Statistical processing
Contact info
Food Industries, Business StatisticsMartin Lundø
+45 3917 3873
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Data for the harvest of grains, rape etc. is collected annually from farmers using questionnaires. The collected data is corrected based on consistency rules and yield limits. Corrected data is raised to the total population. Harvesting of roughage, Forecast for winter seed and Seed for seedling are collected annually from experts via questionnaires and the accounts statistics for agriculture. The collected yields are raised by total areas (application for crop subsidies).
Source data
In general areas are obtained from the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, supplemented by Statistics Denmark's Agricultural and horticultural survey.
** The harvest of cereals, rape and peas and straw **
- Questionnaire Based.
- Gross sample of about 2,800 farms (about 8 per cent of all farms). Net Sample: about 2,700 farms.
- Random, stratified sampling.
** Harvest of roughage **
For areas the source is IACS whereas for yields per hectare source are SEGES, Danish association of sugar beets farmers and the accounts statistics for agriculture. The accounts statistics for agriculture are available with a delay of one year, and for this reason the yields per hectare are updated with the development in crops where recent figures are available where for each fodder crop a crop is selected with a high correlation.
Fodder beets are updated with the development for sugar beets Maize for fodder is updated with the development for grain maize Green harvested cereals, luzerne and aftermath for cereals are updated with the development for spring barley Grass is updated with the development for cereals, total
Example: Grain maize has a yield of 60 hkg per ha in 2018 and 75 in 2019. From the accounts statistics on agriculture we know that maize for fodder has a yield of 320 hkg per ha. For 2019 the yield is thus estimated to 320*(75/60)=400.
** The forecast for winter crops**
Seed information from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and from the Knowledge Centre for Agriculture.
** Seed**
Information from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
The survey of harvest of cereals etc. is collected annually from farmers using a web questionnaire. Sampling: random, stratified selection.
Harvest of forage, the forecast for winter seed and seeds are collected annually from SEGES, Danish Sugar Beet Growers and the accounting statistics for agriculture and experts.
Data validation
The submitted forms to the 'Harvest of cereals etc.' are validated against deviation from average yields.
Data compilation
Water percentage
The production of crops and straw is calculated according to standardized water percentages. These are based on optimal, average values for the individual crops at harvest, estimated by SEGES and other experts.
In the study of the harvest of grain, rapeseed and leguminous seed, the individual farm indicates the water percentage if it deviates from the standard, and production/yield is converted proportionally. For other crops, agricultural consultants state if the year's harvest deviates from the standard percentage.
Standard water percentages used
- Cereals, field peas and other pulses: 15 per cent.
- Rapeseed: 9 per cent.
- Grass and clover in the rotation: 50 per cent.
- Lucerne: 40 per cent.
- Maize for silage etc.: 45 per cent
- Grain for silage etc.: 17 per cent.
The total harvest yield by weight is converted to straw yield using standard factors. Straw is incl. standard water content (see percentages above).
Conversion factors from kernel yield (kg) to straw yield (kg)
- Winter wheat: 0.55
- Spring wheat: 0.50
- Rye: 0.80
- Triticale: 0.80
- Winter barley: 0.55
- Spring barley: 0.55
- Oats: 0.60
- Mixed semen: 0.60
- Winter rape incl. non-food: 0.90
- Spring rape rape incl. non-food: 0.90
- Field peas: 0.50
- Leguminous seed in total: 0.50
Source: "Håndbog for driftsplanlægning" (Handbook for operational planning).
Water percentage is not calculated for straw.
No further corrections of data in addition to what has already been described in 'Data validation' and 'Data processing'.