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Labour market accounts

The purpose of the labour market accounts is to compile an annual statement of the population’s attachment to the labour market calculated in full-time persons.


The labour market accounts consist of two longitudinal registers.

The first one is not time-standardized. This means that a person can have activities (eg. two jobs) which together make up more than 37 hours per week. This register is the data base for the register-based labour force statistics (RAS), the quarterly labour force statistics (KAS), establishment-related employment statistics and the NEET-indicator (young people without employment and education). This register enables, for example, that the population’s attachment to the labour market to be calculated at any time during the year.

The second register is hourly standardized in relation to a standard working week of 37 hours. The second longitudinal register is the data source for the two tables AMR1 and AMR2 in the statbank. When the annual attachment to the labour market for the entire population is calculated on this register, it is equal to the average population in the year.


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Key figures

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Pernille Stender
Phone: +45 39 17 34 04

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