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Business Accounts Statistics

You can report your data here


Report via

Start reporting

Companies typically spend approx.
1 hour on this survey.

Upload an XBRL file (DST's taxonomy)


Read more here:
How to complete the survey

Select a reporting method above:

  • Blue button: online form or, if necessary, an upload of supporting documents (only for companies with fewer than 50 full-time equivalents).
  • Green button: upload of an XBRL file (DST's taxonomy).

Companies with a staggered financial year need to report for the financial year that has ended between 1st of May 2023 and 30th of April 2024. Read more here: Survey deadlines.

What is your data used for?

Companies report detailed accounting data from the income statement, balance and this year’s investments. Your report is necessary to illustrate the development of the business sector, and is used for statistical purposes only. Public authorities, Eurostat, business organisations, journalists, students, policy makers and economists use these statistics for business analysis, policy decisions and policy evaluation. Business Accounts Statistics is a very important source for the Danish National Accounts.

More about the survey:

Survey deadlines
Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 5
End of financial year: May 1 to
Sept. 30, 2023
Oct. 1 to
Dec. 31, 2023
Dec. 31, 2023 Jan. 1 to
April 30, 2024
Dec. 31, 2023
Reporting deadline: April 2, 2024 July 1, 2024 July 1, 2024 Oct. 11, 2024 July 1, 2024

Request an extension of the deadline for: Group 0, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 5.

The data you must report

It is important that your report contains:

  • Items 1 to 19 from the income statement, such as revenue, cost of sales, rent, cost for subcontracting and operational leasing. You can find these data in the specifications to either the internal annual financial report or your annual tax report.
  • Balance data, which can be found in your annual financial report.
  • This year’s investments, which can be found in either your annual financial report, the internal annual financial report or the annual tax report. You can find instructions on where to find and how to calculate your investment disposals, in the reporting form on (in Danish).
  • If your company is a parent company, you should only report data for the parent company - not consolidated financial data and not for the whole group.
  • Companies with a staggered financial year need to report for the financial year that has ended between 1st of May 2022 and 30th of April 2023. Read more here: Survey deadlines.

Overview of the questions in the survey

You can download an overview of all the questions in the survey - as a draft or as a preparation of your report.

See all of the questions: Business Accounts Statistics 2022 - (PDF - in Danish).

Typical time spent per report is approximately 1 hour

Companies can voluntarily state the time spent in the reporting solution. Companies typically spend approximately 1 hour on this report – including access, provision of information, data entry and possible support.

How to complete the survey
On, you can choose between the following reporting methods:
  • Online form or, if necessary, an upload of supporting documents.
  • Upload of an XBRL file (DST's taxonomy).

See all of the questions: Business Accounts Statistics 2022 - (PDF - in Danish).

Reporting via an online form or an upload of supporting documents

You can report by manually entering the data into the online form or by uploading supporting documents (the internal annual financial report or the annual tax report):  Quick guide: Upload of the internal annual financial report - (PDF - in Danish).

Some items in the online form might be pre-filled with data from your annual financial report that is submitted to the Danish Business Authority:  Information on pre-filled items - (PDF - in Danish).

Start reporting

Companies with fewer than 50 full-time equivalents can, as an exception, report by uploading the internal annual financial report or the annual tax report. Please refer to the file upload instructions - in Danish.

NOTE: Companies with more than 50 full-time equivalents CANNOT make a valid report via upload. Companies must use the online form.

Reporting via upload of an XBRL file (DST's taxonomy)

Report to the Business Accounts Statistics using an XBRL format. It is important that you use DST's taxonomy. The annual financial report, that is submitted to the Danish Business Authority, cannot be used. For more information, contact your accountant or your software provider.

Upload an XBRL file

XBRL template and guide - English/Danish - (Excel).

Proxy agreement

A proxy agreement must be established, if your accountant reports on your behalf. You can read about the agreement here:

Establish a proxy agreement, if your accountant reports on your behalf (in Danish).

Information security and data confidentiality

Read about information security and data confidentiality.

Why you must complete the survey

Reporting is mandatory by law.

EU legislation obliges Denmark to produce a range of business statistics.

Act on Statistics Denmark, Section 8-12a obliges companies to report data for statistical use.

The number of companies required to report

Approximately 9.000 companies are required to report every year.

How are the companies selected?

Any company that has 0-49 full time employees may be included in the sample. Companies have to report for a minimum of 2 years, after which there may be a break from reporting based on the company’s industry and the company’s size.

Larger companies must participate every year. Larger companies are distinguished by either having 50+ full time employees or a yearly revenue (incl. VAT) of at least 200M DKK or higher.

Agriculture, fishing, financial institutions, insurance, social housing, public administration etc. are not included in these statistics.

Support for the survey
Do you need help?

Our support team can respond to you via email or give you a call.

Support request form.

Extension of the deadline?

You can request an extension of the deadline via our support request form for:

Group 0, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 5.

Latest news from the statistics (in Danish)

Markant stigning i erhvervslivets overskud i 2022

14. juni 2024

Markant stigning i erhvervslivets overskud i 2022

Erhvervslivets resultat før selskabsskat steg med 103 mia. kr. i 2022 i forhold til året før, hvilket svarer til en stigning på 14 pct.

Tabeller i Statistikbanken om 'Virksomheders økonomi og regnskaber'

Subject page: Enterprise finance and accounts.

Documentation of statistics: Business Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector.
Documentation of statistics: Business Accounts Statistics by Industry.
Documentation of statistics: SME Access to Finance.