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Population and Education, Social statistics
Dorthe Larsen
+45 3917 3307

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Statistics on names of the total population is comparable since 2002 and statistics on names of newborn children can be compared since 1985. From 1996 the statistics concerning names includes all people living in Denmark. Before 1996 the statistics concerning names only included Danish citizens living in Denmark. The statistics concerning names are internationally comparable.

Comparability - geographical

There are statistics on names in many other countries. In particular, the Swedish and the Norwegian statistics on names are very similar to the statistics on names from Statistics Denmark.

The preparation of the name statistics, as well as how they are disseminated, is not subject to international guidelines or legislation. There are therefore differences in the data base and the methods used in the various countries.

Comparability over time

The statistics on names were established in 1995, in continuation of a task done for the Institute for name research at the University of Copenhagen and were published for the first time in 1995, based on the year of birth from 1993.

Names for newborns cover the time period from 1985 onwards.

Names in the total population cover the time period from 2002 onwards.

From 1996 the statistics concerning names includes all people living in Denmark. Before 1996 the statistics concerning names only included Danish citizens living in Denmark.

Coherence - cross domain

Statistics on names are related to other statistics covering the Danish population, but are not used directly in other statistics from Statistics Denmark.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.