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Dansk Branchekode DB07, v3:2014-




Dansk Branchekode DB07 is the National version of EU's nomenklatur (NACE). The first four digits refer to NACE rev. 2, while the last two represent the Danish subdivision. Dansk Branchekode DB07 is a statistical classification of economic activities.

Dansk Branchekode DB07 is very similar to NACE rev. 2. The only difference is the subdivision of some classes, e.g. 64.20.10 indicates that NACE Rev. 2 class 64.20 has been subdivided whereas 38.31.00 indicates that class 38.31 has not been subdivided.

Valid from:

January 1, 2014


Business Data Collection and Registers


Birgit Nielsen,, ph. +45 39 17 38 69
All versions
Name Valid from Valid to
Dansk Branchekode DB07, v3:2014- January 1, 2014 Still valid
Dansk Branchekode DB07, v2:2013 January 1, 2013 December 31, 2013
Dansk Branchekode DB07, v1:2008 January 1, 2008 December 31, 2012
Dansk Branchekode DB03, v1:2003 January 1, 2003 December 31, 2007
Dansk Branchekode DB93, v2:1996 January 1, 1996 December 31, 2002
Dansk Branchekode DB93, v1:1993 January 1, 1993 December 31, 1995
Danmarks Statistiks Erhvervsgrupperingskode 1977 (DSE77), v5:1989 January 1, 1989 December 31, 1992