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Names 2021

Statistics on names covers first names and surnames in the Danish population and was established in 1995, initially as a project for the Department of Name Research at Copenhagen University.

Statistical presentation

The statistics on names are split up into two different statistics. One concerns the whole population in Denmark at 1st January by first name and surname. The other concerns names given to newborn children during a given year.

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Statistical processing

Statistics on names is based on the Central Person Register (CPR) based on the total population and newborns as in the population statistics. The number of people with different first names and surnames using only the first and the last name for a person.

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The Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS) at Copenhagen University, the media, private people and private businesses are using the statistics for public and private purposes.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics are based on the population registered in the Central Person Register (CPR) as calculated in the population statistics, where the main source of uncertainty in the population figure is delayed registration of emigrants.

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Timeliness and punctuality

Names of newborn children are published in the middle of July, in the year after end of the reference year. Names of the total population are calculated per 1st January and are published in the middle of January. The statistics are usually published without delay in relation to the scheduled date.

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Statistics on names of the total population is comparable since 2002 and statistics on names of newborn children can be compared since 1985. From 1996 the statistics concerning names includes all people living in Denmark. Before 1996 the statistics concerning names only included Danish citizens living in Denmark. The statistics concerning names are internationally comparable.

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Accessibility and clarity

Statistics on names are published in two separate Danish press releases. Lists of names are available on the subject pages concerning Names of the total population and Names of newborn children.

In the name database How many Danes have the name... it is possible to enter a first name and/or surname and find out how many have a given name.

In Statistics Denmark's Barometer of names it is possible to enter a first name and see the development in how many newborns have been given a given first name over the years.

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