Contact info
Government Finances, Economic statisticsUlla Ryder Jørgensen
+45 39 17 36 73
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National and regional accounts are relevant for all, who deal with economic and regional matters.
User Needs
The regional accounts are mainly used by the EU and national research institutes. In the EU, the regional accounts form the basis of the distribution of means from the structural fund. A central national research institute using regional accounts is CRT (Center for Regional and Tourism Research - Denmark) that uses the regional accounts for local economic models and analyses. Furthermore, figures are supplied to researchers, organisations, regions, municipalities, the media and other bodies interested in the regional economy.
User Satisfaction
There are no actual user satisfaction surveys for the national accounts, but Statistics Denmark has several forums where central users of the national accounts and adjacent statistics have the opportunity to participate, for example:
Economic Statistics User Committee
The Economic Statistics User Committee has the following general tasks:
- discuss and evaluate the results achieved and the planned development of economic statistics
- discuss users' use of economic statistics and their need for new statistics
- discuss the quality, documentation, and dissemination of economic statistics
Read more about the Economic Statistics User Committee, where the commissariat as well as minutes and appendices from previous meetings are available in Danish.
Data completeness rate
Council Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of May 21 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (ESA2010) (OJ L 174 26.06.2013, p. 1).