Milk and Dairy Products
Contact info
Food Industry, Business StatisticsMona Larsen
+45 39 17 33 99
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The purpose of the statistics Milk and dairy products is to highlight the size and value of Danish milk production, as well as the use of milk for dairy products. The statistics have a long history and it is possible to compare time series for the main figures since the 1900s. The statistics in their present form are comparable from 1990 onwards.
Statistical presentation
The statistics on milk and milk products are a monthly and annual estimate of the total milk production of farmers, the delivered amount of milk at the dairies and the dairies' primary use of the milk and the production of a variety of fresh and processed dairy products. drinking milk and cheese. The statistics contain data for organic milk production and the dairies' production of organic drinking milk, butter and cheese. Every month data are transfer to Euro stat.
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Statistical processing
Data is collected monthly on milk and dairy products. Data comes primary from administrative records. The data received is checked for completeness and consistency, as well as consistency with previous periods.
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The statistics is of great interest to agricultural organizations, the Ministry of Environment and Food and the EU. The figures is used intern in Statistics Denmark to estimate quantity and price index, and the Account for Agriculture, which is included in the National Accounts. Data on milk and dairy product are delivered every month to Euro stat.
Accuracy and reliability
It is compulsory for dairies to register and report the milk weighed on the dairies and the dairy production to the Central Milk Register. This is the basis for settlement to farmers, which is therefore expected to be measured accurately. The calculation of prices and values is based both on actual a conto prices and partly on estimates of the anticipated after payment, which is only realized after the end of the dairy year and can thus cause uncertainty about the accrual. The estimate of the consumption of milk by producers and consumption for feed is estimated after consultation with the Dairy Association.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published every month. For a specific month it will be published 1½ month after the end of the month concerned. A more detail year statistics will be publish ½ year after the end of the year concerned. The statistics are usually published without delay in relation to the scheduled date.
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Long time series data can be compiled. Every month and year are delivered data to Euro stat. Similar data for some of the variables are available for the EU member states at Euro stats homepage.
Accessibility and clarity
New month figures are published in Statbank ANI71: Milk production and use of milk by unit (month) and yearly figures ANI7: Milk production and use of milk by unit. Annual figures are included in Statistical Yearbook and Statistical Ten-Year review.