statistics are derived from, what the statistics contains and how often it is published.
These statistics are categorized as 'experimental statistics'. In the documentation, it appears more precisely what lies in the experimental status of the statistics. For example, the methods may not be fully tested or new data sources may be used. Read about Statistics Denmark's work with experimental statistics.

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