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Social heritage

Where can I find tables on social heritage and mould breakers?

Note: Below, we provide links to data from Statistics Denmark and to others who make statistics on the subject. In some instances, the sources referred to below have content in Danish only or limited content in English.

In StatBank Denmark, you can find tables on upper secondary education status of the 18-25-year-olds and higher education status of the 25-45-year-olds, broken down by e.g. the parents’ educational attainment, income level and employment status.

You can find earlier figures regarding social heritage in the publication "Børns levevilkår" (2002) and in an article in "Statistisk Tiårsoversigt 2006" (both in Danish), including data on students and their backgrounds, e.g. the parents’ educational attainment and income.

The Rockwool Foundation Research Unit makes analyses of social heritage. See their publications in English under the subject “Inequality".

VIVE - the Danish Center for Social Science Research - has released several analyses on social heritage. See their publications in English and search for "Social mobility" for example.

The Economic Council of the Labour Movement (ECLM) have released a report ”Din klasse følger dig gennem livet” (2020) (in Danish) where the population is divided into five social classes: Upper class, upper middle class, middle class, working class and a class not on the labour market. The report follows life in the classes through four different phases of life: Childhood, youth, adulthood and senior years. 

The analyses in the report deal with subjects such as education, grades, types of dwelling, crime, employment, types of family, income, retirement, pension savings and wealth.

Most ECLM analyses are in Danish, however, some are also available in English. The ECLM collects analyses on their subject pages on social heritage: ”Social arv” and "Social mobilitet", and it is also responsible for (in Danish), including analyses for the books ”Klassekamp fra oven” (2014), ”Det danske klassesamfund” (2012) and "Rige børn leger bedst" (2021).

[This page was last reviewed in January 2022]