Statistical processing
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National Accounts, Economic StatisticsThomas Eisler
+45 39 17 30 68
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Energy accounts are compiled using a method of product balancing. Supply and use of each energy product are compiled in a way to ensure their equality and are balanced by utilizing all the relevant information from the available sources.
Source data
The energy accounts are compiled on the basis of a number of sources.
Statistics Denmark's external trade statistics are used to decide the imports and exports of energy commodities. Statistics Denmark's' production statistics are used to decide the production of certain energy commodities, e.g. petrol, gas oil and fuel oil.
Statistics Denmark's census of the manufacturing industries consumption of energy is used as the source for the manufacturing industries consumption of energy.
Information about the industrial companies' reimbursement of energy taxes is used as a source in the calculation of the consumption of electricity, natural gas, gas oil and fuel oil within parts of the commercial and service sector. These data are collected from the Danish Tax Agency.
Meter data from Energinet is used to calculate electricity consumption. This data has been included from the publication in 2021.
Data from the Danish Energy Authority is used to decide the different inputs of energy in the energy sectors, i.e. production of electricity and heat. The statistics include input at the large-scale and small-scale power units and district heating plants. Furthermore, information from the Energy Authority on the consumption of energy in agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, and construction as well as private consumption (the households) is used as a source to the physical use of energy. In addition to this, a series of other sources is used to determine the specific values.
Information about the production of crude oil and natural gas in volumes as well as monetary values is also obtained from the Danish Energy Authority.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data is obtained from the different primary sources.
Data validation
During the compilation of the energy accounts a variety of sources are involved. Verification of the external consistency of data between the data sources is part of the quality control in the process of compilation of the energy accounts. This is an important part of the quality assurance in the development of energy accounts. More specifically, the data sources on supply of an energy product with data sources on use of the energy product. If there is an observed inconsistency in the data sources there will be an evaluation of the data sources in order to decide which should be given more weight. Normally, inconsistencies is a result of missing reporting and hence source data need to be revised. Furthermore, there is a check of production of energy products and the input used for production.
Data compilation
Initially a comprehensive data validation is made in the primary statistics.
The calculation of the consumption of fuel oil bunkered by Danish operated ships abroad, jet petroleum bunkered by Danish planes and diesel for danish operated vehicles abroad is based on information obtained from the balance of payments on the companies' expenses for fuel oil and jet petroleum. The physical quantities are calculated by using information on the relevant unit price.
No corrections, apart from the already mentioned under the validity and data processing, is undertaken.