Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Rev. 4, v1:2007
External trade statistics are calculated according to the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The principle of goods grouping in the SITC nomenclature is the degree of processing (raw materials, semi-finished goods, finished goods).
Valid from:
January 1, 2007
External Economy
Stefan Gottschalck Anbro,, ph. +45 51 60 58 46
Codes and categories
- 0-9: 0-9 Total
0: Foods and live animals
00: Live animals other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates of division
- 00111: Purebred Bovine Breeding Animals
- 00119: Bovine Animals, Other Than Purebred Breeding Animals, Live
- 00121: Sheep, Live
- 00122: Goats, Live
- 00131: Purebred Swine Breeding Animals
- 00139: Swine Other Than Purebred Breeding Animals, Live
- 00141: Poultry, Live, Weighing Not Over 185 Grams (6.53 Oz.)
- 00149: Poultry, Live, Weighing Over 185 Grams (6.53 Oz.)
- 00150: Horses, asses, mules and hinnies, live
- 00151: Horses, Live
- 00152: Asses, Mules And Hinnies, Live
- 00190: Live Animals, n.e.s.
01: Meat and meat preparations
- 01111: Meat Of Bovine Animals With Bone In, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01112: Meat Of Bovine Animals, Boneless, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01121: Meat Of Bovine Animals With Bone In, Frozen
- 01122: Meat Of Bovine Animals, Boneless, Frozen
- 01211: Meat Of Sheep, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01212: Meat Of Sheep, Frozen
- 01213: Meat Of Goats, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen
- 01221: Meat Of Swine, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01222: Meat Of Swine, Frozen
- 01231: Poultry Meat Of Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys And Guineas Not Cut In Pieces, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01232: Poultry Meat Of Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys And Guineas Not Cut In Pieces, Frozen
- 01233: Fatty Livers Of Geese Or Ducks, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01234: Poultry Cuts (Of Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys And Guineas) And Offal Other Than Fatty Livers Of
- 01235: Poultry Cuts (Of Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys And Guineas) And Offal Other Than Liver, Frozen
- 01236: Poultry Livers Of Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys And Guineas, Frozen
- 01240: Meat Of Horses, Asses, Mules, Or Hinnies, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen
- 01251: Edible Offal Of Bovine Animals, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01252: Edible Offal Of Bovine Animals, Frozen
- 01253: Edible Offal Of Swine, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01254: Edible Offal Of Swine, Frozen
- 01255: Edible Offal Of Sheep, Goats, Horses, Asses, Mules Or Hinnies, Fresh Or Chilled
- 01256: Edible Offal Of Sheep, Goats, Horses, Asses, Mules Or Hinnies, Frozen
- 01291: Meat And Edible Meat Offal Of Rabbits Or Hares, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen
- 01292: Frogs Legs, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen
- 01293: Snails, Except Sea Snails, Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen
- 01299: Meat And Edible Meat Offal, n.e.s., Fresh, Chilled Or Frozen
- 01611: Hams, Shoulders And Cuts Thereof, Of Swine, With Bone In, Dried, Salted Or Smoked
- 01612: Bellies (Streaky) And Cuts Thereof, Of Swine, Salted, In Brine, Dried Or Smoked
- 01619: Meat Of Swine, Salted, In Brine, Dried Or Smoked, n.e.s.
- 01681: Meat Of Bovine Animals, Salted, In Brine, Dried Or Smoked
- 01689: Meat, n.e.s., And Edible Meat Offal, Salted, In Brine, Dried Or Smoked, Including Edible Flours And
- 01710: Extracts And Juices Of Meat, Fish Or Crustaceans, Moluscs Or Other Aquatic Invertebrates
- 01720: Sausages And Similar Products Of Meat, Meat Offal Or Blood, Food Preparations Based On These Produc
- 01730: Liver Of Any Animal, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 01740: Meat And Offal (Other Than Liver) Of Poultry (Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys And Guinea Fowls), Pr
- 01750: Meat And Offal (Other Than Liver), Of Swine, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 01760: Meat And Offal (Other Than Liver), Of Bovine Animals, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s
- 01790: Meat Or Meat Offal, n.e.s., Prepared Or Preserved (Including Preparations Of Blood Of Any Animal)
02: Dairy products and birds eggs
- 02211: Milk Of A Fat Content, By Weight, Not Exceeding 1%
- 02212: Milk Of A Fat Content, By Weight, Exceeding 1% But Not Exceeding 6%
- 02213: Cream Of A Fat Content, By Weight, Exceeding 6%
- 02221: Milk, In Solid Form, Of A Fat Content, By Weight, Not Exceeding 1.5%
- 02222: Milk And Cream, In Solid Form, Of A Fat Content, By Weight, Exceeding 1.5%
- 02223: Milk And Cream, Concentrated, Not In Solid Form, Not Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Mat
- 02224: Milk And Cream, Not In Solid Form, Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter
- 02231: Yogurt, Whether Or Not Concentrated Or Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter Or Flavore
- 02232: Buttermilk, Curdled Milk And Cream, Kephir And Other Fermented Or Acidified Milk Or Cream
- 02233: Ice Cream And Other Edible Ice Whether Or Not Containing Cocoa
- 02241: Whey And Modified Whey, Whether Or Not Concentrated Or Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening M
- 02249: Products Consisting Of Natural Milk Constituents, n.e.s.
- 02300: Butter And Other Fats And Oils Derived From Milk
- 02410: Grated Or Powdered Cheese, Of All Kinds
- 02420: Processed Cheese, Not Grated Or Powdered
- 02430: Blue-Veined Cheese
- 02491: Fresh (Unripened Or Uncured) Cheese, Including Whey Cheese, And Curd
- 02499: Cheese, n.e.s.
- 02510: Birds Eggs In Shell, Fresh, Preserved Or Cooked
- 02521: Birds Eggs, Dried
- 02522: Birds Eggs, Other Than Dried
- 02530: Egg Albumin
03: Mineral fuel and lubricants
- 03411: Fish, Live
- 03412: Salmonidae, Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03413: Flat Fish, Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03414: Tunas, Skipjack Or Stripe-Bellied Bonito, Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03415: Herrings, Sardines, Sardinella, Brislings Or Sprats, Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03416: Cod, Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03417: Mackerel (Scombrids), Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03418: Fish, n.e.s., Fresh Or Chilled (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03419: Fish Livers And Roes, Fresh Or Chilled
- 03421: Salmonidae, Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03422: Flat Fish, Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03423: Tunas, Skipjack Or Stripe-Bellied Bonito, Frozen, (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03424: Herrings, Sardines, Sardinella, Brislings Or Sprats, Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03425: Cod, Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03426: Mackerel (Scrombrids), Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03427: Hake, Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03428: Fish, n.e.s., Frozen (Excluding Livers And Roes)
- 03429: Fish Livers And Roes, Frozen
- 03440: Fish Fillets, Frozen
- 03451: Fish Fillets And Other Fish Meat, Fresh Or Chilled
- 03455: Fish Meat (Other Than Fillets), Frozen
- 03511: Cod (Gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus, Not In Fillets), Dried, Whether Or Not Salted
- 03512: Fish Fillets, Dried, Salted Or In Brine
- 03513: Fish, Dried, Whether Or Not Salted, n.e.s.
- 03521: Cod (Gadus Morhua, Gadus Ogac, Gadus Macrocephalus) Salted But Not Dried Or Smoked And Cod In Brine
- 03522: Anchovies Salted But Not Dried Or Smoked And Anchovies In Brine
- 03529: Fish Salted But Not Dried Or Smoked And Fish In Brine, n.e.s.
- 03530: Fish (Including Fillets), Smoked, Whether Or Not Cooked Before Or During The Smoking Process
- 03540: Fish Liver And Roes, Dried, Smoked, Salted Or In Brine
- 03550: Fish Meal Fit For Human Consumption
- 03611: Shrimps And Prawns, Frozen
- 03619: Other Crustaceans, Frozen, Including Flours, Meals And Pellets Of Crustaceans, Fit For Human Consum
- 03620: Crustaceans, Other Than Frozen
- 03631: Oysters, Fresh, Chilled, Frozen, Dried, Salted Or In Brine
- 03633: Cuttlefish, Octopus And Squid, Fresh Or Chilled
- 03635: Molluscs And Aquatic Invertebrates, n.e.s., Fresh Or Chilled
- 03637: Cuttlefish, Squid And Octopus, Frozen, Dried, Salted, Or In Brine, Flours, Meals And Pellets Thereo
- 03639: Other Molluscs/Aquatic Invertebrates, Frozen, Dried, Salted Or In Brine Incl Flours, Meals Pellets
- 03711: Salmon, Whole Or In Pieces, But Not Minced, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 03712: Herrings, Sardines, Sardinella And Brislings Or Sprats, Whole Or In Pieces, But Not Minced, Prepare
- 03713: Tunas, Skipjack And Bonito (Sarda App.) Whole Or In Pieces, But Not Minced
- 03714: Mackerel, Whole Or In Pieces, But Not Minced, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 03715: Fish, Whole Or In Pieces, But Not Minced, n.e.s., Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 03716: Fish, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 03717: Caviar And Caviar Substitutes Prepared From Fish Eggs
- 03721: Crustaceans, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 03722: Molluscs And Other Aquatic Invertebrates, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
04: Cereals and cereal preparations
- 04110: Durum Wheat, Unmilled
- 04120: Wheat (Including Spelt) And Meslin, Unmilled, n.e.s.
- 04210: Rice In The Husk (Paddy Or Rough Rice)
- 04220: Rice Husked But Not Further Prepared (Cargo Rice Or Brown Rice)
- 04231: Rice, Semi-Milled Or Wholly Milled, Whether Or Not Polished, Glazed, Parboiled Or Converted (Exclud
- 04232: Rice, Broken
- 04300: Barley, Unmilled
- 04410: Maize (Corn) Seed
- 04490: Maize (Not Including Sweet Corn) Unmilled, Except Seed
- 04510: Rye, Unmilled
- 04520: Oats, Unmilled
- 04530: Grain Sorghum, Unmilled
- 04591: Millet, Unmilled
- 04592: Buckwheat, Unmilled
- 04593: Canary Seed, Unmilled
- 04599: Cereals, Unmilled, n.e.s.
- 04610: Flour Of Wheat Or Of Meslin
- 04620: Groats, Meal And Pellets, Of Wheat
- 04711: Maize (Corn) Flour
- 04719: Cereal Flours (Except Of Wheat, Meslin And Maize)
- 04721: Groats And Meal Of Maize (Corn)
- 04722: Groats And Meal Of Other Cereals (Except Wheat And Corn)
- 04723: Pellets
- 04729: Pellets Of Cereal Other Than Wheat
- 04811: Prepared Foods Obtained By The Swelling Or Roasting Of Cereals Or Cereal Products (E.G., Corn Flake
- 04812: Cereals Other Than Maize (Corn), In Grain Form, Precooked Or Otherwise Prepared
- 04813: Rolled Or Flaked Cereal Grains, n.e.s., Except Semi-Milled Or Wholly Milled Rice
- 04814: Worked Cereal Grains n.e.s. (E.G. Hulled, Pearled, Clipped, Sliced Or Kibbled), Except Semi-Milled
- 04815: Germ Of Cereals, Whole, Rolled, Flaked Or Ground
- 04820: Malt, Whether Or Not Roasted (Including Malt Flour)
- 04830: Macaroni, Spaghetti And Similar Products (Pasta Uncooked, Not Stuffed Or Otherwise Prepared)
- 04841: Crispbread, Rusks, Toasted Bread And Similar Products
- 04842: Sweet Biscuits, Waffles And Wafers, Gingerbread And The Like
- 04849: Bakers Wares, n.e.s., Communion Wafers, Empty Cachets For Pharmaceutical Use, Sealing Wafers, Rice,
- 04850: Mixes And Doughs For The Preparation Of Bakers Wares, Including Bread, Pastry, Cakes, And Biscuits
05: Chemicals and chemical products
- 05410: Potatoes, Fresh Or Chilled (Not Including Sweet Potatoes)
- 05421: Peas, Dried, Shelled
- 05422: Chickpeas, Dried, Shelled
- 05423: Beans, Other Than Broad Beans And Horse Beans, Dried, Shelled
- 05424: Lentils, Dried, Shelled
- 05425: Broad Beans And Horse Beans, Dried, Shelled
- 05429: Beans, n.e.s., Dried, Shelled, Whether Or Not Skinned Or Split
- 05440: Tomatoes, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05451: Onions And Shallots, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05452: Garlic, Leeks And Other Alliaceous Vegetables, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05453: Cabbage And Similar Edible Brassicas, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05454: Lettuce And Chicory (Including Endive), Fresh Or Chilled
- 05455: Carrots, Turnips, Salad Beetroot, Salsify, Celeriac, Radishes And Similar Edible Roots, Fresh Or Ch
- 05456: Cucumbers And Gherkins, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05457: Leguminous Vegetables, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05458: Mushrooms And Truffles, Fresh Or Chilled
- 05459: Vegetables, n.e.s. Fresh Or Chilled
- 05461: Sweet Corn (Uncooked Or Cooked By Steaming Or Boiling In Water), Frozen
- 05469: Vegetables n.e.s. And Mixtures Of Vegetables (Uncooked Or Cooked By Steaming Or Boiling In Water),
- 05470: Vegetables Provisionally Preserved (E.G., By Sulphur Dioxide Gas, In Brine, In Sulphur Water Or Oth
- 05481: Manioc (Cassava), Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Sliced Or In The Form Of Pellets
- 05483: Arrowroot, Salep, Jerusalem Artichokes, Sweet Potatoes, Roots And Tubers With High Starch Or Inulin
- 05484: Hop Cones And Lupulin, Fresh Or Dried
- 05485: Apricot, Peach Or Plum Stones And Kernels, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Ground
- 05487: Sugar Beet, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Ground
- 05488: Sugar Cane, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Ground
- 05489: Vegetable Products Of A Kind Used Chiefly For Human Food, n.e.s.
- 05611: Potatoes, Dried, Whether Or Not Cut Or Sliced, But Not Further Prepared
- 05612: Onions, Dried
- 05613: Mushrooms And Truffles, Dried
- 05619: Vegetables n.e.s., Dried, And Mixtures Of Vegetables, Dried (Whole, Cut, Sliced, Etc.), But Not Fur
- 05641: Flour And Meal Of Potatoes
- 05642: Flakes, Granules And Pellets Of Potatoes
- 05645: Tapioca And Substitutes Therefor Prepared From Starch, In The Form Of Flake, Grains, Pearls, Siftin
- 05646: Flour And Meal Of The Dried Leguminous Vegetables, Peas, Chickpeas, Beans, Lentils, Etc. Of Heading
- 05647: Flour And Meal Of Sago, Roots Or Tubers Of Manioc (Cassava), Arrowroot, Salep, Jerusalem Artichokes
- 05648: Flour, Meal And Powder Of Fruit (Citrus, Bananas, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Berries, Etc.) And Nuts (
- 05661: Potatoes Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, Frozen
- 05669: Vegetables n.e.s. And Mixtures Of Vegetables Prepared Or Preserved Other Than By Vinegar Or Acetic
- 05671: Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts And Other Edible Parts Of Plants, Prepared Or Preserved By Vinegar Or Aceti
- 05672: Tomatoes Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, Whole Or In Pieces
- 05673: Tomatoes, Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, n.e.s.
- 05674: Mushrooms And Truffles Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid
- 05675: Sauerkraut, Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, Not Frozen
- 05676: Potatoes, Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, Not Frozen
- 05677: Sweet Corn, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s.
- 05679: Vegetables, Prepared Or Preserved Otherwise Than By Vinegar Or Acetic Acid, Not Frozen, n.e.s.
- 05711: Oranges, Fresh Or Dried
- 05712: Mandarins (Including Tangerines And Satsumas), Clementines, Wilkings And Similar Citrus Hybrids, Fr
- 05721: Lemons And Limes, Fresh Or Dried
- 05722: Grapefruit, Fresh Or Dried
- 05729: Citrus Fruit, n.e.s., Fresh Or Dried
- 05730: Bananas (Including Plantains), Fresh Or Dried
- 05740: Apples, Fresh
- 05751: Grapes, Fresh
- 05752: Grapes, Dried (E.G., Raisins)
- 05760: Figs, Fresh Or Dried
- 05771: Coconuts, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05772: Brazil Nuts, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05773: Cashew Nuts, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05774: Almonds, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05775: Hazelnuts Or Filberts, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05776: Walnuts, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05777: Chestnuts, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05778: Pistachios, Fresh Or Dried, Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05779: Edible Nuts (Excluding Mixtures), Fresh Or Dried, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Shelled Or Peeled
- 05791: Melons (Including Watermelons) And Papaws (Papayas), Fresh
- 05792: Pears And Quinces, Fresh
- 05793: Stone Fruit, n.e.s., Fresh
- 05794: Berries, Fresh
- 05795: Pineapples, Fresh Or Dried
- 05796: Dates, Fresh Or Dried
- 05797: Avocados, Guavas, Mangoes And Mangosteens, Fresh Or Dried
- 05798: Fruit, Fresh, n.e.s.
- 05799: Fruit, Dried, n.e.s., And Mixtures, n.e.s., Of Nuts (Not Including Oil Nuts) Or Dried Fruit
- 05810: Jams, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades, Fruit Or Nut Puree And Fruit Or Nut Pastes, Being Cooked Preparati
- 05821: Fruit And Nuts Provisionally Preservd (By Sulphur Dioxide Gas, In Brine, Sulphur Water Or Oth Prese
- 05822: Peel Of Citrus Fruit Or Melons, Fresh, Frozen, Dried Or Provisionally Preserved In Brine, In Sulphu
- 05831: Strawberries, Uncooked Or Cooked By Steaming Or Boiling In Water, Frozen, Whether Or Not Containing
- 05832: Raspberries, Blackberries, Mulberries, Loganberries, Black, White Or Red Currents And Gooseberries,
- 05839: Fruit n.e.s. And Nuts, Uncooked Or Cooked By Steaming Or Boiling Water, Frozen, Whether Or Not Cont
- 05892: Nuts, Groundnuts And Other Seeds, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Containing Added Su
- 05893: Pineapples, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetenin
- 05894: Citrus Fruit, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweeten
- 05895: Apricots, Cherries And Peaches, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Containing Added Suga
- 05896: Fruits Or Edible Parts Of Plants, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Containing Added Su
- 05897: Mixtures Of Fruits Or Other Edible Parts Of Plants, Prepared Or Preserved, n.e.s., Whether Containi
- 05910: Orange Juice, Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05920: Grapefruit Juice, Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05930: Juice Of Any Single Citrus Fruit, Other Than Of Orange Or Grapefruit, Unfermented And Not Containin
- 05991: Pineapple Juice, Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05992: Tomato Juice, Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05993: Grape Juice (Including Grape Must), Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05994: Apple Juice, Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05995: Juice Of Any Single Fruit Or Vegetable, n.e.s., Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirit
- 05996: Mixtures Of Fruit And Vegetable Juices, Unfermented And Not Containing Added Spirits
06: Sugars, sugar preparations and honey
- 06111: Cane Sugar, Raw
- 06112: Beet Sugar, Raw
- 06121: Cane Or Beet Sugar Containing Added Flavoring Or Coloring Matter, In Solid Form
- 06129: Cane Or Beet Sugar And Chemically Pure Sucrose In Solid Form, n.e.s.
- 06151: Cane Molasses
- 06159: Beet Sugar Molasses And Other Molasses (E.G. Corn Molasses) Resulting From The Extraction Or Refini
- 06160: Natural Honey
- 06191: Lactose And Lactose Syrup
- 06192: Maple Sugar And Maple Syrup
- 06193: Glucose (Dextrose) And Glucose Syrup, Not Containing Fructose Or Containing, In The Dry State, Less
- 06194: Glucose And Glucose Syrup, Containing, In The Dry State, At Least 20% But Not More Than 50% By Weig
- 06195: Pure Fructose
- 06196: Fructose And Fructose Syrup, n.e.s., Containing In The Dry State More Than 50% By Weight Of Fructos
- 06199: Sugars, n.e.s. (Including Invert Sugar), Artificial Honey, Caramel
- 06210: Fruit, Nuts, Fruit-Peel And Other Parts Of Plants, Preserved By Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter (D
- 06221: Chewing Gum, Whether Or Not Sugar-Coated
- 06229: Sugar Confectionery (Including White Chocolate), Not Containing Cocoa, n.e.s.
07: Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof
- 07111: Coffee, Not Roasted, Not Decaffeinated
- 07112: Coffee, Not Roasted, Decaffeinated
- 07113: Coffee Husks And Skins
- 07120: Coffee, Roasted
- 07131: Extracts, Essences And Concentrates Of Coffee And Preparations With A Basis Of These Products Or Wi
- 07132: Coffee Substitutes Containing Coffee In Any Proportion
- 07133: Roasted Chicory And Other Roasted Coffee Substitutes (Not Containing Coffee) And Extracts, Essences
- 07210: Cocoa Beans, Whole Or Broken, Raw Or Roasted
- 07220: Cocoa Powder Not Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter
- 07231: Cocoa Paste, Not Defatted (Licor)
- 07232: Cocoa Paste, Wholly Or Partly Defatted (Cocoa Cake)
- 07240: Cocoa Butter, Fat Or Oil
- 07250: Cocoa Shells, Husks, Skins And Other Cocoa Waste
- 07310: Cocoa Powder Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter
- 07320: Food Preparations Nes, Containing Cocoa, In Blocks Or Slabs Over 2 Kg Or In Liquid, Paste, Powder,
- 07330: Food Preparations, n.e.s., Containing Cocoa, In Blocks, Slabs Or Bars
- 07390: Food Preparations Containing Cocoa, n.e.s.
- 07411: Green Tea (Not Fermented) In Immediate Packings Of A Content Not Exceeding 3 Kg, Whether Or Not Fla
- 07412: Other Green Tea (Not Fermented), Whether Or Not Flavored
- 07413: Black Tea (Fermented) And Partly Fermented Tea, In Immediate Packings Of A Content Not Exceeding 3
- 07414: Other Black Tea (Fermented) And Other Partly Fermented Tea, Whether Or Not Flavored
- 07431: Mate
- 07432: Extracts, Essences, And Concentrates Of Tea Or Mate, And Preparations With A Basis Of Tea, Mate, Or
- 07511: Pepper, Neither Crushed Nor Ground
- 07512: Pepper, Crushed Or Ground
- 07513: Fruits Of The Genus Capsicum Or Of The Genus Pimenta, Dried Or Crushed Or Ground
- 07521: Vanilla (Beans)
- 07522: Cinnamon And Cinnamon-Tree Flowers, Neither Crushed Nor Ground
- 07523: Cinnamon And Cinnamon-Tree Flowers, Crushed Or Ground
- 07524: Cloves (Whole Fruit, Cloves And Stems)
- 07525: Nutmeg, Mace And Cardamons
- 07526: Seeds Of Anise, Badian, Fennel, Coriander, Cumin Or Caraway, Juniper Berries
- 07527: Ginger (Excluding Ginger Preserved In Sugar Or Conserved In Syrup)
- 07528: Thyme, Saffron And Bay Leaves
- 07529: Spices, n.e.s., Mixtures Of Two Or More Spices Of Different Headings Of Group 075
08: Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)
- 08111: Cereal Straws And Husks, Unprepared, Whether Or Not Chopped, Ground, Pressed Or In The Form Of Pell
- 08112: Lucerne (Alfalfa) Meal And Pellets
- 08113: Swedes, Mangolds, Fodder Roots, Clover, Sainfoin, Forage Kale, Lupines, Vetches And Similar Forage
- 08119: Vegetable Residues And By-Products, Vegetable Materials And Waste, Whether Or Not In Pellet Form, O
- 08123: Bran, Sharps And Other Residues, Whether Or Not In Pellets, Derived From The Sifting, Milling Or Ot
- 08124: Bran, Sharps And Other Residues Derived From The Sifting, Milling Or Other Working Of Maize (Corn)
- 08125: Bran, Sharps And Other Residues Derived From The Sifting, Milling Or Other Working Of Rice
- 08126: Bran, Sharps And Other Residues Derived From The Sifting, Milling Or Other Working Of Wheat
- 08129: Bran, Sharps And Other Residues Derived From The Sifting, Milling Or Other Working Of Cereals, N.E.
- 08131: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In Pellets, Resulting From The
- 08132: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In The Form Of Pellets, From Th
- 08133: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In The Form Of Pellets, From Th
- 08134: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In The Form Of Pellets, From Th
- 08135: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In The Form Of Pellets, From Th
- 08136: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In Pellets, From The Extraction
- 08137: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In The Form Of Pellets, From Th
- 08138: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Whether Ground Or In Pellets, From The Extraction
- 08139: Oil-Cake And Other Solid Residues (Except Dregs), Resulting From The Extraction Of Fats Or Oils Fro
- 08141: Flours, Meals And Pellets, Of Meat Or Meat Offal (Including Tankage), Unfit For Human Consumption,
- 08142: Flours, Meals And Pellets Of Fish Or Of Crustaceans, Molluscs Or Other Aquatic Invertebrates, Unfit
- 08151: Residues Of Starch Manufacture And Similar Residues
- 08152: Beet-Pulp, Bagasse And Other Waste Of Sugar Manufacture
- 08153: Brewing Or Distilling Dregs And Waste
- 08194: Wine Lees, Argol
- 08195: Dog Or Cat Food, Put Up For Retail Sale
- 08199: Preparations Of A Kind Used For Animal Food, n.e.s.
09: Miscellaneous edible products and preparations
- 09101: Margarine (Excluding Liquid Margarine)
- 09109: Edible Preparations Of Animal Or Vegetable Fats Or Oils Or Of Fractions Of Different Such Fats Or O
- 09811: Homogenized Preparations From Meat And Edible Meat Offal
- 09812: Homogenized Vegetables
- 09813: Cooked Fruit Preparations, Homogenized
- 09814: Homogenized Composite Food Preparations
- 09841: Soy Sauce
- 09842: Tomato Ketchup And Other Tomato Sauces
- 09843: Mustard Flour And Meal And Prepared Mustard
- 09844: Vinegar And Substitutes For Vinegar Obtained From Acetic Acid
- 09849: Sauces And Preparations Therefor, n.e.s., Mixed Condiments And Mixed Seasonings
- 09850: Soups And Broths And Preparations Therefor
- 09860: Yeasts (Active Or Inactive), Other Single-Cell Micro-Organisms, Dead (But Not Including Vaccines Of
- 09891: Pasta, Cooked Or Stuffed, Couscous, Whether Or Not Prepared
- 09892: Edible Food Products Of Animal Origin, n.e.s.
- 09893: Food Preparations For Infant Use, Put Up For Retail Sale, Of Flour, Meal, Starch Or Malt Extract Or
- 09894: Malt Extract, Food Preparations Of Flour, Meal, Starch Or Malt Extract, n.e.s., Or Of Goods Of Head
- 09899: Food Preparations, n.e.s.
00: Live animals other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates of division
1: Beverages and tobacco
11: Beverages
- 11101: Waters, Including Natural Or Artificial Mineral Waters And Aerated Waters, Not Containing Added Sug
- 11102: Waters (Including Mineral And Aerated Waters) Containing Added Sugar Or Other Sweetening Matter Or
- 11211: Grape Must In Fermentation Or With Fermentation Arrested Otherwise Than By The Addition Of Alcohol
- 11213: Vermouth And Other Wines Of Fresh Grapes Flavored With Plants Or Aromatic Substances
- 11215: Sparkling Wine
- 11217: Wine Of Fresh Grapes (Other Than Sparkling Wine), Grape Must With Fermentation Arrested By The Addi
- 11220: Fermented Beverages, n.e.s. (Including Cider, Perry And Mead)
- 11230: Beer Made From Malt (Including Ale, Stout And Porter)
- 11241: Whiskey
- 11242: Spirits Obtained By Distilling Grape Wine Or Grape Marc
- 11243: Compound Alcoholic Preparations Of A Kind Used For The Manufacture Of Beverages
- 11244: Rum And Tafia
- 11245: Gin And Geneva
- 11249: Spirits And Distilled Alcoholic Beverages, n.e.s.
12: Tobacco and tobacco manufactures
- 12110: Tobacco, Not Stemmed/Stripped
- 12120: Tobacco, Wholly Or Partly Stemmed/Stripped
- 12130: Tobacco Refuse
- 12210: Cigars, Cheroots And Cigarillos, Containing Tobacco
- 12220: Cigarettes Containing Tobacco
- 12231: Cigars, Cheroots, Cigarillos And Cigarettes, Of Tobacco Substitutes
- 12232: Smoking Tobacco, Whether Or Not Containing Tobacco Substitutes
- 12239: Manufactured Tobacco, Extracts And Essence, n.e.s.
11: Beverages
2: Raw materials, not edible
21: Hides, skins and furskins, raw
- 21111: Hides And Skins (Excluding Those Of Heading 211.2) Of Bovine Animals, Fresh Or Wet-Salted
- 21112: Hides And Skins Of Bovine Animals, n.e.s., Otherwise Preserved
- 21113: Hides And Skins Of Equine Animals, Raw, Whether Or Not Dehaired Or Split
- 21120: Whole Bovine Hides And Skins, Weighing Per Skin Not Over 8 Kg Dried, Or 10 Kg Dry-Salted, Or 14 Kg
- 21121: Whole hides and skins, of a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 16 kg when fresh, wet-salted or otherwise preserved
- 21129: Other hides and skins, including butts, bends and bellies
- 21140: Goat And Kid Skins (Except Yemen, Mongolian Or Tibetan Goat Or Kid Skins), Raw (Fresh, Salted, Drie
- 21160: Sheep And Lamb Skins (Except Of Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian, Etc. Lambs, Indian, Chinese
- 21170: Sheep And Lamb Skins Without Wool On, Raw (Fresh, Salted, Dried, Etc.), Wh Ether Or Not Split
- 21191: Parings And Other Waste Of Leather Or Composition Leather, Not Suitable For The Manufacture Of Leat
- 21199: Hides And Skins, n.e.s., Raw (Fresh, Salted, Dried, Etc.) Whether Or Not Dehaired Or Split
- 21210: Mink Skins, Raw, Whole, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21220: Raw Furskins, Other Than Of Mink, Whole
- 21221: Rabbit Or Hare Furskins, Whole, Raw, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21222: Lamb Furskins (Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian And Similar Lamb, Indian, Chinese, Mongolian
- 21223: Beaver Furskins, Whole, Raw, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21224: Muskrat Furskins, Whole, Raw, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21225: Fox Furskins, Whole, Raw, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21226: Seal Furskins, Whole, Raw, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21229: Furskins n.e.s., Whole, Raw, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws
- 21230: Heads, Tails, Paws And Other Pieces Or Cuttings Of Furskins, Suitable For Furriers Use
22: Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits
- 22211: Groundnuts (Peanuts), Not Roasted Or Otherwise Cooked, In The Shell
- 22212: Groundnuts (Peanuts), Not Roasted Or Cooked, Shelled
- 22220: Soybeans
- 22230: Cottonseeds
- 22240: Sunflower Seeds
- 22250: Sesame (Sesamum) Seeds
- 22261: Rape Or Colza Seeds
- 22262: Mustard Seeds
- 22270: Safflower Seeds
- 22310: Copra
- 22320: Palm Nuts And Palm Kernels
- 22340: Flaxseed Or Linseed
- 22350: Castor Oil Seeds
- 22370: Oil Seeds And Oleaginous Fruits, n.e.s.
- 22390: Flours And Meals Of Oil Seeds Or Oleaginous Fruits (Excluding Mustard Flour), Whether Or Not Defatt
23: Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)
- 23110: Natural Rubber Latex, Whether Or Not Prevulcanized
- 23121: Smoked Sheets Of Natural Rubber
- 23125: Technically Specified Natural Rubber (Tsnr), In Primary Forms Or In Plates, Etc.
- 23129: Natural Rubber (Other Than Latex) n.e.s., In Primary Forms Or In Plates, Etc.
- 23130: Balata, Gutta-Percha, Guayule, Chicle And Similar Natural Gums, In Primary Forms Or In Plates, Shee
- 23211: Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (Sbr), Carboxylated Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (Xsbr), In Primary Forms Or I
- 23212: Butadiene Rubber (Br), In Primary Forms, Etc.
- 23213: Isobutene-Isoprene (Butyl) Rubber (Iir), Halo-Isobutene-Isoprene Rubber (Ciir Or Biir), In Primary
- 23214: Chloroprene (Chlorobutadiene) Rubber (Cr), In Primary Forms, Etc.
- 23215: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber (Nbr), In Primary Forms, Etc.
- 23216: Isoprene Rubber (Ir), In Primary Forms, Etc.
- 23217: Ethylene-Propylene-Nonconjugated Diene Rubber (Epdm), In Primary Forms Etc.
- 23218: Mixtures Of Natural Rubber Or Gums (Of Group 231) With Synthetic Rubber Products (Of Heading 232.1)
- 23219: Synthetic Rubber And Factice Derived From Oils, n.e.s., In Primary Forms, Etc.
- 23221: Reclaimed Rubber In Primary Forms Or In Plates, Sheets Or Strip
- 23222: Waste, Pairings And Scrap Of Unhardened Rubber And Powders And Granules Obtained Therefrom
24: Cork and wood
- 24402: Cork, Natural, Debacked Or Roughly Squared Or In Rectangular Blocks, Plates, Sheets Or Strip (Inclu
- 24403: Cork, Natural, Raw Or Simply Prepared
- 24404: Waste Cork, Crushed, Granulated Or Ground Cork
- 24501: Fuel Wood, In Logs, In Billets, In Twigs, In Faggots Or In Similar Forms (Excluding Wood Waste)
- 24502: Wood Charcoal (Including Shell Or Nut Charcoal), Whether Or Not Agglomerat Ed
- 24611: Coniferous Wood In Chips Or Particles
- 24615: Nonconiferous Wood In Chips Or Particles
- 24620: Sawdust And Wood Waste And Scrap, Whether Or Not Agglomerated In Logs, Briquettes, Pellets Or Simil
- 24730: Wood In The Rough (Whether Or Not Stripped Of Bark Or Sapwood) Or Roughly Squared, Treated With Pai
- 24740: Coniferous Wood, In The Rough (Stripped Or Not Of Bark Or Sapwood), Or Roughly Squared, Untreated W
- 24750: Wood of non-coniferous species, in the rough (whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood) or roughly squared, but not treated with paint, stains or other preservatives
- 24751: Tropical Wood, Nonconiferous, In The Rough Or Roughly Squared, But Not Treated With Paint, Stains O
- 24752: Nonconiferous Wood, n.e.s., In The Rough Or Roughly Squared, But Not Treated With Paint, Stains Or
- 24790: Woods in the rough or roughly squared, n.e.s.
- 24811: Railway Or Tramway Sleepers (Cross-Ties) Of Wood, Not Impregnated
- 24819: Railway Or Tramway Sleepers (Cross-Ties) Of Wood, n.e.s.
- 24820: Wood Of Coniferous Species, Sawn Or Chipped Lengthwise, Sliced Or Peeled, Whether Or Not Planed, Sa
- 24830: Coniferous Wood (Including Strips Etc. For Parquet Flooring, Unassembled), Continuously Shaped (Gro
- 24840: Wood Of Nonconiferous Species, Sawn Or Chipped Lengthwise, Sliced Or Peele D, Whether Or Not Planed
- 24850: Nonconiferous Wood (Including Strips Etc. For Parquet Flooring, Unassembled) Continously Shaped (Gr
25: Pulp and waste paper
- 25111: Waste And Scrap Of Unbleached Kraft Paper Or Paperboard Or Of Corrugated Paper Of Paperboard
- 25112: Waste And Scrap Of Other Paper Of Paperboard Made Mainly Of Bleached Chemical Pulp, Not Colored In
- 25113: Waste And Scrap Of Paper Of Paperboard Made Mainly Of Mechanical Pulp (E.G., Newspapers, Journals A
- 25119: Waste And Scrap Of Paper And Paperboard, n.e.s. (Including Unsorted Waste And Scrap)
- 25120: Mechanical Wood Pulp
- 25130: Chemical Wood Pulp, Dissolving Grades
- 25141: Chemical Wood Pulp, Coniferous, Soda Or Sulfate, Other Than Dissolving Grades, Unbleached
- 25142: Chemical Wood Pulp, Nonconiferous, Soda Or Sulfate, Other Than Dissolving Grades, Unbleached
- 25151: Chemical Wood Pulp, Coniferous, Soda Or Sulfate, Semibleached Or Bleached (Other Than Dissolving Gr
- 25152: Chemical Wood Pulp, Nonconiferous, Soda Or Sulfate, Semibleached Or Bleached (Other Than Dissolving
- 25161: Chemical Wood Pulp, Sulfite (Other Than Dissolving Grades), Unbleached
- 25162: Chemical Wood Pulp, Sulfite (Other Than Dissolving Grades), Semibleached Or Bleached
- 25191: Semichemical Wood Pulp
- 25192: Pulps Of Fibrous Cellulosic Material, Other Than Semichemical Wood Pulp
26: Textile fibers (other than wool tops and other combed wool) and their wastes (not manufactured into
- 26130: Raw Silk (Not Thrown)
- 26141: Silkworm Cocoons Suitable For Reeling
- 26142: Silk Waste (Including Cocoons Unsuitable For Reeling, Yarn Waste And Garnetted Stock) Not Carded Or
- 26149: Silk Waste, n.e.s.
- 26310: Cotton (Other Than Linters), Not Carded Or Combed
- 26320: Cotton Linters
- 26331: Cotton Yarn Waste (Including Cotton Thread Waste)
- 26332: Cotton Garnetted Stock
- 26339: Cotton Waste, n.e.s.
- 26340: Cotton, Carded Or Combed
- 26410: Jute And Other Textile Bast Fibers, Raw Or Retted
- 26490: Jute And Other Textile Bast Fibers, n.e.s. Processed But Not Spun, Tow And Waste Of These Fibers (I
- 26511: Flax, Raw Or Retted
- 26512: Flax, Broken, Scutched, Hackled Or Otherwise Processed, But Not Spun
- 26513: Flax Tow And Waste (Including Yarn Waste And Garnetted Stock)
- 26521: True Hemp, Raw Or Retted
- 26529: True Hemp Textile Fibers, Processed But Not Spun, Tow And Waste Of True Hemp (Including Yarn Waste
- 26541: Sisal And Other Textile Fibers Of The Genus Agave, Raw
- 26549: Sisal And Other Textile Fibers Of The Genus Agave, Processed But Not Spun, Tow And Waste Of These F
- 26551: Abaca (Manila Hemp Or Musa Textilis Nee), Raw
- 26559: Abaca (Manila Hemp Or Musa Textilis Nee), Processed But Not Spun, Tow, Noils And Waste Of These Fib
- 26571: Coconut Fibers (Coir), Raw
- 26579: Coconut Fibers (Coir), Processed But Not Spun, Tow, Noils And Waste Of The Se Fibers (Including Yar
- 26580: Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), ramie and other vegetable textile fibres, n.e.s., raw or processed but not spun; tow, noils and waste of these fibres"
- 26581: Vegetable Textile Fibers, n.e.s., Raw
- 26589: Vegetable Textile Fibers n.e.s., Processed But Not Spun, Tow, Noils And Waste Of These Fibers (Incl
- 26651: Synthetic Staple Fibers Of Nylon Or Other Polyamides, Not Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For
- 26652: Synthetic Staple Fibers Of Polyesters, Not Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26653: Synthetic Staple Fibers Of Acrylic Or Modacrylic, Not Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spi
- 26659: Synthetic Staple Fibers, n.e.s., Not Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26661: Synthetic Filament Tow Of Nylon Or Other Polyamides
- 26662: Synthetic Filament Tow Of Polyesters
- 26663: Synthetic Filament Tow Of Acrylic Or Modacrylic
- 26669: Synthetic Filament Tow, n.e.s.
- 26671: Synthetic Staple Fibers Of Nylon Or Other Polyamides, Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spi
- 26672: Synthetic Staple Fibers Of Polyesters, Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26673: Synthetic Staple Fiber Of Acrylic Or Modacrylic, Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26679: Synthetic Staple Fibers, n.e.s., Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26711: Artificial Staple Fibers, Not Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26712: Artificial Filament Tow
- 26713: Artificial Staple Fibers, Carded, Combed Or Otherwise Processed For Spinning
- 26721: Waste (Including Noils, Yarn Waste And Garnetted Stock), Of Synthetic Fibers
- 26722: Waste (Including Noils, Yarn Waste And Garnetted Stock), Of Artificiail Fibers
- 26811: Shorn Wool, Greasy (Including Fleece-Washed Wool), Not Carded Or Combed
- 26819: Wool, Greasy, Other Than Shorn Wool (Including Fleece-Washed Wool), Not Carded Or Combed
- 26821: Wool, Degreased, Not Carbonized, Not Carded Or Combed
- 26829: Wool, Degreased, Carbonized, Not Carded Or Combed
- 26830: Fine Animal Hair, Not Carded Or Combed
- 26850: Coarse animal hair, not carded or combed
- 26851: Horsehair And Horsehair Waste, Whether Or Not Put Up As A Layer With Or Without Supporting Material
- 26859: Coarse Animal Hair n.e.s., Not Carded Or Combed
- 26862: Garnetted Stock Of Wool Or Of Fine Or Coarse Animal Hair
- 26863: Noils Of Wool Or Of Fine Animal Hair, Not Garnetted
- 26869: Waste n.e.s., Of Wool Or Fine Or Coarse Animal Hair (Other Than Horsehair),Not Garnetted
- 26871: Carded Wool, Combed Wool In Fragments
- 26873: Wool Tops And Other Combed Wool
- 26877: Fine Or Coarse Animal Hair, Carded Or Combed
- 26901: Worn Clothing And Other Worn Textile Articles Traded In Bulk Or In Bales, Sacks Or Similar Bulk Pac
- 26902: Used Or New Rags, Scrap Twine, Cordage, Rope And Cables And Worn Out Articles Of Twine, Cordage, Ro
27: Crude fertilizers (imports only), except those of division 56, and crude minerals (excluding coal,
- 27210: Animal Or Vegetable Fertilizers, Whether Or Not Mixed, Etc., Fertilizers Produced By The Mixing Or
- 27220: Sodium Nitrate
- 27231: Natural Calcium Phosphates, Natural Aluminum Calcium Phosphates And Phosphatic Chalk, Unground, (Im
- 27232: Natural Calcium Phosphates, Natural Aluminum Calcium Phosphates And Phosphatic Chalk, Ground, (Impo
- 27240: Carnallite, Slyvite, And Other Crude Natural Potassium Salts
- 27311: Slate, Whether Or Not Roughly Trimmed Or Merely Cut, By Sawing Or Otherwise Into Blocks Or Slabs Of
- 27312: Marble, Travertine, And Specified Calcareous Monumental Or Building Stone And Alabaster, Whether O
- 27313: Granite, Porphyry, Basalt, Sandstone And Other Monumental Or Building Stone, n.e.s., Whether Or Not
- 27322: Limestone Flux And Calcareous Stone Commonly Used For The Manufacture Of Lime Or Cement
- 27323: Gypsum And Anhydrite
- 27324: Plasters (Calcined Gypsum Or Calcined Sulfate), With Or Without Small Quantities Of Accelerators Or
- 27331: Silica Sands And Quartz Sands
- 27339: Sands, Natural, Other Than Silica Sands And Quartz Sands
- 27340: Pebbles, Gravel, Broken Or Crushed Stone For Specific Uses, Macadam Of Slag, Dross Etc, Tarred Maca
- 27410: Sulfur Of All Kinds (Other Than Sublimed, Precipitated And Colloidal Sulfur)
- 27411: Sulfur, Crude Or Unrefined
- 27419: Sulfur (Except Crude Or Unrefined And Sublimed, Precipitated Or Colloidal Sulfur), n.e.s.
- 27420: Iron Pyrites, Unroasted
- 27711: Industrial Diamonds, Unworked Or Simply Sawn, Cleaved Or Bruted
- 27719: Industrial Diamonds, Worked (Other Than Simply Sawn, Cleaved Or Bruted), n.e.s.
- 27721: Dust And Powder Of Natural Or Synthetic Precious Or Semiprecious Stones
- 27722: Pumice Stone, Emery, Natural Corundum, Natural Garnet And Other Natural Abrasives, Crude Or In Irre
- 27723: Pumice stone
- 27729: Pumice Stone, Emery, Natural Corundum, Natural Garnet And Other Natural Abrasives, Other Than Crude
- 27822: Graphite, Natural
- 27823: Dolomite (Calcined Or Not), Including Roughly Trimmed Or Cut Into Blocks Or Slabs And Agglomerated
- 27824: Natural Magnesium Carbonate (Magnesite)
- 27825: Fused Magnesia, Dead-Burned (Sintered) Magnesia, Other Magnesium Oxide, Whether Or Not Pure
- 27826: Kaolin And Other Kaolinic Clays, Whether Or Not Calcined
- 27827: Bentonite
- 27829: Crude Clays, n.e.s., Including Andalusite, Kyanite And Sillimanite, Mullite, Chamotte And Dinas Ear
- 27830: Sodium Chloride, Pure, And Common Salt (Including Table Salt And Denatured Salt), Whether Or Not In
- 27840: Asbestos
- 27851: Quartz (Other Than Natural Sands), Quartzite, Whether Or Not Roughly Trimmed Or Merely Cut, By Sawi
- 27852: Mica (Including Splittings), Mica Waste
- 27853: Felspar, Leucite Nepheline And Nepheline Syenite
- 27854: Fluorspar
- 27855: Cryolite, Natural, Chiolite, Natural
- 27861: Granulated Slag From The Manufacture Of Iron And Steel
- 27862: Slag (Other Than Granulated), Dross, Scalings And Other Waste From The Manufacture Of Iron Or Steel
- 27869: Slag And Ash, n.e.s., Including Seaweed Ash (Kelp)
- 27891: Chalk (Crude Natural Calcium Carbonate)
- 27892: Natural Barium Sulfate (Barytes), Natural Barium Carbonate (Witherite), Whether Or Not Calcined (Ex
- 27893: Steatite, Natural, Whether Or Not Roughly Trimmed Or Merely Cut, By Sawing Or Otherwise, Into Block
- 27894: Natural Borates And Concentrates, Except Borates From Natural Brine, Natural Boric Acid Containing
- 27895: Siliceous Fossil Meals (Kieselguhr, Tripolite And Diatomite) And Similar Siliceous Earths, Calcined
- 27896: Bituminous Shale And Tar Sands
- 27897: Bitumen And Asphalt, Natural, Asphaltites And Asphaltic Rocks
- 27898: Vermiculite, Perlite And Chlorites, Unexpanded
- 27899: Mineral Substances, n.e.s.
28: Metalliferous ores and metal scrap
- 28140: Roasted Iron Pyrites (Pyrites Cinders), Whether Or Not Agglomerated
- 28150: Iron Ore And Concentrates, Not Agglomerated
- 28160: Iron Ore Agglomerates (Sinters, Pellets, Briquettes, Etc.)
- 28210: Waste And Scrap Of Cast Iron
- 28221: Waste And Scrap Of Stainless Steel
- 28229: Waste And Scrap Of Alloy Steel Other Than Stainless
- 28231: Waste And Scrap Of Tinned Iron Or Steel
- 28232: Ferrous Metal Turnings, Shavings, Chips, Milling Waste, Trimmings And Stampings, Whether Or Not In
- 28233: Remelting Ingots Of Iron Or Steel
- 28239: Ferrous Waste And Scrap, n.e.s.
- 28310: Copper Ores And Concentrates
- 28320: Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper)"
- 28321: Copper Mattes
- 28322: Cement Copper (Precipitated Copper)
- 28410: Nickel Ores And Concentrates
- 28421: Nickel Mattes
- 28422: Nickel Oxide Sinters And Other Intermediate Products Of Nickel Metallurgy
- 28510: Aluminum Ores And Concentrates
- 28520: Alumina (Aluminum Oxide)
- 28610: Uranium Ores And Concentrates
- 28620: Thorium Ores And Concentrates
- 28740: Lead Ores And Concentrates
- 28750: Zinc Ores And Concentrates
- 28760: Tin Ores And Concentrates
- 28770: Manganese Ores And Concentrates (Including Manganiferous Iron Ores And Concentrates With A Manganes
- 28781: Molybdenum Ores And Concentrates, Roasted
- 28782: Molybdenum Ores And Concentrates, Other Than Roasted
- 28783: Titanium Ores And Concentrates
- 28784: Zirconium Ores And Concentrates
- 28785: Niobium, Tantalum Or Vanadium Ores And Concentrates
- 28791: Chromium Ores And Concentrates
- 28792: Tungstun (Or Wolfram) Ores And Concentrates
- 28793: Cobalt Ores And Concentrates
- 28799: Base Metal Ores And Concentrates, n.e.s.
- 28810: Ash And Residues (Other Than From Manufacture Of Iron Or Steel) Containing Metals And Metallic Comp
- 28821: Copper Waste And Scrap
- 28822: Nickel Waste And Scrap
- 28823: Aluminum Waste And Scrap
- 28824: Lead Waste And Scrap
- 28825: Zinc Waste And Scrap (Other Than Dust)
- 28826: Tin Waste And Scrap
- 28911: Silver Ores And Concentrates
- 28919: Ores And Concentrates Of Precious Metals Except Silver
- 28921: Waste And Scrap Of Platinum, Including Metal Clad With Platinum, But Excluding Sweepings Containing
- 28929: Waste And Scrap Of Precious Metals n.e.s., Or Of Metals Clad With Precious Metal Other Than Gold O
29: Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.
- 29111: Bones And Horn-Cores, Unworked, Defatted, Simply Prepared, Treated With Acid Or Degelatinized, Powd
- 29115: Coral, Shells And Cuttle-Bone, Unworked Or Simply Prepared But Not Cut To Shape, Powder And Waste T
- 29116: Ivory, Tortoise-Shell, Whalebone And Whalebone Hair, Horns, Antlers, Hooves, Nails, Claws Etc., Unw
- 29191: Human Hair, Unworked, Whether Or Not Washed Or Scoured, Waste Of Human Hair
- 29192: Pig, Hog Or Boar Bristles And Hair, Badger And Other Brush Making Hair, Waste Of Such Bristles Or H
- 29193: Guts, Bladders And Stomachs Of Animals (Other Than Fish), Whole And Pieces Thereof
- 29194: Bovine Semen
- 29195: Bird Skins And Other Parts Of Birds Including Feathers Or Down, Not Further Worked Than Cleaned Or
- 29196: Fish Or Crustacean, Mollusc Or Other Aquatic Invertebrate Products, Unfit For Human Consumption
- 29197: Natural Sponges Of Animal Origin
- 29198: Ambergris, Castoreum, Civit And Musk, Cantharides, Bile, Glands And Other Animal Products Used In T
- 29199: Animal Products, n.e.s.
- 29221: Lac
- 29222: Gum Arabic
- 29229: Natural Gums, Resins, Gum Resins And Balsams, n.e.s.
- 29231: Bamboos
- 29232: Rattans
- 29239: Vegetable Materials, Other Than Bamboos Or Rattans, Of A Kind Used Primarily For Plaiting
- 29241: Liquorice Roots
- 29242: Ginseng Roots
- 29249: Plants And Parts Of Plants Used Primarily In Perfumery, Pharmacy, Or For Insecticidal, Fungicidal O
- 29251: Sugar Beet Seed
- 29252: Seeds Of Forage Plants, Other Than Beet Seed
- 29253: Seeds Of Herbaceous Plants Cultivated Principally For Their Flowers
- 29254: Vegetable Seeds, n.e.s
- 29259: Seeds, Fruit And Spores, n.e.s.
- 29261: Bulbs, Tubers, Tuberous Roots, Corms, Crowns And Rhizomes, Dormant, In Growth Or Flower, Chickory P
- 29269: Live Plants, n.e.s. (Including Their Roots), Cuttings And Slips, Mushroom Spawn
- 29271: Cut Flowers And Flower Buds Suitable For Bouquets Or Ornamental Use, Fresh, Dried, Dyed, Bleached,
- 29272: Foliage And Other Parts Of Plants (Without Flowers Or Flower Buds), Grasses, Mosses, Etc. For Bouqu
- 29292: Vegetable Materials Used Primarily For Stuffing Or Padding, Including Kapok, Vegetable Hair And Eel
- 29293: Vegetable Materials Used Primarily In Brooms And Brushes, Including Broomcorn, Piassava, Couch Gras
- 29294: Vegetable Saps And Extracts
- 29295: Pectic Substances, Pectinates And Pectates
- 29296: Mucilages And Thickeners (Whether Or Not Modified), Derived From Vegetable Products
- 29297: Seaweeds And Other Algae
- 29299: Vegetable Materials And Vegetable Products, n.e.s.
21: Hides, skins and furskins, raw
3: Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, and preparations thereof
32: Coal, coke and briquettes
- 32110: Anthracite, Pulverized Or Not, But Not Agglomerated
- 32121: Bituminous Coal, Pulverized Or Not, But Not Agglomerated
- 32122: Coal, n.e.s., Pulverized Or Not, But Not Agglomerated
- 32210: Briquettes, Ovoids And Similar Solid Fuels Manufactured From Coal
- 32221: Lignite (Excluding Jet), Pulverized Or Not, But Not Agglomerated
- 32222: Lignite (Excluding Jet), Pulverized Or Not, Agglomerated
- 32230: Peat (Including Peat Litter), Agglomerated Or Not
- 32500: Coke And Semicoke (Including Char) Of Coal, Of Lignite Or Of Peat, Agglomerated Or Not, Retort Carb
33: Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials
- 33300: Petroleum Oils And Oils From Bituminous Minerals, Crude
- 33400: Petroleum Oils And Oils From Bituminous Minerals (Other Than Crude), And Products Therefrom Contain
- 33411: Gasoline Including Aviation (Except Jet) Fuel
- 33412: Jet Fuel (Gasoline Type)
- 33419: Light Oils From Petroleum Or Bituminous Minerals (Other Than Crude), And Products Therefrom Contain
- 33421: Kerosene, Including Kerosene Type Jet Fuel
- 33429: Medium Oils From Petroleum Or Bituminous Minerals (Other Than Crude), And Products Therefrom Contai
- 33430: Gas Oils
- 33440: Fuel Oils, n.e.s.
- 33450: Lubricating Oils From Petroleum Or Bituminous Minerals (Other Than Crude), And Products Therefrom C
- 33460: Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) and preparations n.e.s., containing by weight 70 % or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained
- 33470: Waste oils
- 33511: Petroleum Jelly (Petrolatum)
- 33512: Paraffin Wax, Microcrystalline Petroleum Wax, Slack Wax, Ozokerite, Lignite Wax, Peat Wax Etc., Whe
- 33521: Tars Distilled From Coal, Lignite, Peat Or Other Mineral Tars, Including Partially Distilled And Re
- 33522: Benzene
- 33523: Toluene
- 33524: Xylene
- 33525: Oils And Products n.e.s. Of The Distillation Of High Temperature Coal Tar, Similar Products In Whic
- 33531: Pitch From Coal Tar Or Other Mineral Tars
- 33532: Pitch Coke
- 33541: Petroleum Bitumen And Other Residues Of Petroleum Or Bituminous Mineral Oils, Bituminous Mixtures
- 33542: Petroleum Coke
- 33543: Bituminous Mixtures Based On Natural Asphalt, Natural Bitumen, Petroleum Bitumen, Mineral Tar Or Mi
34: Gas, natural and manufactured
- 34210: Propane, Liquefied
- 34250: Butane, Liquefied
- 34310: Natural Gas, Liquefied
- 34320: Natural Gas, In The Gaseous State
- 34410: Ethylene, Propylene, Butylene And Butadiene, Liquefied
- 34420: Gaseous Hydrocarbons, Liquefied, n.e.s.
- 34490: Gaseous Hydrocarbons In The Gaseous State, n.e.s.
- 34500: Coal Gas, Water Gas, Producer Gas And Similar Gases, Other Than Petroleum Gases And Other Gaseous H
- 35: Electric current
32: Coal, coke and briquettes
4: Animal and vegatable oils, fats and waxes
41: Animal oils and fats
- 41111: Fish Liver Oils And Their Fractions
- 41112: Fish Fats And Oils (Other Than Fish Liver Oil) And Their Fractions
- 41113: Marine Mammal Fats And Oils And Their Fractions
- 41120: Lard, Pig Fat, n.e.s., And Poultry Fat, Rendered, Whether Or Not Pressed Or Solvent Extracted
- 41131: Pig Fat (Without Lean Meat) And Poultry Fat (Not Rendered), Fresh, Chilled, Frozen, Salted, In Brin
- 41132: Bovine Animal Fat, Sheep Or Goat Fat, Raw Or Rendered, Whether Or Not Pressed Or Solvent Extracted
- 41133: Lard Stearin, Lard Oil, Oleostearin, Oleo Oil And Tallow Oil, Not Emulsified Or Mixed Or Otherwise
- 41134: Wool Grease, Crude
- 41135: Wool Grease (Other Than Crude) And Fatty Substances Derived From Wool Grease, Including Lanolin
- 41139: Animal Oils And Fats And Their Fractions, n.e.s., Whether Or Not Refined, But Not Chemically Modifi
42: Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated
- 42111: Soybean Oil, Crude, Whether Or Not Degummed
- 42119: Soybean Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42121: Cottonseed Oil, Crude, Whether Or Not Gossypol Has Been Removed
- 42129: Cottonseed Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42131: Peanut (Groundnut) Oil, Crude
- 42139: Peanut (Groundnut) Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42141: Virgin Olive Oil
- 42142: Olive Oil (Except Virgin Oil) And Its Fractions
- 42149: Oils And Their Fractions (Except Olive Oil And Its Fractions) Obtained From Olives, Including Blend
- 42151: Sunflower Seed Oil Or Safflower Oil, Crude
- 42159: Refinded Oil And Fractions Thereof
- 42161: Corn (Maize) Oil, Crude
- 42169: Corn (Maize) Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42171: Rape, Colza Or Mustard Oil, Crude
- 42179: Refined Oil And Fractions Thereof
- 42180: Sesame (Sesamum) Oil And Its Fractions
- 42211: Linseed Oil, Crude
- 42219: Linseed Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42221: Palm Oil, Crude
- 42229: Palm Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42231: Coconut (Copra) Oil, Crude
- 42239: Coconut (Copra) Oil, Refined, And Its Fractions
- 42241: Palm Kernel Or Babassu Oil, Crude
- 42249: Refined Palm Kernel Or Babassu Oil, Refined, And Their Fractions
- 42250: Castor Oil And Its Fractions
- 42290: Other fixed vegetable fats, crude, refined or fractionated, other than soft
- 42291: Tung Oil And Its Fractions
- 42299: Fixed Vegetable Fats And Oils (Other Than Soft), Crude, Refined Or Fractionated, n.e.s.
43: Animal or vegetable fats and oils processed, waxes and inedible mixtures or preparations of animal
- 43110: Animal Or Vegetable Fats And Oils And Their Fractions Processed n.e.s., And Inedible Mixtures Or Pr
- 43121: Animal Fats Or Oils And Their Fractions, Hydrogenated, Interesterified Etc., Refined Or Not, But No
- 43122: Vegetable Fats Or Oils And Their Fractions, Hydrogenated, Interesterified Etc., Refined Or Not, But
- 43130: Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes."
- 43131: Fatty Acids And Acid Oils From Refining Animal Or Vegetable Fatty Substances
- 43133: Degras, Residues From The Treatment Of Animal Or Vegetable Waxes Or Fatty Substances
- 43141: Vegetable Waxes (Other Than Triglycerides) Whether Or Not Refined Or Colored
- 43142: Beeswax, Other Insect Waxes And Spermaceti, Whether Or Not Refined Or Colored
41: Animal oils and fats
5: Vegetables and fruit
51: Organic chemicals
- 51111: Ethylene
- 51112: Propene (Propylene)
- 51113: Butylenes, Butadienes And Methylbutadienes
- 51114: Saturated Acyclic Hydrocarbons
- 51119: Acyclic Hydrocarbons, n.e.s.
- 51121: Cyclohexane
- 51122: Benzene, Pure
- 51123: Toluene, Pure
- 51124: Xylenes, Pure
- 51125: Styrene
- 51126: Ethylbenzene
- 51127: Cumene
- 51129: Cyclic Hydrocarbons, n.e.s.
- 51131: Vinyl Chloride (Chloroethylene)
- 51132: Trichloroethylene
- 51133: Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)
- 51134: Unsaturated Chlorinated Derivatives Of Acyclic Hydrocarbons, n.e.s.
- 51135: 1,2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene Dichloride)
- 51136: Saturated Chlorinated Derivatives Of Acyclic Hydrocarbons, n.e.s.
- 51137: Fluorinated, Brominated Or Iodinated Derivatives Of Acyclic Hydrocarbons
- 51138: Halogenated Derivatives Of Acyclic Hydrocarbons Containing Two Or More Different Halogens
- 51139: Halogenated Derivatives Of Hydrocarbons, n.e.s.
- 51140: Sulfonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives Of Hydrocarbons, Halogenated Or Not
- 51211: Methanol (Methyl Alcohol)
- 51212: Propan-1-Ol (Propyl Alcohol) And Propan-2-Ol (Isopropyl Alcohol)
- 51213: Butanols
- 51214: Octanol (Octyl Alcohol) And Isomers Thereof
- 51215: Ethyl Alcohol (Not Denatured) Of An Alcoholic Strength By Volume Of 80% Or Higher
- 51216: Ethyl Alcohol And Other Spirits, Denatured, Of Any Alcoholic Strength
- 51217: Fatty Alcohols, Industrial
- 51218: Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining"
- 51219: Monohydric Alcohols, n.e.s.
- 51221: Ethylene Glycol (Ethanediol)
- 51222: Glycerol (Glycerine), Glycerol Waters And Glycerol Lyes
- 51223: Pentaerythritol
- 51224: Mannitol
- 51225: D-Glucitol (Sorbitol)
- 51229: Acyclic Alcohols, n.e.s.
- 51231: Cyclanic, Cyclenic, Or Cycloterpenic Alcohols And Their Halogenated, Sulfonated, Nitrated Or Nitros
- 51235: Aromatic Cyclic Alcohols And Their Halogenated, Sulfonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated Derivatives
- 51241: Phenol (Hydroxybenzene), Pure, And Its Salts
- 51242: Cresols, n.e.s., And Their Salts
- 51243: Phenols And Phenol-Alcohols, n.e.s.
- 51244: Phenol Or Phenol-Alcohol Derivatives, Halogenated, Sulfonated, Nitrated Or Nitrosated
- 51371: Acetic Acid And Its Salts
- 51372: Esters Of Acetic Acid
- 51373: Methacrylic Acid And Its Salts And Esters
- 51374: Formic Acid And Its Salts And Esters
- 51375: Butyric Acids, Valeric Acids, Their Salts And Esters
- 51376: Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Their Salts And Esters
- 51377: Saturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acids, Nes, Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides, Peroxyacids And
- 51378: Oleic, Linoleic Or Linolenic Acids, Their Salts And Esters
- 51379: Unsaturated Acyclic Monocarboxylic Acids n.e.s., Cyclic Monocarboxylic Acids, Their Anhydrides, Hal
- 51381: Maleic Anhydride
- 51382: Phthalic Anhydride
- 51383: Dioctyl Orthophthalates
- 51384: Dimethyl Terephthalate
- 51385: Cyclanic, Cyclenic Or Cycloterpenic Polycarboxylic Acids, Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides, Per
- 51389: Polycarboxylic Acids, n.e.s. And Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides And Peroxyacids, Their Haloge
- 51391: Lactic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Citric Acid And Their Salts And Esters
- 51392: Carboxylic Acids With Alcohol Being The Only Oxygen Function, Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides,
- 51393: Salicylic Acid And Its Salts And Esters
- 51394: Carboxylic Acids With Phenol Being The Only Oxygen Function, Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides,
- 51395: Carboxylic Acids With Aldehyde Or Ketone Being The Only Oxygen Function, Their Anhydrides, Halides,
- 51396: Carboxylic Acids With Additional Oxygen Functions, n.e.s., Their Anhydrides, Halides, Peroxides, Pe
- 51451: Acyclic Monoamines And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51452: Acyclic Polyamines And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51453: Cyclanic, Cyclenic Or Cycloterpenic Mono- Or Polyamines And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51454: Aromatic Monoamines And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51455: Aromatic Polyamines And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51461: Amino-Alcohols, Their Ethers And Esters (Not Containing More Than One Kind Of Oxygen-Function), Sal
- 51462: Amino-Naphthols And Other Amino-Phenols, Their Ethers And Esters (Not Containing More Than One Kind
- 51463: Amino-Aldehydes, Amino-Ketones And Amino-Quinones (Not Containing More Than One Kind Of Oxygen-Func
- 51464: Lysine, Its Esters And Salts Thereof, Glutamic Acid And Its Salts
- 51465: Amino Acids And Their Esters (Not Containing More Than One Kind Of Oxygen-Function) n.e.s., Salts T
- 51467: Amino-Alcohol-Phenols, Amino-Acid-Phenols And Other Amino Compounds With Oxygen-Function
- 51471: Acyclic Amides (Including Acyclic Carbamates) And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51473: Ureines And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51479: Cyclic Amides n.e.s. (Including Cyclic Carbamates) And Their Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 51481: Quaternary Ammonium Salts And Hydroxides, Lecithins And Other Phosphoaminolipids
- 51482: Carboxyimide-Function Compounds (Including Saccharin And Its Salts) And Amine-Function Compounds
- 51483: Acrylonitrile
- 51484: Nitrile-Function Compounds n.e.s.
- 51485: Diazo-, Azo- And Azoxy-Compounds
- 51486: Organic Derivatives Of Hydrazine Or Hydroxylamine
- 51489: Nitrogen-Function Compounds n.e.s.
- 51541: Dithiocarbonates (Xanthates)
- 51542: Thiocarbamates And Dithiocarbamates
- 51543: Thiuram Mono-, Di-, Or Tetrasulfides
- 51544: Methionine
- 51549: Organo-Sulfur Compounds n.e.s.
- 51550: Organo-Inorganic Compounds n.e.s.
- 51561: Lactams
- 51562: Coumarin, Methylcoumarins And Ethylcoumarins
- 51563: Lactones n.e.s.
- 51569: Heterocyclic Compounds With Oxygen Hetero-Atom(S) Only, n.e.s.
- 51571: Heterocyclic Compounds With Nitrogen Hetero-Atom(S) Only, Containing An Unfused Pyrazole Ring, Hydr
- 51572: Hydantoin And Its Derivatives
- 51573: Heterocyclic Compounds With An Unfused Imidazole Ring, Hydrogenated Or Not, n.e.s.
- 51574: Heterocyclic Compounds With Nitrogen Hetero-Atom(S) Only With An Unfused Pyridine Ring, Hydrogenate
- 51575: Heterocyclic Compounds With Nitrogen Hetero-Atom(S) Only, With A Quinoline Or Isoquinoline Ring-Sys
- 51576: Heterocyclic Compounds With Nitrogen Hetero-Atom(S) Only, With A Pyrimidine Ring, Piperazine Ring,
- 51577: Heterocyclic Compounds With Nitrogen Hetero-Atom(S) Only, n.e.s.
- 51578: Heterocyclic Compounds With A Phenothiazine Ring-System (Hydrogenated Or Not), Not Further Fused
- 51579: Heterocyclic Compounds, n.e.s.
- 51580: Sulfonamides
- 51612: Acetals And Hemiacetals, Whether Or Not With Other Oxygen-Function, And Their Halogenated, Sulfonat
- 51613: Oxirane (Ethylene Oxide)
- 51614: Methyloxirane (Propylene Oxide)
- 51615: Epoxides, Epoxyalcohols, Epoxyphenols And Epoxyethers With A Three-Member Ring, And Halogenated, Su
- 51616: Acyclic, Cyclanic, Cyclenic, Cycloterpenic And Aromatic Ethers And Their Halogenated, Sulfonated, N
- 51617: Ether-Acohols, Ether-Phenols, Ether-Alcohol-Phenols, Alcohol, Ether, Ketone Peroxides, Halogenated,
- 51621: Acyclic Aldehydes Without Other Oxygen Function
- 51622: Aldehydes, Whether Or Not With Other Oxygen Function n.e.s., Cyclic Polymers Of Aldehydes, Paraform
- 51623: Acetone
- 51624: Butanone (Ethyl Methyl Ketone)
- 51625: Acyclic Ketones Without Other Oxygen Function, n.e.s.
- 51626: Derivatives Of Aldehyde-Function Compounds (Aldehydes, Cyclic Aldehyde Polymers, Paraformaldehyde),
- 51627: Camphor
- 51628: Cyclanic, Cyclenic Or Cycloterpenic Ketones Without Other Oxygen Function, n.e.s.
- 51629: Aromatic Ketones, Ketone Alcohols, Aldehydes, Phenols And Other Etc, Quinones, Halogenated, Sulfona
- 51631: Phosphoric Esters And Their Salts (Including Lactophosphates), Their Halogenated, Sulfonated, Nitra
- 51639: Esters Of Inorganic Acids (Not Of Hydrogen Halides) And Their Salts, n.e.s., Their Halogenated, Sul
- 51691: Enzymes, Prepared Enzymes, n.e.s.
- 51692: Pure Sugars, n.e.s. (Other Than Sucrose, Lactose, Maltose, Glucose And Fructose), Sugar Ethers And
- 51699: Organic Compounds, n.e.s.
52: Inorganic chemicals
- 52210: Carbon (Including Carbon Black), n.e.s.
- 52221: Hydrogen, Rare Gases, Nitrogen And Oxygen
- 52222: Selenium, Tellurium, Phosphorus, Arsenic And Boron
- 52223: Silicon
- 52224: Chlorine
- 52225: Fluorine, Bromine And Iodine
- 52226: Sulfur, Sublimed Or Precipitated, Collodoidal Sulfur
- 52227: Mercury
- 52228: Sodium And Other Alkali Metals
- 52229: Calcium, Strontium And Barium, Rare Earth Metals, Scandium And Yttrium, Whether Not Intermixed Or I
- 52231: Hydrogen Chloride, (Hydrochloric Acid), Chlorosulfuric Acid
- 52232: Sulfuric Acid, Oleum
- 52233: Nitric Acid, Sulfonitric Acids
- 52234: Diphosphorus Pentoxide, Phosphoric Acid And Polyphosphoric Acids
- 52235: Boron Oxides, Boric Acids
- 52236: Inorganic Acids, n.e.s.
- 52237: Silicon Dioxide
- 52238: Sulfur Dioxide
- 52239: Inorganic Oxygen Compounds Of Nonmetals, n.e.s.
- 52241: Halides And Halide Oxides Of Nonmetals
- 52242: Sulfides Of Nonmetals, Commercial Phosphorus Trisulfide
- 52251: Zinc Oxide, Zinc Peroxide
- 52252: Chromium Oxides And Hydroxides
- 52253: Manganese Oxides
- 52254: Iron Oxides And Hydroxides, Earth Colors 70% Or More By Weight Of Combined Iron Evaluated As Fe203
- 52255: Cobalt Oxides And Hydroxides, Commercial Cobalt Oxides
- 52256: Titanium Oxides
- 52257: Lead Oxides, Red Lead And Orange Lead
- 52261: Ammonia, Anhydrous, Or In Aqueous Solution
- 52262: Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda), Solid
- 52263: Sodium Hydroxide In Aqueous Solution (Soda Lye Or Liquid Soda)
- 52264: Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash), Peroxides Of Sodium Or Potassium
- 52265: Magnesium Hydroxide And Peroxide, Stronium Or Barium Oxides, Hydroxides And Peroxides
- 52266: Aluminum Hydroxide
- 52267: Artificial Corundum, Whether Or Not Chemically Defined
- 52268: Hydrazine And Hydroxylamine And Their Inorganic Salts
- 52269: Inorganic Bases n.e.s., Metal Oxides, Hydroxides And Peroxides, n.e.s.
- 52310: Fluorides, Fluorosilicates, Fluoroaluminates And Other Complex Fluorine Salts
- 52321: Ammonium Chloride
- 52322: Calcium Chloride
- 52329: Chlorides, Chloride Oxides And Hydroxides, n.e.s., Bromides And Bromide Oxides, Iodides And Iodide
- 52331: Hypochlorites, Commercial Calcium Hypochlorite, Chlorites, Hypobromites
- 52332: Sodium Chlorate
- 52339: Chlorates And Perchlorates, n.e.s., Bromates And Perbromates, Iodates And Periodates
- 52341: Sodium Sulfide
- 52342: Sulfides, n.e.s., Polysulfides
- 52343: Dithionites And Sulfoxylates
- 52344: Sulfites, Thiosulfates
- 52345: Sodium Sulfates
- 52349: Sulfates n.e.s., Alums
- 52351: Nitrites
- 52352: Potassium Nitrate
- 52359: Nitrates, n.e.s.
- 52361: Phosphinates (Hypophosphites) And Phosphonates (Phosphites)
- 52362: Triammonium Phosphate
- 52363: Phosphates, n.e.s.
- 52364: Sodium Triphosphate (Sodium Tripolyphosphate)
- 52365: Polyphosphates, n.e.s.
- 52371: Commercial Ammonium Carbonate And Other Ammonium Carbonates
- 52372: Neutral Sodium Carbonate (Disodium Carbonate)
- 52373: Sodium Hydrogencarbonate (Sodium Bicarbonate)
- 52374: Potassium Carbonates
- 52375: Lead Carbonate
- 52379: Carbonates, n.e.s.
- 52381: Cyanides, Cyanide Oxides And Complex Cyanides
- 52382: Fulminates, Cyanates And Thiocyanates
- 52383: Silicates, Commercial Alkali Metal Silicates
- 52384: Borates, Peroxoborates (Perborates)
- 52389: Salts Of Inorganic Acids Or Peroxoacids, n.e.s.
- 52431: Salts Of Oxometallic Or Peroxometallic Acids
- 52432: Colloidal Precious Metals, Organic Or Inorganic Precious Metal Compounds, Chemically Defined Or Not
- 52491: Hydrogen Peroxide, Solidified Or Not With Urea
- 52492: Phosphides, Chemically Defined Or Not (Excluding Ferrophosphorus)
- 52493: Calcium Carbide, Chemically Defined Or Not
- 52494: Carbides (Other Than Calcium Carbide), Chemically Defined Or Not
- 52495: Hydrides, Nitrides, Azides, Silicides And Borides, Whet Or Nt Chemically Defined, Oth Th Compounds
- 52496: Compounds, inorganic or organic, of mercury, excluding amalgams
- 52499: Inorganic Compounds n.e.s. (Including Distilled Or Conductivity Water), Liquid Air (With Rare Gases
- 52511: Natural Uranium And Its Compounds, Uranium Alloys, Dispersions, Ceramic Products And Mixtures Conta
- 52513: Uranium And Its Compounds Enriched In U235, Plutonium And Its Compounds, Alloys, And Other Products
- 52515: Uranium And Its Compounds Depleted In U235, Thorium And Its Compounds, Alloys, And Other Products C
- 52517: Spent (Irradiated) Fuel Elements (Cartridges) Of Nuclear Reactors
- 52519: Radioactive Elements, Isotopes And Compounds, n.e.s., Alloys, Other Products And Mixtures Having Th
- 52591: Stable Isotopes And Their Compounds, Inorganic Or Organic, Chemically Defined Or Not
- 52595: Rare-Earth Metal Compounds Or Mixtures Of Yttrium Or Scandium, Inorganic Or Organic
53: Dyeing, tanning and coloring materials
- 53111: Disperse Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53112: Acid Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon, Mordant Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53113: Basic Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53114: Direct Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53115: Vat Dyes (Including Those Usable As Pigments) And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53116: Reactive Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53117: Pigments And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53119: Synthetic Organic Coloring Matter, n.e.s. (Including Mixtures Of Products Provided For Under Subgro
- 53121: Synthetic Organic Fluorescent Brightening Agents Or Luminophores
- 53122: Color Lakes, Preparations Based On Color Lakes
- 53221: Tanning Extracts Of Vegetable Origin, Tannins And Their Salts, Ethers, Esters And Other Derivatives
- 53222: Coloring Matter Of Vegetable Or Animal Origin (Including Dyeing Extracts Except Animal Black), And
- 53231: Synthetic Organic Tanning Substances
- 53232: Inorganic Tanning Substances, Tanning Preparations, Enzymatic Preparations For Pre-Tanning
- 53311: Pigments And Preparations Based On Titanium Dioxide
- 53312: Pigments And Preparations Based On Chromium Compounds
- 53313: Pigments And Preparations Based On Cadmium Compounds
- 53314: Ultramarine And Preparations Based Thereon
- 53315: Lithopone, And Other Pigments And Preparations Based On Zinc Sulfide
- 53316: Hexacyanoferrate (Ferrocyanide And Ferricyanide) Pigments And Preparations Based On Hexacyanoferrat
- 53317: Coloring Matter And Coloring Preparations, n.e.s.
- 53318: Inorganic Products Used As Luminophores
- 53321: Printing Ink, Black
- 53329: Printing Ink, Other Than Black
- 53341: Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) Based On Synthetic Polymers Or Chemically Mod
- 53342: Paints And Varnishes (Including Enamels And Lacquers) Based On Synthetic Or Chemically Modified Nat
- 53343: Paints And Varnishes n.e.s., Including Enamels, Lacquers And Distempers, Prepared Water Pigments Us
- 53344: Pigments (Including Metallic Powders And Flakes) In Nonaqueous Media For Paint Manufacture, Stampin
- 53351: Prepared Pigments, Opacifiers And Colors, Vitrifiable Enamel Etc. Used In Ceramic, Enameling And Gl
- 53352: Artists And Other Painters Colors, Modifying Tints Etc., In Tablets, Tubes, Jars, Bottles, Pans Or
- 53353: Prepared Paint Driers
- 53354: Glaziers Putty, Grafting Putty, Resin Cement, Caulking Compounds And Other Mastics, Painters Fillin
- 53355: Organic Composite Solvents And Thinners, n.e.s., Prepared Paint Or Varnish Removers
54: Medicinal and pharmaceutical products
- 54111: Provitamins, Unmixed
- 54112: Vitamins A And Derivatives, Unmixed
- 54113: Vitamins B And Derivatives, Unmixed
- 54114: Vitamin C And Derivatives, Unmixed
- 54115: Vitamin E And Derivatives, Unmixed
- 54116: Vitamins n.e.s. And Derivatives, Unmixed
- 54117: Provitamin And Vitamin Intermixtures (Including Natural Concentrates)
- 54131: Penicillins And Derivatives With A Penicillanic Acid Structure, Salts Thereof
- 54132: Streptomycins And Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 54133: Tetracyclines And Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 54139: Antibiotics, n.e.s., Not Put Up As Medicaments
- 54141: Opium Alkaloids And Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 54142: Cinchona Alkaloids And Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 54143: Caffeine And Its Salts
- 54144: Ephedrines And Their Salts
- 54145: Theophylline And Aminophylline (Theophylline-Ethylenediamine) And Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 54146: Rye Ergot Alkaloids And Derivatives, Salts Thereof
- 54147: Nicotine And Its Salts
- 54149: Vegetable Alkaloids, n.e.s. And Their Salts, Derivatives Of Alkaloids, n.e.s. And Their Salts
- 54150: Hormones, Natural Or Reproduced By Synthesis, Hormone Derivatives And Other Steriods Used As Hormon
- 54151: Insulin And Its Salts
- 54152: Pituitary (Anterior) Or Similar Hormones And Derivatives
- 54153: Adrenal Cortical Hormones And Derivatives
- 54154: Polypeptide hormones, protein hormones and glycoprotein hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues
- 54155: Catecholamine hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues
- 54156: Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes, their derivatives and structural analogues
- 54159: Hormones, Hormone Derivatives And Other Steriods Used As Hormones, n.e.s., Not Put Up As Medicament
- 54161: Glycosides, Natural Or Reproduced By Synthesis, And Salts, Ethers, Esters And Other Derivatives
- 54162: Glands, Other Organs, Dried And/Or Extracts Of Glands Etc. And Other Human Or Animal Products n.e.s
- 54163: Antisera And Other Blood Fractions, Vaccines
- 54164: Human Blood, Prepared Animal Blood (For Therapeutic Etc. Use), Toxins, Cultures Of Micro-Organisms
- 54190: Pharmaceutical Goods, Other Than Medicaments
- 54191: Wadding, Gauze, Bandages Etc. Impregnated Or Coated With Pharmaceutical Products Or In Retail Packa
- 54192: Blood-Grouping Reagents
- 54193: Opacifying Preparations For X-Ray Examinations, Diagnostic Reagents
- 54199: Pharmaceutical Goods, n.e.s.
- 54211: Medicaments Containing Penicillins Or Streptomycins Or Their Derivatives, Not In Dosage Form Or Ret
- 54212: Medicaments Containing Antibiotics, Except Penicillins And Streptomycins, Not In Dosage Form Or Ret
- 54213: Medicaments Containing Penicillins Or Streptomycins Or Their Derivatives, In Dosage Form Or Retail
- 54219: Medicaments Containing Antibiotics, Except Penicillins And Streptomycins, In Dosage Form Or Retail
- 54221: Medicaments Containing Insulin, Not In Dosage Form Or Retail Packings
- 54222: Medicaments Containing Hormones, Their Derivatives And Other Steriods Used As Hormones, n.e.s., Not
- 54223: Medicaments Containing Insulin, In Dosage Form Or Retail Packings
- 54224: Medicaments Containing Adrenal Cortical Hormones, Put Up In Measured Doses Or In Forms Or Packings
- 54229: Medicaments Containing Hormones, Their Derivatives And Other Steriods Used As Hormones, n.e.s., In
- 54231: Medicaments Containing Alkaloids And Their Derivatives, n.e.s., Not In Dosage Form Or Retail Packin
- 54232: Medicaments Containing Alkaloids And Their Derivatives, n.e.s., In Dosage Form Or Retail Packings
- 54291: Medicaments, n.e.s., Not In Dosage Form Or Retail Packings
- 54292: Medicaments Containing Vitamins Or Provitamins, In Dosage Form Or Retail Packings
- 54293: Medicaments, n.e.s., In Dosage Form Or Retail Packings
55: Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials, toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations
- 55131: Essential Oils Of Citrus Fruit
- 55132: Essential Oils, Except Of Citrus Fruit
- 55133: Resinoids
- 55135: Concentrates Of Essential Oils In Fats, Fixed Oils Etc., Terpenic By-Products And Aqueous Distillat
- 55141: Mixtures Containing Odoriferous Substances Of A Kind Used In The Food Or Drink Industries
- 55149: Mixtures Containing One Or More Odoriferous Substances (Except Those Used In Food And Drink Product
- 55310: Perfumes And Toilet Waters
- 55320: Beauty Or Make-Up Skin Care Preparations, Including Sunscreen Or Suntan Preparations, Manicure And
- 55330: Cosmetic Or Toilet Preparations For Use On The Hair, Including Shampoos
- 55340: Oral Or Dental Hygiene Preparations, Including Denture Fixative Pastes And Powders
- 55351: Pre-Shave, Shaving Or After-Shave Preparations
- 55352: Personal Deodorants And Antiperspirants
- 55353: Perfumed Bath Salts And Other Bath Preparations
- 55354: Preparations For Perfuming Or Deodorizing Rooms
- 55359: Depilatories And Perfumery, Cosmetic Or Toilet Preparations, n.e.s.
- 55411: Soap And Organic Surface-Active Products In Bars, Cakes Or Shapes And Paper, Etc. Impregnated Or Co
- 55415: Soap And Organic Surface-Active Products In Bars, Cakes Or Shapes And Paper, Etc. Impregnated Or Co
- 55419: Soap, n.e.s.
- 55421: Organic Surface-Active Agents, Put Up For Retail Sale Or Not
- 55422: Surface-Active Washing Or Cleaning Preparations, n.e.s., Put Up For Retail Sale
- 55423: Surface-Active Washing Or Cleaning Preparations, n.e.s., Not Put Up For Retail Sale
- 55431: Polishes, Creams And Similar Preparations (Except Artificial And Prepared Waxes), For Footwear And
- 55432: Polishes, Creams And Similar Preparations (Except Artificial And Prepared Waxes), For The Maintenan
- 55433: Polishes And Similar Preparations (Except Metal Polishes, Artificial And Prepared Waxes), For Coach
- 55434: Scouring Pastes, Powders And Other Scouring Preparations
- 55435: Polishes, Creams And Similar Preparations (Except Artificial And Prepared Waxes), For Glass Or Meta
56: Fertilizers (exports include group 272, imports exclude group 272)
- 56211: Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizers, (Imports Only)
- 56212: Fertilizers, Double Salts And Mixtures Of Ammonium Sulfate And Ammonium Nitrate, (Imports Only)
- 56213: Ammonium Sulfate Fertilizers (Imports Only)
- 56214: Fertilizers, Double Salts And Mixtures Of Calcium Nitrate And Ammonium Nitrate, (Imports Only)
- 56215: Calcium Cyanamide Fertilizers (Imports Only)
- 56216: Urea Fertilizers, Whether Or Not In Aqueous Solution, (Imports Only)
- 56217: Fertilizers, Urea And Ammonium Nitrate Mixtures In Aqueous Or Ammoniacal Solution, (Imports Only)
- 56219: Mineral Or Chemical Fertilizers, Nitrogenous, n.e.s. (Include Nitrogenous Mixtures, n.e.s.), (Impor
- 56221: Basic Slag Fertilizers (Thomas Slag), (Imports Only)
- 56222: Superphosphate Fertilizers (Imports Only)
- 56229: Mineral Or Chemical Fertilizers, Phosphatic, n.e.s., (Imports Only)
- 56231: Potassium Chloride Fertilizers (Imports Only)
- 56232: Potassium Sulfate Fertilizers (Imports Only)
- 56239: Mineral Or Chemical Fertilizers, Potassic, n.e.s., (Imports Only)
- 56291: Fertilizers, n.e.s., Containing The Three Fertilizing Elements Nitrogen, Phosphorus And Potassium,
- 56292: Mineral Or Chemical Fertilizers, Containing The Two Fertilizing Elements Phosphorus And Potassium,
- 56293: Diammonium Hydrogenorthophosphate (Diammonium Phosphate) Fertilizers, (Imports Only)
- 56294: Ammonium Dihydrogenorthophosphate (Monoammonium Phosphate) Fertilz & Mix With Diammonium Hydrogenor
- 56295: Fertilizers, n.e.s., Containing The Two Fertilizing Elements Nitrogen And Phosphorus, (Imports Only
- 56296: Fertilizers, Incl Those Of Animal Or Veg Origin And Mineral Or Chem Elements, In Tablets, Etc. Or I
- 56299: Fertilizers, n.e.s., (Imports Only)
57: Plastics in primary forms
- 57111: Polyethylene, Having A Specific Gravity Of Less Than 0.94, In Primary Forms
- 57112: Polyethylene, Having A Specific Gravity Of 0.94 Or More, In Primary Forms
- 57120: Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate Copolymers, In Primary Forms
- 57190: Polymers Of Ethylene, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57211: Polystyrene, Expansible, In Primary Forms
- 57219: Polystyrene, Other Than Expansible, In Primary Forms
- 57291: Styrene-Acrylonitrile (San) Copolymers, In Primary Forms
- 57292: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (Abs) Copolymers, In Primary Forms
- 57299: Styrene Polymers, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57311: Polyvinyl Chloride, Not Mixed With Other Substances, In Primary Forms
- 57312: Polyvinyl Chloride, Mixed With Other Substances, Nonplasticized, In Primary Forms
- 57313: Polyvinyl Chloride, Mixed With Other Substances, Plasticized, In Primary Forms
- 57391: Vinyl Chloride-Vinyl Acetate Copolymers, In Primary Forms
- 57392: Vinyl Chloride Copolymers, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57393: Vinylidene Chloride Polymers, In Primary Forms
- 57394: Fluoro-Polymers, In Primary Forms
- 57399: Polymers Of Vinyl Chloride Or Other Halogenated Olefins, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57411: Polyacetals, In Primary Forms
- 57419: Polyether Resins, Other Than Polyacetals, In Primary Forms
- 57420: Epoxide Resins, In Primary Forms
- 57431: Polycarbonates, In Primary Forms
- 57432: Alkyd Resins, In Primary Forms
- 57433: Polyethylene Terephthalate, In Primary Forms
- 57434: Polyesters In Primary Forms, n.e.s., Unsaturated
- 57439: Polyesters In Primary Forms, n.e.s., Saturated
- 57511: Polypropylene, In Primary Forms
- 57512: Polyisobutylene, In Primary Forms
- 57513: Propylene Copolymers, In Primary Forms
- 57519: Polymers Of Olefins, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57521: Polymethyl Methacrylate, In Primary Forms
- 57529: Acrylic Polymers, Other Than Polymethyl Methacrylate, In Primary Forms
- 57531: Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 Or -6,12, In Primary Forms
- 57539: Polyamides, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57541: Urea Resins, Thiourea Resins, In Primary Forms
- 57542: Melamine Resins, In Primary Forms
- 57543: Amino-Resins, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57544: Phenolic Resins, In Primary Forms
- 57545: Polyurethanes, In Primary Forms
- 57551: Cellulose Acetates, Nonplasticised, In Primary Forms
- 57552: Cellulose Acetates, Plasticised, In Primary Forms
- 57553: Cellulose Nitrates (Including Collodions), In Primary Forms
- 57554: Cellulose Ethers, In Primary Forms
- 57559: Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57591: Polymers Of Vinyl Acetate, In Primary Forms
- 57592: Polymers Of Vinyl Esters Other Than Vinyl Acetate, Other Vinyl Polymers, n.e.s., In Primary Forms
- 57593: Silicones In Primary Forms
- 57594: Alginic Acid, Its Salts And Esters, In Primary Forms
- 57595: Natural Polymers And Modified Natural Polymers (Hardened Proteins, Chemical Derivatives Of Natural
- 57596: Petroleum Resins, Coumarone-Indene Resins, Polyterpenes, Polysulfides, Polysulfones And Plastics, N
- 57597: Ion-Exchangers, Based On Plastics In Primary Forms
- 57910: Waste, Parings And Scrap Of Polymers Of Ethylene
- 57920: Waste, Parings And Scrap Of Polymers Of Styrene
- 57930: Waste, Parings And Scrap Of Polymers Of Vinyl Chloride
- 57990: Waste, Parings And Scrap, Of Plastics, n.e.s.
58: Plastics in nonprimary forms
- 58110: Artificial Guts (Sausage Casings) Of Hardened Protein Or Cellulosic Materials
- 58120: Rigid Tubes, Pipes And Hoses Of Plastics
- 58130: Flexible Tubes, Pipes And Hoses Of Plastics, Having A Minimum Burst Pressure Of 27.6 Mpa
- 58140: Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, n.e.s. Of Plastics, Not Reinforced Or Otherwise Combined With Other Materia
- 58150: Tubes, Pipes And Hoses, n.e.s. Of Plastics, Not Reinforced Or Otherwise Combined With Other Materia
- 58160: Tubes, Pipes And Hoses Of Plastics, n.e.s.
- 58170: Fittings Of Plastics, For Tubes, Pipes And Hoses (Including Joints, Elbows And Flanges)
- 58211: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape And Other Flat Shapes Of Plastics, Self-Adhesive, In Rolls Not Exc
- 58219: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil, Tape And Other Flat Shapes Of Plastics, Self-Adhesive, n.e.s.
- 58221: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Polymers Of Ethylene, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Reinforced,
- 58222: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Polymers Of Propylene, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Reinforced
- 58223: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Polymers Of Styrene, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Reinforced,
- 58224: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Vinyl Chloride Polymers, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Reinforc
- 58225: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Acrylic Polymers, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Reinforced, Lam
- 58226: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Polycarbonates, Alkyd Resins Or Other Polyesters, Not Self-
- 58227: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Vulcanized Fiber, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Reinforced, Lam
- 58228: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Cellulose Or Its Chemical Derivatives, n.e.s., Not Self-Adh
- 58229: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Plastics, N.Es., Noncellular, Not Self-Adhesive And Not Rei
- 58291: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Plastics, n.e.s., Cellular
- 58299: Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil And Strip Of Plastics, n.e.s., Noncellular
- 58310: Monofilament With A Cross-Sectional Dimension Exceeding 1 Mm, Rods, Sticks And Profile Shapes Of Po
- 58320: Monofilament With A Cross-Sectional Dimension Exceeding 1 Mm, Rods, Sticks And Profile Shapes Of Vi
- 58390: Monofilament With A Cross-Sectional Dimension Exceeding 1 Mm, Rods, Sticks And Profile Shapes Of Pl
59: Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.
- 59110: Insecticides, Put Up Or Packed For Retail Sale Or As Preparations Or Articles
- 59120: Fungicides, Put Up Or Packed For Retail Sale Or As Preparations Or Articles
- 59130: Herbicides (Weed Killers), Antisprouting Products And Plant-Growth Regulators, Put Up Or Packed For
- 59140: Disinfectants
- 59141: Disinfectants Put Up Or Packed For Retail Sale Or As Preparations Or Articles
- 59149: Rodenticides And Similar Products Put Up Or Packed For Retail Sale Or As Preparations Or Articles
- 59190: Other products of group 591, put up in forms or packings for retail sale or as preparations or articles, n.e.s.
- 59211: Wheat Starch
- 59212: Corn (Maize) Starch
- 59213: Potato Starch
- 59214: Cassava (Manioc) Starch
- 59215: Starches, n.e.s.
- 59216: Inulin
- 59217: Wheat Gluten, Dried Or Not
- 59221: Casein
- 59222: Caseinates And Other Casein Derivatives, Casein Glues
- 59223: Albumins (Incl Cncent Of Two Or More Whey Proteins Cont By Weight More Th 80% Whey Proteins Calc On
- 59224: Gelatin (Including Gelatin In Rectangular Or Square Sheets) And Gelatin Derivatives, Isinglass, Oth
- 59225: Peptones And Derivatives, Other Proteins And Derivatives, n.e.s., Hide Powder, Chromed Or Not
- 59226: Dextrins And Other Modified Starches
- 59227: Glues Based On Starches, Dextrins Or Other Modified Starches
- 59229: Prepared Glues And Adhesives, n.e.s., Products For Use As Glues Or Adhesives, In Packages For Retai
- 59311: Propellent Powders
- 59312: Prepared Explosives, Other Than Propellent Powders
- 59320: Safety Fuses, Detonating Fuses, Percussion Or Detonating Caps, Ignitors, Electric Detonators
- 59331: Fireworks
- 59333: Signalling Flares, Rain Rockets, Fog Signals And Other Pyrotechnic Articles, n.e.s.
- 59721: Antiknock Preparations
- 59725: Additives For Lubricating Oils
- 59729: Additives For Other Liquids Used For The Same Purposes As Mineral Oils, n.e.s.
- 59731: Hydraulic Brake Fluids And Prepared Liquids For Hydraulic Transmissions, Containing Less Than 70% B
- 59733: Antifreezing Preparations And Deicing Fluids
- 59771: Preparations For Treating Textiles, Leather, Furskins Or Other Materials, Containing Petroleum Or B
- 59772: Lubricating Preparations, Containing Petroleum Or Bituminous Mineral Oils (Less Than 70% By Weight)
- 59773: Preparations For Treating Textiles, Leather, Furskins Or Other Materials, Containing Oils Or Grease
- 59774: Lubricating Preparations Containing Oils Or Greases From Sources Other Than Petroleum Or Bituminous
- 59811: Tall Oil, Refined Or Not
- 59812: Residual Lyes From The Manufacture Of Wood Pulp (Including Lignin Sulfonates, But Excluding Tall Oi
- 59813: Gum, Wood Or Sulfate Turpentine And Other Terpenic Oils, Crude Dipentene, Sulfite Turpentine And Ot
- 59814: Rosin And Rosin Acids, And Derivatives, Rosin Spirit And Rosin Oils
- 59818: Wood Tar, Wood Tar Oils, Wood Creosote, Wood Naphtha, Vegetable Pitch, Brewers Pitch And Like Produ
- 59831: Artificial Waxes And Prepared Waxes Of Chemically Modified Lignite
- 59835: Artificial Waxes And Prepared Waxes Of Polyethylene Glycol
- 59839: Artificial Waxes And Prepared Waxes, n.e.s.
- 59840: Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of subgroups 335.2 and 511.2
- 59841: Mixed Alkylbenzenes, n.e.s.
- 59845: Mixed Alkylnaphthalenes, n.e.s.
- 59850: Chemical Elements Doped For Use In Electronics, In Discs, Wafers Or Similar Forms, Chemical Compoun
- 59861: Artificial Graphite, Colloidal Or Semi-Colloidal Graphite, Graphite Or Other Carbon Based Products
- 59863: Prepared Rubber Accelerators
- 59864: Activated Carbon
- 59865: Activated Natural Mineral Products, Animal Black (Including Spent Animal Black)
- 59867: Prepared Culture Media For Development Of Micro-Organisms
- 59869: Composite Diagnostic Or Laboratory Reagents, n.e.s.
- 59881: Supported Catalysts With Nickel Or Nickel Compounds As Active Substances
- 59883: Supported Catalysts With Precious Metal Or Precious Metal Compounds As Active Substances
- 59885: Supported Catalysts, n.e.s.
- 59889: Catalysts And Catalytic Preparations, n.e.s.
- 59891: Finishing Agents, Dye Carriers, Dressings, Etc. Used In The Textile, Paper, Leather Or Similar Indu
- 59893: Compound Plasticizers For Rubber Or Plastics, n.e.s., Antioxidizers And Other Compound Stabilizers
- 59894: Preparations And Charges For Fire Extinguishers, Charged Fire Extinguishing Grenades
- 59895: Modelling Pastes, Dental Wax Or Dental Impression Compounds, In Sets, Retail Packages, Etc., Calcin
- 59896: Pickling Preparations For Metal Surfaces, Fluxes And Other Products For Soldering, Etc., Products A
- 59897: Prepared Additives For Cements, Mortars Or Concretes
- 59898: Nonrefractory Mortars And Concretes
- 59899: Chemical Products And Preparations, n.e.s.
- 59910: Municipal waste; sewage sludge"
- 59920: Clinical waste
- 59930: Waste organic solvents
- 59940: Wastes of metal pickling liquors, hydraulic fluids, brake fluids and anti-freeze fluids
- 59990: Other wastes from chemical or allied industries
51: Organic chemicals
6: Processed goods, mainly semi-finished products
61: Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s., and dressed furskins
- 61120: Composition Leather With A Leather Or Leather Fiber Base, In Slabs, Sheets Or Strip
- 61130: Whole Bovine Skin Leather (Without Hair), With A Surface Area Not Over 28 Sq. Ft, (2,6 M2), Not Spe
- 61141: Bovine Leather n.e.s. And Equine Leather (Without Hair), Tanned Or Retanned But Not Further Prepare
- 61142: Bovine Leather n.e.s. And Equine Leather (Without Hair), Parchment-Dressed Or Prepared After Tannin
- 61143: Hides and skins not further prepared in the wet state
- 61144: Hides and skins not further prepared in the dry state
- 61145: Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather
- 61151: Sheep Or Lamb Skin Leather (Without Wool), Tanned Or Retanned But Not Further Prepared, Whether Or
- 61152: Sheep Or Lamb Skin Leather (Without Wool), Parchment-Dressed Or Prepared After Tanning
- 61161: Goat Or Kidskin Leather (Without Hair), Tanned Or Retanned But Not Further Prepared, Whether Or Not
- 61162: Goat Or Kidskin Leather (Without Hair), Parchment-Dressed Or Prepared After Tanning
- 61171: Swine Leather (Without Hair), Not Specially Dressed Or Finished
- 61172: Reptile Leather, Not Specially Dressed Or Finished
- 61179: Leather Of Animals, n.e.s. (Without Hair), Not Specially Dressed Or Finished
- 61181: Chamois (Including Combination Chamois) Leather
- 61183: Patent Leather And Patent Laminated Leather, Metallized Leather
- 61210: Articles Of Leather Or Composition Leather Used In Machinery Or Mechanical Appliances Or For Other
- 61220: Saddlery And Harness For Any Animal (Including Leads, Muzzles, Saddle Cloths And Bags, Dog Coats, E
- 61290: Articles Of Leather Or Of Composition Leather, n.e.s.
- 61311: Whole Mink Furskins, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws, Not Assembled
- 61312: Whole Rabbit Or Hare Furskins, With Or Without Head, Tail Or Paws, Not Assembled
61: Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s., and dressed furskins