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Prices and Consumption, Economic statistics
Nicklas Elversøe
+45 39 17 31 42

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Producer Price Index for Services

The Producer Price Index for Services can be found as a time series from 2006 to present. The statistic follows international standards and is therefore comparable with similar statistics from other European countries.

Comparability - geographical

All EU member states are required to produce Producer Price Indices for Services under the guidelines of Council Regulation (EC) no. 1158/2005 of 6 July 2005 amending Council Regulation (EC) no. 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1893/2006 of 20 December 2006. The statistics can be compared internationally on the website of Eurostat.

Also, outside the European community, Producer Price Indices for Services are produced for selected industries. In addition, there is an international forum called Voorburg Group on Service Statistics.

Comparability over time

The statistic has been produced in its current form since 2006 and the industry indices are comparable across the period, but the index has change base and weight year through its history.

  • Before 2014 the base and weight year was 2006=100.
  • From 2014 the base and weight year was 2010=100.
  • From 2019 the base and weight year was 2015=100.
  • From 2020 the weight year was 2016.
  • From 2021 the weight year was 2017.
  • From 2022 the weight year was 2018.
  • From 2023 the weight year was 2019.

This applies to all historic and future figures which means all historic indices have been changed to the newest base year. But the changes from quarter to quarter remain the same, as before the rebasing. If you ignore slight differences due to rounding of the disclosed indices.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics are related to Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities which, like Producer Price Index for Services, is used for constant price calculations in the calculation of Denmark's National Accounts.

Producer price indices for goods and services both represent producer side price development according to the first stage of commercial transaction in comparison to Consumer Price Indexes which measure the development of the prices charged to consumers for goods and services bought by private households.

Statistics are harmonized with the National Accounts by virtue of the weights used based on their product balances. The Producer Price Indices for goods and services are an integral part of the constant price calculations in the National Accounts that enable the analysis of the volume changes in the Danish economy.

Coherence - internal

The total for Producer price index for services is not calculated. The statistic is composed by selected industries, due to demand from Eurostat, for which there is gathered prices and calculated indices. Therefore, the calculation of a total price index for services would not reflect the total price development of services in the Danish economy on this basis.

The statistic is utilized by the Danish National Accounts for the calculation of real prices. The National Accounts use a variation of the published industry code (DB07) and matches the price indices to their variation of the industry code. The published price indices utilizes the industry grouping in the current legislation from the EU.