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Employees (monthly)

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Labour and Income, Social Statistics
Thomas Thorsen
+45 3917 3048

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Employees (monthly) 2024 Month 05

Previous versions

The purpose of these statistics is to clarify the short-term development in the employment of employees in Danish enterprises. The statistics contains employment data from the beginning of 2008.

Statistical presentation

The employment statistics for employees is published on a quarterly and monthly basis. The statistics shows the development in the number of people with employee job. On a quarterly basis the number of full-time employees is also published. The statistics is distributed by sector and industries both in the monthly statistics and in the quarterly statistics. Furthermore, workplace geography, residence geography, age, sex and ancestry is also illustrated on a quarterly basis.

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Statistical processing

Data are debugged, adjusted and quality guaranteed in relation to breakdowns on industry, sector and geography. Data for both the number of full-time employees and number of people with employee job is seasonally adjusted, broken down by both industry, sector and geography on residence.

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Users interested in the social and economic statistics have expressed satisfaction with the quality of the statistics.

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Accuracy and reliability

The uncertainty in the development of the number of employees is estimated to be less than 1 per cent of the total number of full-time employees, where 1 per cent corresponds to approx. 20,000 full-time employees. As regards more detailed statistics in terms of industry and geographical distribution the uncertainty is much greater. For the monthly statements there has not yet been a systematic quality studies of statistics. Compared to the quarterly statements of full-time employees, there are two factors pulling in opposite directions: on the one hand, the monthly statements are published earlier, leading to increased uncertainty, because fewer reports has been reported at that time. On the other hand, jobs are imputed for periods where the employees for up to 45 days have not received wages, but subsequently returned to the same employer in the calculation of persons with employee jobs, which helps to reduce uncertainty.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The preliminary figures of the monthly statistics are published approx. 52 days after the end of the reference month. These statements are revised every month until final estimates are released in the quarterly statistics.

The preliminary employment statistics for employees are published approx. 52 days after the end of the quarter. The revised statement will be published within 3 months after the reference quarter and the final statement 3 months later together with the new preliminary data for the following quarter. There is usually no delay in relation to the scheduled date.

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There are no changes in methodology since these statistics where first introduced. Data are comparable during the whole period.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published monthly in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Employees. For further information, go to the subject page.

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