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Contact the press team

If as a journalist you cannot find the information you are looking for on our website or in Statbank Denmark, you are welcome to contact the statistical experts or the heads of the respective statistical areas directly - see our organisation chart.

You can also subscribe to press releases from Statistics Denmark by registering here (in Danish only).

If you need interviews within our areas of expertise or general, fundamental information, please feel free to contact the press officers below.
If you need to contact us on weekends or weekdays after 4 p.m., please contact our head of communication.

Steen Dahl Pedersen 

Head of Communications
Steen Dahl Pedersen

Phone: +45 39 17 31 61
Mobile: + 45 24 27 47 25


Majken Lenskjold 

Head of Press
Majken Lenskjold

Phone: +45 39 17 37 09

Karina Schultz 

Karina Schultz

Phone: + 45 39 17 36 97

Sigrid Friis Neergaard 

Sigrid Friis Neergaard

Phone: +45 39 17 32 07

Mette Løvgren 

Mette Løvgren

Phone: +45 39 17 37 01