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Historical projects

Statistics Denmark has been involved in international cooperation projects since the beginning of the millennium.

Additional information and reports from the projects are available on request. If you are interested in information about a specific historical project please write an email to and we will get back you.

Below there is a short description of some of the historical projects. In addition to these, we have been involved in many other projects on a smaller scale.


Statistics Denmark implemented an EU-financed Twinning project in Armenia in cooperation with the national statistics institutions of Finland, Italy and Lithuania from August 2015 to August 2017. The beneficiary institution was the National Statistics Service of the Republic of Armenia, Armstat. The aim of the project was to support the upgrade of official statistics of Armenia by introducing new methodologies on statistics closely aligned to European standards and enhancing dissemination of official statistics to the society.

The project focused on six major components:

  1. Dissemination and Quality of Statistics
  2. Demographic Statistics and IT
  3. Labour Market Statistics
  4. Poverty Statistics
  5. Innovation Statistics
  6. Water Accounts 

The project was the second EU Twinning project between Armstat and Statistics Denmark. The first project ran from 2011 to 2013.


Bosnia-Herzegovina 2021-2023

Statistics Denmark was implementing an EU-financed Twinning project in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the national statistical institutions of Finland, Sweden and Italy. The project ran from March 2021 to March 2023.

The beneficiary institutions were:

  1. Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Institute for Statistics of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Institute for Statistics of Republika Srpska
  4. Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  5. Indirect Taxation Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The overall objective of the project is to increase the volume of statistical data in/for BiH and further increase the compliance with EU Acquis, with the specific objective to strengthen the statistical system institutional capacities and to further harmonise statistics in BiH with EU standards by improving business statistics, balance of payments, agriculture and labour market statistics and to improve reporting/statistics on collected indirect taxes.

In general, the project addressed six independent components:

  1. Component 1 - Business Statistics, with four subcomponents
  2. C 1.1 - Statistical Business Register
  3. C 1.2 - Structural Business Statistics
  4. C 1.3.1 - Index of Production in Construction
  5. C 1.3.2 - Index of Services Production
  6. Component 2 - Agricultural Statistics
  7. Component 3 - Administrative Data Sources
  8. Component 4 - Labour Market Statistics
  9. Component 5 - Balance of Payment Statistics – Central Bank
  10. Component 6 - Macroeconomic Analysis Unit of the Governing Board of the Indirect Taxation Authority

You can read more about the project on Facebook: EU Twinning - Further Support to the Reform of Statistics System in BiH

Bosnia-Herzegovina 2018-2020

Statistics Denmark has implemented an EU-financed Twinning project in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the national statistical institutions of Croatia, Finland and France. The project ran from January 2018 to April 2020.

The beneficiary institutions were:

  1. Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  2. Institute for Statistics of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Institute for Statistics of Republika Srpska
  4. Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The aim of the project was to strengthen the statistical system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to increase the number of statistics, which is harmonised with EU standards.

The project focused on the following topics:

  1. Component 1: National Accounts
  2. Component 2.1: Statistical Business Register
  3. Component 2.2: Structural Business Statistics
  4. Component 2.3: Service Producer Price Index
  5. Component 2.4: Construction Producer Price Index
  6. Component 2.5: Tourism Statistics
  7. Component 3: Balance of Payment and International Investment Position Statistics

You can read more about the project on Facebook: EUtwinningStatisticsBiH


Statistics Denmark implemented an EU-financed Twinning project in Georgia. Our partner was the National Statistics Office of Georgia, Geostat. The implementation happened in cooperation with the national statistical institutes of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Finland and Lithuania. The project ran from April 2019 to July 2021.

The project has four main topics:

  1. External Sector Statistics
  2. National Accounts
  3. Business Statistics
  4. Social Statistics

The aim of the project is to assist Geostat in further improving statistical capacity and contributing to providing timely, internationally comparable and reliable statistical data.

You can also follow the project on Facebook: EUtwinningGeostat.


From September 2008 to November 2010 Statistics Denmark and the Central Agency of Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) of Egypt implemented an EU Twinning project. The project was called "Institutional Capacity Building for the Central Agency of Public Mobilization and Statistics; and Developing the Legal Framework for Statistics in Egypt".

We implemented the project in partnership with Statistics Sweden, Statistics Finland, Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia and the Czech Statistical Office. The objective was to support the preparation of statistical policy and legislation and to build up the organizational capacity of CAPMAS to produce, publish and disseminate high quality statistics.

The project focused on six major components:

  1. Improvement of statistical legislation
  2. Organisational reform
  3. Increasing statistical awareness
  4. Improved IT-function
  5. Development of certain statistics such as national accounts, external sector statistics and price statistics

Statistics Denmark and the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS) implemented a two-year EUTwinning project from March 2016 to August 2018. Besides experts from Statistics Denmark, the project was implemented in cooperation with the national statistics institutions in the Netherlands, Poland and the UK.

The project is a result of the bilateral ENP Action Plan between the EU and Israel.

See the EEAS website for further details on the EU/Israel Action Plan

The project had four major components:

  1. Quality management of official statistics
  2. Micro-data services to researchers
  3. Infrastructures for agricultural statistics
  4. Methodological and geo-spatial tools for improving the quality and efficiency of field surveys

The purpose of the project was for the ICBS to align official statistics with standards, guidelines and best practices from the European Union and from international organizations like the IMF and the OECD.

The project was a logical continuation of a previous EU Twinning project between Statistics Denmark and ICBS that ran from May 2013 to December 2014.


Between November 2013 and April 2015, Statistics Denmark implemented an EU Twinning project with the Department of Statistics of Jordan. We worked on the implementation together with Istat of Italy, the Central Statistics Bureau of Latvia and Northern Ireland Cooperation Overseas.

The topics were:

  1. Ensuring quality control of statistical data through upgrading sampling methodologies
  2. Implementing international and European methods in National Accounts
  3. Quality of statistics
  4. Developing IT systems for online dissemination of statistics

From December 2013 to March 2016, Statistics Denmark implemented an EU Twinning Project with the Kosovo Agency of Statistics. We worked with partners from Statistics Lithuania, Statistics Finland and Ni-Co Northern Ireland.

The project had four components:

  1. Quality Systems for Statistics
  2. National Accounts
  3. Business Statistics
  4. Information Technology System

The project between Statistics Denmark, Statistics Norway and Statistics Sweden on one side and Instituto Nacional de Estatística of Mozambique (INE) ran from 2002 to the end of 2017.

Originally, the project was funded by the World Bank to support the newly formed national statistical institute (INE) with its first 5-year master plan, 1998-2002.

Long and short term advisors started helping INE to strengthen already existing systems and support the creation of new ones to build up an efficient system for the production of the statistical information required for planning, monitoring and evaluation of the country's development program.

During the period 2003-2007 an even more extensive project was created where Denmark, Norway and Sweden joined to directly finance both technical assistance and statistical activities. A consortium, Scanstat, was formed by Statistics Denmark (lead), Statistics Norway and Statistics Sweden provided technical assistance.

Since 2008, the financing of the project was made through the state budget by the government of Mozambique and a common fund, where UNFPA (lead), Norway and Sweden were signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding and contributing financially to the fund. Also Denmark, Canada, Italy, the World Bank, FAO and UNICEF were often participating as interested stakeholders in common meetings.

For the period 2013-2017, the contract between Scanstat and INE contained 111 months of long-term technical assistance, one in Institutional Development and one in Economic Statistics. There was also up to 207 weeks of short-term technical assistance covering all aspects of a modern staistical office in a developing country. Some of the activities were executed at other producers of official statistics in Mozambique such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

INE has been supported by the Scandinavian countries for a long time and we have been in a prolonged phasing-out phase focusing on sustainability and empowerment of the national Mozambican staff. It is encouraging to see how INE is taking up its role within the African statistical society and now often act as promoter and a good example.


Statistics Denmark implemented an EU-financed Twinning project with the State Statistics Service of Ukraine from December 2013 to December 2015. INSEE France, Statistics Lithuania, Central Statistical Office of Latvia, Central Statistical Office of Poland, Statistics Finland, Statistics Sweden, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, INE of Spain and ISTAT Italy were also providing expertise to the project.

The objective of the project was to develop Ukraine’s national system of official statistics in order to apply European standards in the area of statistics.

The project had 13 components:

  1. National Accounts
  2. Consumer Price Index (CPI) Sample
  3. Quality reports
  4. Producer Price Index (PPI)
  5. Structural Business Statistics (SBS)
  6. Business Trends Survey
  7. Agriculture Statistics
  8. Foreign Trade Statistics
  9. Statistical Business Register
  10. Sample Surveys Methodology
  11. Capital and Foreign Direct Investment
  12. Household Living Conditions Survey
  13. Effective Communi­cation with Media and Public
  14. Promoting the Activity of the Statistical Office
  15. Web Portal Solutions
  16. Data Collection Process

The project was a follow-up to a previous EU Twinning project running from 2011 to 2013.


Klaus Munch Haagensen
Phone: +45 39 17 31 27