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Data banks

ADAM's data bank contains economic key figures which give a suitable and detailed description of the Danish economy. It contains more than 3000 key figures on an annual basis covering the period from the most recent national accounts year back to 1966. The data bank is produced for model use and the time series are therefore consistent and cleared for breaks in data.

The data bank contains data from national accounts, labour market, public finances and financial key numbers. It is updated three times annually and is delivered to the costumers at the same time as the latest National Accounts figures are released.

General description of ADAM's data bank.

Information related to specifik data banks (available in Danish only).


Phone: +45 39 17 32 01

Adam - a model of Danish economy

The publication describes ADAM (Annual Danish Aggregate Model), which is an economic model of the Danish economy.

ADAM - a model of the Danish economy

ADAM - a model of the Danish economy