Where can I find statistics on elections held in Denmark and abroad?
Below, you will find election results and statistics on various types of elections — both last held elections and historical elections.
Note: Below, we provide links to data from Statistics Denmark and to others who make statistics on the subject. In some instances, the sources referred to below have content in Danish only or limited content in English. The Danish Ministry of the Interior and Housing has a site with information on some of the many elections held in Denmark as well as on the electoral system. On the website of the Danish Parliament, you can find information on e.g. democracy and the political parties.
The general election 2022
You can find detailed information on the Danish general election 2022 in the publication Folketingsvalget (in Danish), at Statistics Denmark’s election website (in Danish), in Statbank Denmark tables and with KMD (in Danish).
Former general elections
Key tables are available in the various volumes of the Danish Statistical Yearbook: Statistisk Årbog (in Danish).
Statbank Denmark has selected results dating back to 1971.
Statistics Denmark has published elaborate publications (in Danish) on the elections in 2011, 2015 and 2019.
Statistics Denmark’s publications concerninggeneral elections 1849-2007 (in Danish) have been converted to digital form and are available online.
See the list of all of Statistics Denmark’s publications concerning elections for the Danish Parliament through history (in Danish):
Other sources regarding general elections
Detailed information on general elections since 2001 is available in KMD's archive (in Danish).
Elaborate publications on the elections from 1990 until 2015 are available at the website of the Ministry of the Interior and Housing (in Danish).
On the Danish Parliament’s website, you will find information onParliament’s composition. Under Democracy, you will find information on"Elections and Referendums"stating the minimum frequency of general elections and information on who can vote and who can be elected.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]
Local government elections
In Statbank Denmark, you can find tables of elections for municipal councils, county district councils and regional councils in the period 1970-2017.
To see the older tables, click “Archive” under the tables.
In the statistical yearbook (in Danish), you will find tables with overall results of regional elections throughout time. The statistical yearbook was last released in 2017 with tables of voter turnout and the distribution of votes at the regional council election 2013 and the municipal council election 2013.
Statistics Denmark’s publications on regional council elections compiled in a list
For publications in the series Statistiske Meddelelser, Statistiske Efterretninger (both in Danish) and one-off publications, see the below list of publications:
Other sources
Very detailed results of the regional and municipal council elections since 2001 are published at KMD's website. Here you can see the number of votes cast for political candidates and polling stations.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]
European Parliament elections
Results from the elections in 2009, 2014, 2019 and 2024 are available at Statistics Denmark’s election website (in Danish) and in Statbank Denmark tables.
In Statistical Yearbook (in Danish), you can find an overview table with cast votes, voter turnout, distribution of candidates etc. for elections to the European Parliament in 2009 and 2014.
Detailed results for the elections in 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019 and 2024 are available at KMD (in Danish).
Statistics Denmark’s publications on elections to the European Parliament compiled in a list (in Danish).
Danish voter turnout
At the Danish Parliament’s EU Information Centre, you can find graphics of the Danish voter turnout for all elections from 1979 onwards.
The Centre for Voting and Parties has made reports on voter turnout for the European Parliament elections in 2014 and 2019, broken down by e.g. age, sex, education, earnings and ancestry.
European Parliament elections in other countries
At the European Parliament, you will find both the European results, the national results and electoral data from 1979 onwards.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]
Referendums on the Constitutional Act of Denmark, voting age, EC/EU etc.
The results of the latest referendums regarding a unified patent litigation system on 25 May 2014, the judicial opt-out on 3 December 2015 and the defence opt-out on 1 June 2022 are available (in Danish except for Statbank Denmark tables) in:
The statistical yearbook has a table of referendums from 1916 to 2015 folkeafstemninger fra 1916 til 2015 (in Danish) including information on date, subject, size of the electorate, votes cast, electoral turnout etc.
List of Statistics Denmark’s publications on referendums
Other sources
Detailed results by polling station are available at KMD (in Danish) for the referendums on the judicial opt-out, the patent litigation system, amendment of the Act on Succession to the Throne, and accession to the single currency.
The Danish Parliament has a theme page listing referendums liste over folkeafstemninger (in Danish) from 1916 onwards.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]
Elections for local church councils
Statistics Denmark has published the results of local church council elections from 1949-2012 in two publications in Danish: Statistisk Årbog and Statistiske Efterretninger.
The below list of publications (in Danish) allows you to see in which volumes of the statistical bulletins the results of the individual elections have been published.
Online access is available to the results of the elections in 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996 via the statistical bulletins (in Danish): Statistiske Efterretninger. You can borrow other volumes from or read other volumes at Statistics Denmark’s Information service and library or at your local public library.
List of Statistics Denmark’s publications on local church council elections
Other sources
The Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs has an article about the election to local church councils in 2016 in their series of News in English.
The Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs has an article about the new election system in 2020 in their series of News in English.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]
Elections in the Nordic countries
Voter turnout data for European Parliament elections and national elections in the Nordic countries as well as the share of women in the national governments is available in the Nordic Statistics database.
Tables that are more detailed are available in each of the national statistical institutions:
Iceland - Statistics Iceland
Finland - Statistics Finland
Norway - Statistics Norway
Sweden - Statistics Sweden
The Aland Islands - Ålands statistik- och utredningsbyrå (in Swedish)
The Danish Realm
Election of the Faroese and Greenland members of the Danish Parliament appear from the publications on general elections (in Danish).
The Danish Parliament maintains a list of general elections in Greenland for the Danish Parliament since 1977 and in the Faeroe Islands since 1953.
Statistics Faroe Islands has information on elections for the Danish Parliament and elections for the Faroese Parliament.
Statistics Greenland has overall tables of elections for the Parliament of Greenland in "Statistisk Årbog" (available in Greenlandic and Danish) and "Greenland in figures".
At Valg.gl you can find detailed election data by municipality, city and polling station.
At IDEA (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), you can find information on voter turnouts for elections in many countries. See the publication "Voter Turnout Since 1945: A Global Report" as well as the databasen.
IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) collects information on elections in 189 countries in their PARLINE database.
Here you can also find a table showing the share of women in the national parliaments.
In the Election Guide, you can find information on recent and upcoming elections in all the world’s countries.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]
Research on elections and voters
Since 1971, successive inter-institutional research groups in Danish universities have completed the Danish National Election Study (DNES).The main purpose of the studies is to uncover the main reasons that voters cast their votes the way they do. At valgprojektet.dk, you will find a list of literature showing publications from the studies, including the note "Danske vælgere 1971-2019 — En oversigt over udviklingen i vælgernes holdninger mv." on Danish voters and the development in voter opinions etc. You can download data from the Danish National Election Study at The National Archives.
From The Danish Election Database you can download geodata for a vast number of parliamentary and municipal elections as well as referendums since 1979, disaggregated down to the individual polling stations.
The Centre for Voting and Parties, which is embedded in the Department of Political Science at Copenhagen University, publishes articles and working papers on voter turnout, political campaigns and party membership.
[This page was last reviewed in June 2024]