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Maritime Transport over Danish Ports

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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Heidi Sørensen
+45 3917 3562

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Maritime Transport over Danish Ports 2024 Quarter 1

The purpose of statistics on maritime transport over Danish ports is to describe the volume of and the development in ship traffic to and from Danish ports as well as data on port infrastructure. Also data on accidents on sea on board Danish vessels and in Danish sea territory are published.

The statistics have been compiled in the present form since 1997. Maritime statistics have been produced since 1834 and published annually from about 1900. In the period from 1991 to 1996, Statistics Denmark compiled only summary statistics on the throughput of ports.

Statistical presentation

The main variables in the statistics are: Calls at port, type of ship, size of ship, flag state, port of loading/unloading, weight of goods and type of goods and passengers.

The statistics are based on two separate data collections: Maritime traffic on larger Danish ports (quarterly) and Maritime traffic on minor Danish ports (annually). It is supplemented with data from Ferries and Passenger ships (quarterly).

Annual data on accidents at sea are collected from the Danish Maritime Authority.

Data on investments in ports are received from the National Accounts in Statistics Denmark.

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Statistical processing

Annual statistics cover all Danish ports handling goods or passengers. Quarterly statistics cover only major ports.

The statistics are collected through a spreadsheet solution via the data collection portal, Response rate is 100 percent.

Data are validated for the correct use of codes and classifications and for internal consistency within each report. Furthermore the development over time is validated at both micro and macro level.

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The statistics are used by the ports themselves, Eurostat and other parts of the EU-commission, ministries, organisations, researchers and in general to monitor the goods transport activity in Danish ports and to develop transport statistics.

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Accuracy and reliability

Maritime statistics are based on censuses among all goods handling ports. The majority of data stems from the quarterly reports from all major ports. The data from the remaining minor ports are summarised annual data. On the main variables there is full coverage and accurate within 3 percent. Minor revision occur without systematic bias.

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Timeliness and punctuality

Statistics are usually published around 70 days after the end of a quarter. Annual statistics are published around 130 days after the end of reference year. It is always published at the preannounced time.

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The statistics are consistent from 2000 and onwards and directly comparable to similar statistics from other EU and EFTA member states.

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Accessibility and clarity

Maritime statistics are published annually in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (Statistical News).

Quarterly and annually data can be found in

Annual tables are published in Statistical Yearbook until 2017 and Statistical 10-year Review.

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