Car Register and Publications
Contact info
Short term statistics, Department of business statistics.Søren Dalbro & Karina Moric
+45 3917 3416
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The purpose of The Car Register and Publications is to provide a basis for statistics concerning vehicles in Denmark, their owners and users. The statistics have been compiled since 1992, and is in its current state comparable from 1992 and onward. The register forms the foundation for statistic calculation, concerning the population of car availability and purchase of cars, where the vehicles owners and users is visualized using data from the population statistics area. The car register and other registers are also used for statistics and data extracts to internal and external users.
Statistical presentation
The Statistics includes monthly and yearly calculations of current and historical information’s about vehicles and their owners. The most significant calculations of the newly registered vehicles, is their use for assessment of households and businesses use and investments. Important information’s about the vehicles is type, use, model and variant, weight and fuel type, owner/user relationship, geographic location as well as purchase price. Stock figures, new registrations and used car trade are calculated, as well as energy efficiency, families' availability of cars and car purchases.
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Statistical processing
Data for the Vehicle Register is collected monthly from the Digital Motor Register (DMR). In addition, data from various registers in Statistics Denmark are collected. The central database tables from DMR are transformed for statistical use. Depending on the purpose, data from the other registers is connected using the owner or user IDs. The series with new registrations, accession of and leasing as well as used car sales of passenger cars are seasonally adjusted. The quality measures for the seasonally adjusted series indicate that there are clear seasonal patterns.
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The statistics is relevant for short-term assessments (new registers etc.), in the road transport statistics (random sample basis) and to illustrate the populations purchase of and access to vehicles.
The basic data of the statistics is included in the government's legal model, in the national accounts and in calculations of the value of the cars of households and businesses, as well as family assets. Data from the register are used to prepare statistics on paid services.
The register's vehicle and personal data are also used for other social statistics, including service tasks for a fee.
Accuracy and reliability
The register and the publications are generally highly precise and reliable with only very limited changes to former published data. These corrections does by experience only result in very limited corrections in the main figures formerly published, i.e. less than 0.5 per mille.
The seasonal adjusted series are of good quality with well-defined seasonal patterns.
The number of families in the publications of the families' purchase of or access to private cars are fully compatible with the numbers in the area of population statistics.
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Timeliness and punctuality
- Newly registered vehicles, monthly: Publishing time 2023 9,75 days.
- Energy efficiency for newly registered private cars, yearly: Publishing time 2024 88 days
- “Motorparken” yearly: expected publication time 2024 88 days.
- Families' car purchases, annual: Publication time 2023 183 days.
- Families car availability, yearly: Publication time 2022 177 days.
- The value of newly registered private cars, yearly: publication time 2023 64 days.
- The register is updated 3 days after the end of the preceding month's calculations.
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The statistics are compiled since 1992, and are comparable from 1992 and onwards.
There are only limited differences between the statistical concepts in Denmark and other countries and they have no influence on the main figures.
There have since 1994 been a few alterations with respect to employment status/job groups, definition of families, municipalities and weight limits. There is therefore no full comparability over time at a detailed level within these.
The transition from CRM to the Digital Motor Register, DMR has caused no breaks in data.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in News from Statistical Denmark:
- Latest article with new registrations in News from Statistics Denmark
- Latest article with stock figures in News from Statistics Denmark
Paid services with individual and tailor-made tables as well as research access are obtainable. See: