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Quality of Life Indicators

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Private Economy and Welfare, Individual Statistics
Jarl Christian Quitzau
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Quality of Life Indicators 2015

The purpose of the statistics is to show different aspects of the Danish population's quality of life. A distinction between subjective and objective quality of life indicators is made. The data basis for the subjective indicators is collected from a questionnaire survey, which asked about people's satisfaction with life, their economic situation, social relationships, work, health, sense of security, confidence in politicians etc. The objective indicators are based on registry data about income, employment, education, medical contact, reported crimes and voter turnout. These statistics are published for 2015 only.

Statistical presentation

The statistics contain information about Danish objective and subjective quality of life at the individual level. The objective indicators covering the whole country, while subjective indicators collected for 38 of the 98 municipalities and has a total land. It is the first time that the investigation is carried out and it is not known whether it will continue in the future.

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Statistical processing

There is a schema collection of 38 questions on the quality of life collected from 42,500 adult people. These data (questions) listed and classified by age, sex, income, education and socioeconomic status.

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This statistic is primarily relevant for the general public and politicians.

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Accuracy and reliability

It is assessed that precision and reliability are big enough to be able to represent the total Danish adult population.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The survey is published in September 2016 and the latest data collected comes from February 2016

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There is made similar studies in the EU and OECD, but the studies are not directly comparable

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are available on the website of Statistics Denmark - including an interactive Web site and Statbank

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