The Combined Nomenclature (CN), v1:2019
The Combined Nomenclature (CN) is the EU Product Nomenclature, which meets the requirements for foreign trade statistics. The Nomenclature, which is specifically addressed to information providers in intra-EU trade, contains the complete CN (without duty rates) and the associated additional units.
Valid from:
January 1, 2019
Valid to:
December 31, 2019
External economy
Frida Jark Kappel,, ph. +45 20 16 85 43
Codes and categories
I: Section I, Live animals; animal products
01: Chapter 1: Live animals
- 0101: Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies
0102: Live bovine animals
- 0102 21: Pure-bred cattle for breeding
0102 29: Live cattle (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 29 05: Live cattle of the sub-genus Bibos or Poephagus (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 29 10: Live cattle of a weight <= 80 kg (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 29 21: Cattle of a weight > 80 kg but <= 160 kg, for slaughter
- 0102 29 29: Live cattle of a weight > 80 kg but <= 160 kg (excl. for slaughter, pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 29 41: Cattle of a weight > 160 kg but <= 300 kg, for slaughter
- 0102 29 49: Live cattle of a weight > 160 kg but <= 300 kg (excl. for slaughter, pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 29 51: Heifers "female bovines that have never calved" of a weight > 300 kg, for slaughter
- 0102 29 59: Live heifers "female bovines that have never calved" of a weight > 300 kg (excl. for slaughter and pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 29 61: Cows of a weight > 300 kg, for slaughter (excl. heifers)
- 0102 29 69: Live cows of a weight > 300 kg (excl. for slaughter and pure-bred for breeding and heifers)
- 0102 29 91: Cattle of a weight > 300 kg, for slaughter (excl. heifers and cows)
- 0102 29 99: Live cattle of a weight > 300 kg (excl. for slaughter, pure-bred for breeding and heifers and cows)
- 0102 31: Pure-bred buffalo for breeding
- 0102 39: Live buffalo (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
- 0102 90: Live bovine animals (excl. cattle and buffalo)
0103: Live swine
- 0103 10: Pure-bred breeding swine
- 0103 91: Live pure-bred swine, weighing < 50 kg (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
0103 92: Live pure-bred swine, weighing >= 50 kg (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
- 0103 92 11: Live domestic sows, having farrowed at least once, weighing >= 160 kg (excl. pure-bred for breeding)
- 0103 92 19: Live domestic swine, weighing >= 50 kg (excl. sows having farrowed at least once and weighing >= 160 kg, and those pure-bred for breeding)
- 0103 92 90: Live non-domestic swine, weighing >= 50 kg
- 0104: Live sheep and goats
0105: Live poultry, "fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls"
0105 11: Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing <= 185 g (excl. turkeys and guinea fowls)
- 0105 11 11: Grandparent and parent female chicks of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus laying stocks of a weight of <= 185 g
- 0105 11 19: Grandparent and parent female chicks fowls of the species Gallus domesticus of a weight of <= 185 g (excl. laying stocks)
- 0105 11 91: Laying stock "fowls of the species Gallus domesticus" of a weight of <= 185 g (excl. grandparent and parent female chicks)
- 0105 11 99: Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus of a weight of <= 185 g (excl. grandparent and parent female chicks and laying stocks)
- 0105 12: Live domestic turkeys, weighing <= 185 g
- 0105 13: Live domestic ducks, weighing <= 185 g
- 0105 14: Live domestic geese, weighing <= 185 g
- 0105 15: Live domestic guinea fowls, weighing <= 185 g
- 0105 94: Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing > 185
- 0105 99: Live domestic ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls, weighing > 185 g
0105 11: Live fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing <= 185 g (excl. turkeys and guinea fowls)
0106: Live animals (excl. horses, asses, mules, hinnies, bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, and microorganic cultures etc.)
- 0106 11: Live primates
- 0106 12: Live whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)
- 0106 13: Live camels and other camelids [Camelidae]
- 0106 14: Live rabbits and hares
- 0106 19: Live mammals (excl. primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises, manatees and dugongs, seals, sea lions and walruses, camels and other camelids, rabbits and hares, horses, asses, mules, hinnies, bovines, pigs, sheep and goats)
- 0106 20: Live reptiles "e.g. snakes, turtles, alligators, caymans, iguanas, gavials and lizards"
- 0106 31: Live birds of prey
- 0106 32: Live psittaciformes "incl. parrots, parrakeets, macaws and cockatoos"
- 0106 33: Live ostriches, and emus [Dromaius novaehollandiae]
- 0106 39: Live birds (excl. birds of prey, psittaciformes, parrots, parrakeets, macaws, cockatoos, ostriches and emus)
- 0106 41: Live bees
- 0106 49: Live insects (excl. bees)
- 0106 90: Live animals (excl. mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates and cultures of micro-organisms, etc.)
02: Chapter 2: Meat and edible meat offal
0201: Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
- 0201 10: Carcases or half-carcases of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
0201 20: Fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in (excl. carcases and 1/2 carcases)
- 0201 20 20: "Compensated" quarters of bovine animals with bone in, fresh or chilled
- 0201 20 30: Unseparated or separated forequarters of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
- 0201 20 50: Unseparated or separated hindquarters of bovine animals, with bone in, fresh or chilled
- 0201 20 90: Fresh or chilled bovine cuts, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, "compensated quarters", forequarters and hindquarters)
- 0201 30: Fresh or chilled bovine meat, boneless
0202: Meat of bovine animals, frozen
- 0202 10: Frozen bovine carcases and half-carcases
0202 20: Frozen bovine cuts, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases)
- 0202 20 10: Frozen "compensated" bovine quarters, with bone in
- 0202 20 30: Frozen unseparated or separated bovine forequarters, with bone in
- 0202 20 50: Frozen unseparated or separated bovine hindquarters, with bone in
- 0202 20 90: Frozen bovine cuts, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, "compensated" quarters, forequarters and hindquarters)
0202 30: Frozen, boneless meat of bovine animals
- 0202 30 10: Frozen bovine boneless forequarters, whole or cut in max. 5 pieces, each quarter in 1 block; "compensated" quarters in 2 blocks, one containing the forequarter, whole or cut in max. 5 pieces, and the other the whole hindquarter, excl. the tenderloin, in one piece
- 0202 30 50: Frozen bovine boneless crop, chuck and blade and brisket cuts
- 0202 30 90: Frozen bovine boneless meat (excl. forequarters, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, each quarter being in a single block "compensated" quarters in two blocks, one of which contains the forequarter, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, and the other, the hindquarter, excl. the tenderloin, in one piece, crop, chuck and blade and brisket cuts)
0203: Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen
- 0203 11: Fresh or chilled carcases and half-carcases of swine
- 0203 12: Fresh or chilled hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in
0203 19: Fresh or chilled meat of swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases, and hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in)
- 0203 19 11: Fresh or chilled fore-ends and cuts thereof of domestic swine
- 0203 19 13: Fresh or chilled loins and cuts thereof of domestic swine
- 0203 19 15: Fresh or chilled bellies "streaky" and cuts thereof of domestic swine
- 0203 19 55: Fresh or chilled boneless meat of domestic swine (excl. bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0203 19 59: Fresh or chilled meat of domestic swine, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, and fore-ends, loins, bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0203 19 90: Fresh or chilled meat of non-domestic swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in)
- 0203 21: Frozen carcases and half-carcases of swine
- 0203 22: Frozen hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, with bone in
0203 29: Frozen meat of swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases, and hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in)
- 0203 29 11: Frozen fore-ends and cuts thereof of domestic swine
- 0203 29 13: Frozen loins and cuts thereof of domestic swine, with bone in
- 0203 29 15: Frozen bellies "streaky" and cuts thereof of domestic swine
- 0203 29 55: Frozen boneless meat of domestic swine (excl. bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0203 29 59: Frozen meat of domestic swine, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, and fore-ends, loins, bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0203 29 90: Frozen meat of non-domestic swine (excl. carcases and half-carcases and hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in)
0204: Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen
- 0204 10: Fresh or chilled lamb carcases and half-carcases
- 0204 21: Fresh or chilled sheep carcases and half-carcases (excl. lambs)
0204 22: Fresh or chilled cuts of sheep, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases)
- 0204 22 10: Fresh or chilled sheep short forequarters
- 0204 22 30: Fresh or chilled sheep chines and/or best ends
- 0204 22 50: Fresh or chilled sheep legs
- 0204 22 90: Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of sheep, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs)
- 0204 23: Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of sheep
- 0204 30: Frozen lamb carcases and half-carcases
- 0204 41: Frozen sheep carcases and half-carcases (excl. lambs)
- 0204 42: Frozen cuts of sheep, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases)
- 0204 43: Frozen boneless cuts of sheep
0204 50: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat of goats
- 0204 50 11: Fresh or chilled goat carcases and half-carcases
- 0204 50 13: Fresh or chilled goat short forequarters
- 0204 50 15: Fresh or chilled goat chines and/or best ends
- 0204 50 19: Fresh or chilled legs of goat
- 0204 50 31: Fresh or chilled cuts of goat, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs)
- 0204 50 39: Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of goat
- 0204 50 51: Frozen goat carcases and half-carcases
- 0204 50 53: Frozen goat short forequarters
- 0204 50 55: Frozen goat chines and/or best ends
- 0204 50 59: Frozen goat legs
- 0204 50 71: Frozen cuts of goat, with bone in (excl. carcases and half-carcases, short forequarters, chines and/or best ends, and legs)
- 0204 50 79: Frozen boneless cuts of goat
- 0205: Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen
0206: Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen
0206 10: Fresh or chilled edible offal of bovine animals
- 0206 10 10: Fresh or chilled edible bovine offal for manufacture of pharmaceutical products
- 0206 10 95: Fresh or chilled edible bovine thick and thin skirt (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products)
- 0206 10 98: Fresh or chilled edible bovine offal (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products, thick and thin skirt)
- 0206 21: Frozen edible bovine tongues
- 0206 22: Frozen edible bovine livers
0206 29: Frozen edible bovine offal (excl. tongues and livers)
- 0206 29 10: Frozen edible bovine offal for manufacture of pharmaceutical products (excl. tongues and livers)
- 0206 29 91: Frozen edible bovine thick and thin skirt (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products)
- 0206 29 99: Frozen edible bovine offal (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products, tongues, livers and thick and thin skirt)
- 0206 30: Fresh or chilled edible offal of swine
- 0206 41: Frozen edible livers of swine
- 0206 49: Edible offal of swine, frozen (excl. livers)
0206 80: Fresh or chilled edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies
- 0206 80 10: Fresh or chilled edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies, for manufacture of pharmaceutical products
- 0206 80 91: Fresh or chilled edible offal of horses, asses, mules and hinnies (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products)
- 0206 80 99: Fresh or chilled edible offal of sheep and goats (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products)
0206 90: Frozen edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules and hinnies
- 0206 90 10: Frozen edible offal of sheep, goats, horses, mules and hinnies, for manufacture of pharmaceutical products
- 0206 90 91: Frozen edible offal of horses, asses, mules and hinnies (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products)
- 0206 90 99: Frozen edible offal of sheep and goats (excl. for manufacture of pharmaceutical products)
0206 10: Fresh or chilled edible offal of bovine animals
0207: Meat and edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen
0207 11: Fresh or chilled fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, not cut in pieces
- 0207 11 10: Fresh or chilled, plucked and gutted fowls of species Gallus domesticus, with heads and feet, known as "83% chickens"
- 0207 11 30: Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn fowls of species Gallus domesticus, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "70% chickens"
- 0207 11 90: Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn fowls of species Gallus domesticus, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "65% chickens", and other forms of fresh or chilled fowl, not cut in pieces (excl. "83% and 70% chickens")
0207 12: Frozen fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, not cut in pieces
- 0207 12 10: Frozen fowls of species Gallus domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "70% chickens"
- 0207 12 90: Frozen fowls of species Gallus domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "65% chickens", and other forms of fowl, not cut in pieces (excl. "70% chickens")
0207 13: Fresh or chilled cuts and edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 13 10: Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 13 20: Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 13 30: Fresh or chilled whole wings, with or without tips, of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 13 40: Fresh or chilled backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 13 50: Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 13 60: Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 13 70: Fresh or chilled cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves and quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and parts thereof)
- 0207 13 91: Fresh or chilled edible livers of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 13 99: Fresh or chilled edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus (excl. livers)
0207 14: Frozen cuts and edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 14 10: Frozen boneless cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 14 20: Frozen halves or quarters of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 14 30: Frozen whole wings, with or without tips, of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 14 40: Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 14 50: Frozen breasts and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 14 60: Frozen legs and cuts thereof of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 14 70: Frozen cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof)
- 0207 14 91: Frozen edible livers of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
- 0207 14 99: Frozen edible offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus (excl. livers)
0207 24: Fresh or chilled turkeys of the species domesticus, not cut in pieces
- 0207 24 10: Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn turkeys of the species domesticus, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "80% turkeys"
- 0207 24 90: Fresh or chilled, plucked and drawn turkeys of the species domesticus, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "73% turkeys", and other forms of fresh or chilled turkeys, not cut in pieces (excl. "80% turkeys")
0207 25: Frozen turkeys of the species domesticus, not cut into pieces
- 0207 25 10: Frozen turkeys of the species domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "80% turkeys"
- 0207 25 90: Frozen turkeys of the species domesticus, plucked and drawn, without heads, feet, necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as "73% turkeys", and other forms of turkeys, not cut in pieces (excl. "80% turkeys")
0207 26: Fresh or chilled cuts and edible offal of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 26 10: Fresh or chilled boneless cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 26 20: Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 26 30: Fresh or chilled whole wings, with or without tips, of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 26 40: Fresh or chilled backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 26 50: Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 26 60: Fresh or chilled drumsticks and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 26 70: Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. drumsticks)
- 0207 26 80: Fresh or chilled cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof)
- 0207 26 91: Fresh or chilled edible livers of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 26 99: Fresh or chilled edible offal of turkeys of the species domesticus (excl. livers)
0207 27: Frozen cuts and edible offal of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 27 10: Frozen boneless cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 27 20: Frozen halves and quarters of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 27 30: Frozen whole wings, with or without tips, of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 27 40: Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 27 50: Frozen breasts and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 27 60: Frozen drumsticks and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in
- 0207 27 70: Frozen legs and cuts thereof of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. drumsticks)
- 0207 27 80: Frozen cuts of turkeys of the species domesticus, with bone in (excl. halves or quarters, whole wings, with or without tips, backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips, breasts, legs and cuts thereof)
- 0207 27 91: Frozen edible livers of turkeys of the species domesticus
- 0207 27 99: Frozen edible offal of turkeys of the species domesticus (excl. livers)
0207 41: Fresh or chilled domestic ducks, not cut in pieces
- 0207 41 20: Fresh or chilled domestic ducks, not cut in pieces, plucked, bled, gutted but not drawn, with heads and feet "85 % ducks"
- 0207 41 30: Fresh or chilled domestic ducks, not cut in pieces, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzard "70 % ducks"
- 0207 41 80: Fresh or chilled domestic ducks, not cut in pieces, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, "63 % ducks" or otherwise presented
0207 42: Frozen domestic ducks, not cut in pieces
- 0207 42 30: Frozen domestic ducks, not cut in pieces, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards "70 % ducks"
- 0207 42 80: Frozen domestic ducks, not cut in pieces, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, "63 % ducks" or otherwise presented
- 0207 43: Fatty livers of domestic ducks, fresh or chilled
0207 44: Fresh or chilled cuts and edible offal of domestic ducks (excl. fatty livers)
- 0207 44 10: Fresh or chilled cuts of domestic ducks, boneless
- 0207 44 21: Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of domestic ducks
- 0207 44 31: Fresh or chilled whole wings of domestic ducks
- 0207 44 41: Fresh or chilled backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of domestic ducks
- 0207 44 51: Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof, of domestic ducks, with bone in
- 0207 44 61: Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof, of domestic ducks, with bone in
- 0207 44 71: Fresh or chilled paletots of domestic ducks, with bone in
- 0207 44 81: Fresh or chilled cuts of domestic ducks, with bone in, n.e.s.
- 0207 44 91: Fresh or chilled livers of domestic ducks (excl. fatty)
- 0207 44 99: Fresh or chilled edible offal of domestic ducks (excl. livers)
0207 45: Frozen cuts and edible offal of domestic ducks
- 0207 45 10: Frozen cuts of domestic ducks, boneless
- 0207 45 21: Frozen halves or quarters of domestic ducks
- 0207 45 31: Frozen whole wings of domestic ducks
- 0207 45 41: Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of domestic ducks
- 0207 45 51: Frozen breasts and cuts thereof, of domestic ducks, with bone in
- 0207 45 61: Frozen legs and cuts thereof, of domestic ducks, with bone in
- 0207 45 71: Frozen paletots of domestic ducks, with bone in
- 0207 45 81: Frozen cuts of domestic ducks, with bone in, n.e.s.
- 0207 45 93: Frozen fatty livers of domestic ducks
- 0207 45 95: Frozen livers of domestic ducks (excl. fatty)
- 0207 45 99: Frozen edible offal of domestic ducks (excl. livers)
0207 51: Fresh or chilled domestic geese, not cut in pieces
- 0207 51 10: Fresh or chilled domestic geese, not cut in pieces, plucked, bled, not drawn, with heads and feet "82 % geese"
- 0207 51 90: Fresh or chilled domestic geese, not cut in pieces, plucked and drawn, without heads and feet, with or without hearts and gizzards, "75 % geese" or otherwise presented
- 0207 52: Frozen domestic geese, not cut in pieces
- 0207 53: Fatty livers of domestic geese, fresh or chilled
0207 54: Fresh or chilled cuts and edible offal of domestic geese (excl. fatty livers)
- 0207 54 10: Fresh or chilled cuts of domestic geese, boneless
- 0207 54 21: Fresh or chilled halves or quarters of domestic geese
- 0207 54 31: Fresh or chilled whole wings of domestic geese
- 0207 54 41: Fresh or chilled backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of domestic geese
- 0207 54 51: Fresh or chilled breasts and cuts thereof, of domestic geese, with bone in
- 0207 54 61: Fresh or chilled legs and cuts thereof, of domestic geese, with bone in
- 0207 54 71: Fresh or chilled paletots of domestic geese, with bone in
- 0207 54 81: Fresh or chilled cuts of domestic geese, with bone in, n.e.s.
- 0207 54 91: Fresh or chilled livers of domestic geese (excl. fatty)
- 0207 54 99: Fresh or chilled edible offal of domestic geese (excl. livers)
0207 55: Frozen cuts and edible offal of domestic geese
- 0207 55 10: Frozen cuts of domestic geese, boneless
- 0207 55 21: Frozen halves or quarters of domestic geese
- 0207 55 31: Frozen whole wings of domestic geese
- 0207 55 41: Frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of domestic geese
- 0207 55 51: Frozen breasts and cuts thereof, of domestic geese, with bone in
- 0207 55 61: Frozen legs and cuts thereof, of domestic geese, with bone in
- 0207 55 71: Frozen paletots of domestic geese, with bone in
- 0207 55 81: Frozen cuts of domestic geese, with bone in, n.e.s.
- 0207 55 93: Frozen fatty livers of domestic geese
- 0207 55 95: Frozen livers of domestic geese (excl. fatty)
- 0207 55 99: Frozen edible offal of domestic geese (excl. livers)
0207 60: Meat and edible offal of domestic guinea fowls, fresh, chilled or frozen
- 0207 60 05: Fresh, chilled or frozen domestic guinea fowls, not cut in pieces
- 0207 60 10: Fresh, chilled or frozen cuts of domestic guinea fowls, boneless
- 0207 60 21: Fresh, chilled or frozen halves or quarters of domestic guinea fowls
- 0207 60 31: Fresh, chilled or frozen whole wings of domestic guinea fowls
- 0207 60 41: Fresh, chilled or frozen backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips of domestic guinea fowls
- 0207 60 51: Fresh, chilled or frozen breasts and cuts thereof, of domestic guinea fowls, with bone in
- 0207 60 61: Fresh, chilled or frozen legs and cuts thereof, of domestic guinea fowls, with bone in
- 0207 60 81: Fresh, chilled or frozen cuts of domestic guinea fowls, with bone in, n.e.s.
- 0207 60 91: Fresh, chilled or frozen livers of domestic guinea fowls
- 0207 60 99: Fresh, chilled or frozen edible offal of domestic guinea fowls (excl. livers)
0207 11: Fresh or chilled fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, not cut in pieces
0208: Meat and edible offal of rabbits, hares, pigeons and other animals, fresh, chilled or frozen (excl. of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules, hinnies, poultry "fowls of the species Gallus domesticus", ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls)
- 0208 10: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of rabbits or hares
- 0208 30: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of primates
0208 40: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea), of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) and of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)
- 0208 40 10: Fresh, chilled or frozen whales meat
- 0208 40 20: Fresh, chilled or frozen seal meat
- 0208 40 80: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of whales, dolphins and porpoises "mammals of the order Cetacea", of manatees and dugongs "mammals of the order Sirenia" and of seals, sea lions and walruses "mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia" (excl. whale and seal meat)
- 0208 50: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of reptiles "e.g. snakes, turtles, crocodiles"
- 0208 60: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of camels and other camelids [Camelidae]
0208 90: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal of pigeons, game, reindeer and other animals (excl. bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules, hinnies, poultry "fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl", rabbits, hares, primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises "mammals of the order Cetacea", manatees and dugongs "mammals of the order Sirenia", seals, sea lions and walruses "mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia" and reptiles)
- 0208 90 10: Fresh, chilled or frozen domestic pigeon meat and edible offal
- 0208 90 30: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible meat offal of game (excl. rabbits, hares and pigs)
- 0208 90 60: Fresh, chilled or frozen reindeer meat and edible offal thereof
- 0208 90 70: Fresh, chilled or frozen frogs' legs
- 0208 90 98: Fresh, chilled or frozen meat and edible offal (excl. bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules, hinnies, poultry, rabbits, hares, primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises [mammals of the order Cetacea], manatees and dugongs [mammals of the order Sirenia], seals, sea lions and walruses [mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia], reptiles, pigeons, game, reindeer and frogs' legs)
0209: Pig fat, free of lean meat, and poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
0209 10: Pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
- 0209 10 11: Subcutaneous pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted or in brine
- 0209 10 19: Subcutaneous pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, dried or smoked
- 0209 10 90: Pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. subcutaneous)
- 0209 90: Poultry fat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
0209 10: Pig fat, free of lean meat, not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
0210: Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal
0210 11: Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in
- 0210 11 11: Domestic swine hams and cuts thereof, salted or in brine, with bone in
- 0210 11 19: Domestic swine shoulders and cuts thereof, salted or in brine, with bone in
- 0210 11 31: Domestic swine hams and cuts thereof, dried or smoked, with bone in
- 0210 11 39: Domestic swine shoulders and cuts thereof, dried or smoked, with bone in
- 0210 11 90: Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of non-domestic swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in
- 0210 12: Bellies "streaky" and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
0210 19: Meat of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, and bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0210 19 10: Bacon sides or spencers of domestic swine, salted or in brine
- 0210 19 20: Three-quarter-sides or middles of domestic swine, salted or in brine
- 0210 19 30: Fore-ends and cuts thereof of domestic swine, salted or in brine
- 0210 19 40: Loins and cuts thereof of domestic swine, salted or in brine
- 0210 19 50: Meat of domestic swine, salted or in brine (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, bellies and cuts thereof, bacon sides or spencers, three-quarter sides or middles, and fore-ends, loins and cuts thereof)
- 0210 19 60: Domestic swine fore-ends and cuts thereof, dried or smoked
- 0210 19 70: Domestic swine loins and cuts thereof, dried or smoked
- 0210 19 81: Dried or smoked boneless domestic swine meat (excl. bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0210 19 89: Dried or smoked domestic swine meat, with bone in (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, bellies and cuts thereof, and fore-ends, loins and cuts thereof)
- 0210 19 90: Meat of non-domestic swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in, and bellies and cuts thereof)
- 0210 20: Meat of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
- 0210 91: Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal, of primates
0210 92: Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal, of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea), manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia) and seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)
- 0210 92 10: Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal, of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea) and manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia)
- 0210 92 91: Meat, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)
- 0210 92 92: Edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)
- 0210 92 99: Edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal, of seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)
- 0210 93: Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal, of reptiles "e.g. snakes, turtles, alligators"
0210 99: Meat and edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, and edible flours and meals of meat and meat offal (excl. meat of bovine animals and swine and meat and edible offal of primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises "mammals of the order Cetacea", manatees and dugongs "mammals of the order Sirenia", seals, sea lions and walruses "mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia" and reptiles)
- 0210 99 10: Horsemeat, salted, in brine or dried
- 0210 99 21: Meat of sheep and goats, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in
- 0210 99 29: Boneless meat of sheep and goats, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
- 0210 99 31: Reindeer meat, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
- 0210 99 39: Meat, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. of swine, bovine animals, reindeer, sheep or goats, primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises "mammals of the order Cetacea", manatees and dugongs "mammals of the order Sirenia", seals, sea lions and walruses, reptiles, and meat, salted, in brine or dried, of horses)
- 0210 99 41: Edible domestic swine livers, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
- 0210 99 49: Edible domestic swine offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. livers)
- 0210 99 51: Edible thick skirt and thin skirt of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
- 0210 99 59: Edible offal of bovine animals, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. thick skirt and thin skirt)
- 0210 99 71: Edible fatty goose or duck livers, salted or in brine
- 0210 99 79: Edible poultry liver, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. fatty goose or duck livers)
- 0210 99 85: Edible offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (excl. of domestic swine, bovine animals, primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises "mammals of the order Cetacea", manatees and dugongs "mammals of the order Sirenia", seals, sea lions and walruses, reptiles and poultry liver)
- 0210 99 90: Edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal (excl. of primates, whales, dolphins and porpoises "mammals of the order Cetacea", manatees and dugongs "mammals of the order Sirenia", seals, sea lions and walruses and reptiles)
0210 11: Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, with bone in
0201: Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
03: Chapter 3: Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates
0301: Live fish
- 0301 11: Live ornamental freshwater fish
- 0301 19: Live ornamental fish (excl. freshwater)
- 0301 91: Live trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0301 92: Live eels "Anguilla spp."
- 0301 93: Live carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp."
- 0301 94: Live Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis)
- 0301 95: Live southern bluefin tunas "Thunnus maccoyii"
0301 99: Live fish (excl. ornamental fish, trout [Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster], eels [Anguilla spp.], carp [Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.], Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna [Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis] and southern bluefin tuna [Thunnus maccoyii])
- 0301 99 11: Live Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho"
- 0301 99 17: Live freshwater fish (excl. ornamental fish, trout, eels, carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho")
- 0301 99 85: Live saltwater fish (excl. ornamental fish, trout [Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster], eels [Anguilla spp.], Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas [Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis] and southern bluefin tunas [Thunnus maccoyii])
0302: Fish, fresh or chilled (excl. fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304)
0302 11: Fresh or chilled trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0302 11 10: Fresh or chilled trout "Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0302 11 20: Fresh or chilled trout of the species "Oncorhynchus mykiss", with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each
- 0302 11 80: Fresh or chilled trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae" (excl. of the species "Oncorhynchus mykiss", with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each)
- 0302 13: Fresh or chilled Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus"
- 0302 14: Fresh or chilled Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho"
- 0302 19: Fresh or chilled salmonidae (excl. trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster", Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho")
- 0302 21: Fresh or chilled lesser or Greenland halibut "Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Atlantic halibut "Hippoglossus hippoglossus" and Pacific halibut "Hippoglossus stenolepis"
- 0302 22: Fresh or chilled plaice "Pleuronectes platessa"
- 0302 23: Fresh or chilled sole "Solea spp."
- 0302 24: Fresh or chilled turbot "Psetta maxima"
- 0302 29: Fresh or chilled flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Catharidae" (excl. halibut "Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus and Hippoglossus stenolepis", plaice "Pleuronectes platessa", sole "Solea spp." and turbot "Psetta maxima")
- 0302 31: Fresh or chilled albacore or longfinned tunas "Thunnus alalunga"
- 0302 32: Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas "Thunnus albacares"
- 0302 33: Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito
- 0302 34: Fresh or chilled bigeye tunas "Thunnus obesus"
0302 35: Fresh or chilled Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis)
- 0302 35 11: Fresh or chilled Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus", for industrial processing or preservation
- 0302 35 19: Fresh or chilled Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0302 35 91: Fresh or chilled Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis", for industrial processing or preservation
- 0302 35 99: Fresh or chilled Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0302 36: Fresh or chilled Southern bluefin tunas "Thunnus maccoyii"
0302 39: Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus "Thunnus" (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
- 0302 39 20: Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus "Thunnus" for industrial processing or preservation (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
- 0302 39 80: Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus "Thunnus" (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation and Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
- 0302 41: Fresh or chilled herring "Clupea harengus, clupea pallasii"
- 0302 42: Fresh or chilled anchovies "Engraulis spp."
- 0302 43: Fresh or chilled sardines "Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.", sardinella "Sardinella spp.", brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus"
- 0302 44: Fresh or chilled mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus"
- 0302 45: Fresh or chilled jack and horse mackerel "Trachurus spp."
- 0302 46: Fresh or chilled cobia "Rachycentron canadum"
- 0302 47: Fresh or chilled swordfish "Xiphias gladius"
0302 49: Fresh or chilled Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae"
- 0302 49 11: Fresh or chilled Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis" for industrial processing or preservation
- 0302 49 19: Fresh or chilled Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0302 49 90: Fresh or chilled Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae"
- 0302 51: Fresh or chilled cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus"
- 0302 52: Fresh or chilled haddock "Melanogrammus aeglefinus"
- 0302 53: Fresh or chilled coalfish "Pollachius virens"
0302 54: Fresh or chilled hake "Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp."
- 0302 54 11: Fresh or chilled Cape hake "shallow-water hake" "Merluccius capensis" and deepwater hake "deepwater Cape hake" "Merluccius paradoxus"
- 0302 54 15: Fresh or chilled southern hake "Merluccius australis"
- 0302 54 19: Fresh or chilled hake "Merluccius spp." (excl. cape hake, deepwater hake and southern hake)
- 0302 54 90: Fresh or chilled hake "Urophycis spp."
- 0302 55: Fresh or chilled Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma"
- 0302 56: Fresh or chilled blue whiting "Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis"
0302 59: Fresh or chilled fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollack and blue whitings)
- 0302 59 10: Fresh or chilled fish of the species Boreogadus saida
- 0302 59 20: Fresh or chilled whiting "Merlangius merlangus"
- 0302 59 30: Fresh or chilled pollack "Pollachius pollachius"
- 0302 59 40: Fresh or chilled ling "Molva spp."
- 0302 59 90: Fresh or chilled fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollack, blue whitings, Boreogadus saida, whiting, pollack and ling)
- 0302 71: Fresh or chilled tilapia "Oreochromis spp."
- 0302 72: Fresh or chilled catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp."
- 0302 73: Fresh or chilled carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp."
- 0302 74: Fresh or chilled eels "Anguilla spp."
- 0302 79: Fresh or chilled, Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp."
0302 81: Fresh or chilled dogfish and other sharks
- 0302 81 15: Fresh or chilled picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp."
- 0302 81 30: Fresh or chilled porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus"
- 0302 81 40: Fresh or chilled blue shark "Prionace glauca"
- 0302 81 80: Fresh or chilled dogfish and other sharks (excl. picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
- 0302 82: Fresh or chilled, rays and skates "Rajidae"
- 0302 83: Fresh or chilled toothfish "Dissostichus spp."
- 0302 84: Fresh or chilled sea bass "Dicentrarchus spp."
- 0302 85: Fresh or chilled sea bream "Sparidae"
0302 89: Fresh or chilled fish, n.e.s.
- 0302 89 10: Fresh or chilled freshwater fish, n.e.s.
- 0302 89 21: Fresh or chilled fish of the genus Euthynnus, for industrial processing or preservation (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito and Kawakawa)
- 0302 89 29: Fresh or chilled fish of the genus Euthynnus (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito and Kawakawa, and fish for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0302 89 31: Fresh or chilled redfish "Sebastes marinus"
- 0302 89 39: Fresh or chilled redfish "Sebastes spp." (excl. Sebastes marinus)
- 0302 89 40: Fresh or chilled ray's bream "Brama spp."
- 0302 89 50: Fresh or chilled monkfish "Lophius spp."
- 0302 89 60: Fresh or chilled pink cusk-eel "Genypterus blacodes"
- 0302 89 90: Fresh or chilled fish, n.e.s.
- 0302 91: Fresh or chilled fish livers, roes and milt
- 0302 92: Fresh or chilled shark fins
- 0302 99: Fresh or chilled fish fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible fish offal (excl. livers, roes, milt and shark fins)
0302 11: Fresh or chilled trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
0303: Frozen fish (excl. fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304)
- 0303 11: Frozen sockeye salmon [red salmon] "Oncorhynchus nerka"
- 0303 12: Frozen Pacific salmon (excl. sockeye salmon "red salmon")
- 0303 13: Frozen, Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho"
0303 14: Frozen trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0303 14 10: Frozen trout "Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0303 14 20: Frozen trout "Oncorhynchus mykiss", with heads and gills on, gutted, weighing more than 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing more than 1 kg each
- 0303 14 90: Frozen trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita and Oncorhynchus gilae" (excl. Oncorhynchus mykiss with heads and gills on, gutted, weighing more than 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing more than 1 kg each)
- 0303 19: Frozen salmonidae (excl. trout and Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon)
- 0303 23: Frozen tilapia "Oreochromis spp."
- 0303 24: Frozen catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp."
- 0303 25: Frozen carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp."
- 0303 26: Frozen eels "Anguilla spp."
- 0303 29: Frozen, Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and snakeheads (Channa spp.)
- 0303 31: Frozen lesser or Greenland halibut "Reinhardtius hippoglossoides", Atlantic halibut "Hippoglossus hippoglossus" and Pacific halibut "Hippoglossus stenolepis"
- 0303 32: Frozen plaice "Pleuronectes platessa"
- 0303 33: Frozen sole "Solea spp."
- 0303 34: Frozen turbot "Psetta maxima"
0303 39: Frozen flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae" (excl. halibut, plaice, sole and turbot)
- 0303 39 10: Frozen flounder "Platichthys flesus"
- 0303 39 30: Frozen fish of the genus Rhombosolea
- 0303 39 50: Frozen fish "Pelotreis flavilatus or Peltorhamphus novaezelandiae"
- 0303 39 85: Frozen flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae" (excl. halibut, plaice, sole, turbot, flounder, Rhombosolea spp., Pelotreis flavilatus and Peltorhamphus novaezelandiae)
- 0303 41: Frozen albacore or longfinned tunas "Thunnus alalunga"
- 0303 42: Frozen yellowfin tunas "Thunnus albacares"
- 0303 43: Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito "Euthynnus -Katsuwonus- pelamis"
- 0303 44: Frozen bigeye tunas "Thunnus obesus"
0303 45: Frozen Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis)
- 0303 45 12: Frozen Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus", for industrial processing or preservation
- 0303 45 18: Frozen Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0303 45 91: Frozen Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis", for industrial processing or preservation
- 0303 45 99: Frozen Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0303 46: Frozen Southern bluefin tunas "Thunnus maccoyii"
0303 49: Frozen tunas of the genus "Thunnus" (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
- 0303 49 20: Frozen tunas of the genus "Thunnus" for industrial processing or preservation (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
- 0303 49 85: Frozen tunas of the genus "Thunnus" (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation and Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
- 0303 51: Frozen herrings "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii"
- 0303 53: Frozen sardines "Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.", sardinella "Sardinella spp.", brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus"
- 0303 54: Frozen mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus"
- 0303 55: Frozen jack and horse mackerel "Trachurus spp."
- 0303 56: Frozen cobia "Rachycentron canadum"
- 0303 57: Frozen swordfish "Xiphias gladius"
0303 59: Frozen anchovies "Engraulis spp.", Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae"
- 0303 59 10: Frozen anchovies "Engraulis spp."
- 0303 59 21: Frozen Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis" for industrial processing or preservation
- 0303 59 29: Frozen Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0303 59 90: Frozen Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae"
- 0303 63: Frozen cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus"
- 0303 64: Frozen haddock "Melanogrammus aeglefinus"
- 0303 65: Frozen coalfish "Pollachius virens"
0303 66: Frozen hake "Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp."
- 0303 66 11: Frozen Cape hake "shallow-water hake" "Merluccius capensis" and deepwater hake "deepwater Cape hake" "Merluccius paradoxus"
- 0303 66 12: Frozen Argentine hake "Southwest Atlantic hake" "Merluccius hubbsi"
- 0303 66 13: Frozen southern hake "Merluccius australis"
- 0303 66 19: Frozen hake "Merluccius spp." (excl. cape hake, deepwater hake, Argentine hake and southern hake)
- 0303 66 90: Frozen hake "Urophycis spp."
- 0303 67: Frozen Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma"
- 0303 68: Frozen blue whiting "Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis"
0303 69: Frozen fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollack and blue whiting)
- 0303 69 10: Frozen fish of the species Boreogadus saida
- 0303 69 30: Frozen whiting "Merlangius merlangus"
- 0303 69 50: Frozen pollack "Pollachius pollachius"
- 0303 69 70: Frozen blue grenadier "Macruronus novaezelandiae"
- 0303 69 80: Frozen ling "Molva spp."
- 0303 69 90: Frozen fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollack, blue whitings, Boreogadus saida, whiting, pollack, blue grenadier and ling)
0303 81: Frozen dogfish and other sharks
- 0303 81 15: Frozen picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp."
- 0303 81 30: Frozen porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus"
- 0303 81 40: Frozen blue shark "Prionace glauca"
- 0303 81 90: Frozen dogfish and other sharks (excl. picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
- 0303 82: Frozen rays and skates "Rajidae"
- 0303 83: Frozen toothfish "Dissostichus spp."
- 0303 84: Frozen sea bass "Dicentrarchus spp."
0303 89: Frozen fish, n.e.s.
- 0303 89 10: Frozen freshwater fish, n.e.s.
- 0303 89 21: Frozen fish of the genus Euthynnus, for industrial processing or preservation (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito and Kawakawa)
- 0303 89 29: Frozen fish of the genus Euthynnus (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito and Kawakawa, and fish for industrial processing or preservation)
- 0303 89 31: Frozen redfish "Sebastes marinus"
- 0303 89 39: Frozen redfish "Sebastes spp." (excl. Sebastes marinus)
- 0303 89 40: Frozen fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
- 0303 89 50: Frozen sea bream of the species Dentex dentex or Pagellus spp.
- 0303 89 55: Frozen gilt-head sea bream "Sparus aurata"
- 0303 89 60: Frozen ray's bream "Brama spp."
- 0303 89 65: Frozen monkfish "Lophius spp."
- 0303 89 70: Frozen pink cusk-eel "Genypterus blacodes"
- 0303 89 90: Frozen fish, n.e.s.
- 0303 91: Frozen fish livers, roes and milt
- 0303 92: Frozen shark fins
- 0303 99: Frozen fish fins, heads, tails, maws and other edible fish offal (excl. livers, roes, milt and shark fins)
0304: Fish fillets and other fish meat, whether or not minced, fresh, chilled or frozen
- 0304 31: Fresh or chilled fillets of tilapia "Oreochromis spp."
- 0304 32: Fresh or chilled fillets of catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp."
- 0304 33: Fresh or chilled fillets of Nile perch "Lates niloticus"
- 0304 39: Fresh or chilled fillets of carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp." and snakeheads "Channa spp."
- 0304 41: Fresh or chilled fillets of Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho"
0304 42: Fresh or chilled fillets of trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0304 42 10: Fresh or chilled fillets of trout "Oncorhynchus mykiss", weighing > 400 g each
- 0304 42 50: Fresh or chilled fillets of trout "Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0304 42 90: Fresh or chilled fillets of trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita and Oncorhynchus gilae" (excl. of Oncorhynchus mykiss weighing > 400 g each)
- 0304 43: Fresh or chilled fillets of flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae"
0304 44: Fresh or chilled fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae
- 0304 44 10: Fresh or chilled fillets of cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus" and of Boreogadus saida
- 0304 44 30: Fresh or chilled fillets of coalfish "Pollachius virens"
- 0304 44 90: Fresh or chilled fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, coalfish and Boreogadus saida)
- 0304 45: Fresh or chilled fillets of swordfish "Xiphias gladius"
- 0304 46: Fresh or chilled fillets of toothfish "Dissostichus spp."
0304 47: Fresh or chilled fillets of dogfish and other sharks
- 0304 47 10: Fresh or chilled fillets of picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp."
- 0304 47 20: Fresh or chilled fillets of porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus"
- 0304 47 30: Fresh or chilled fillets of blue shark "Prionace glauca"
- 0304 47 90: Fresh or chilled fillets of dogfish and other sharks (excl. picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
- 0304 48: Fresh or chilled fillets of rays and skates "Rajidae"
- 0304 49: Fresh or chilled fillets of fish, n.e.s.
- 0304 51: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp." (excl. fillets)
- 0304 52: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of salmonidae (excl. fillets)
- 0304 53: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. fillets)
- 0304 54: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of swordfish "Xiphias gladius" (excl. fillets)
- 0304 55: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of toothfish "Dissostichus spp." (excl. fillets)
0304 56: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of dogfish and other sharks (excl. fillets)
- 0304 56 10: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp." (excl. fillets)
- 0304 56 20: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" (excl. fillets)
- 0304 56 30: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of blue shark "Prionace glauca" (excl. fillets)
- 0304 56 90: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of dogfish and other sharks (excl. fillets, picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
- 0304 57: Fresh or chilled meat, whether or not minced, of rays and skates "Rajidae" (excl. fillets)
0304 59: Fresh or chilled fish meat, whether or not minced (excl. all fillets, tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, salmonidae, swordfish, toothfish, rays, skates, dogfish and other sharks, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
- 0304 59 10: Fresh or chilled meat of freshwater fish, whether or not minced (excl. all fillets, tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, salmonidae, swordfish, toothfish and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
- 0304 59 50: Fresh or chilled flaps of herring
- 0304 59 90: Fresh or chilled fish meat, whether or not minced (excl. all fillets, freshwater fish, flaps of herring, tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, salmonidae, swordfish, toothfish, rays, skates, dogfish and other sharks, and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
- 0304 61: Frozen fillets of tilapia "Oreochromis spp."
- 0304 62: Frozen fillets of catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp."
- 0304 63: Frozen fillets of Nile perch "Lates niloticus"
- 0304 69: Frozen fillets of carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp." and snakeheads "Channa spp."
- 0304 71: Frozen fillets of cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus"
- 0304 72: Frozen fillets of haddock "Melanogrammus aeglefinus"
- 0304 73: Frozen fillets of coalfish "Pollachius virens"
0304 74: Frozen fillets of hake "Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp."
- 0304 74 11: Frozen fillets of Cape hake "shallow-water hake" "Merluccius capensis" and deepwater hake "deepwater Cape hake" "Merluccius paradoxus"
- 0304 74 15: Frozen fillets of Argentine hake "Southwest Atlantic hake" "Merluccius hubbsi"
- 0304 74 19: Frozen fillets of hake "Merluccius spp." (excl. cape hake, deepwater hake and Argentine hake)
- 0304 74 90: Frozen fillets of hake "Urophycis spp."
- 0304 75: Frozen fillets of Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma"
0304 79: Frozen fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake and Alaska pollack)
- 0304 79 10: Frozen fillets of Boreogadus saida
- 0304 79 30: Frozen fillets of whiting "Merlangius merlangus"
- 0304 79 50: Frozen fillets of blue grenadier "Macruronus novaezelandiae"
- 0304 79 80: Frozen fillets of ling "Molva spp."
- 0304 79 90: Frozen fillets of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollack, Boreogadus saida, whiting, blue grenadier and ling)
- 0304 81: Frozen fillets of Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho"
0304 82: Frozen fillets of trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0304 82 10: Frozen fillets of trout "Oncorhynchus mykiss", weighing > 400 g each
- 0304 82 50: Frozen fillets of trout "Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
- 0304 82 90: Frozen fillets of trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita and Oncorhynchus gilae" (excl. of Oncorhynchus mykiss weighing > 400 g each)
0304 83: Frozen fillets of flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae"
- 0304 83 10: Frozen fillets of plaice "Pleuronectes platessa"
- 0304 83 30: Frozen fillets of flounder "Platichthys flesus"
- 0304 83 50: Frozen fillets of megrim "Lepidorhombus spp."
- 0304 83 90: Frozen fillets of flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae" (excl. plaice, flounder and megrim)
- 0304 84: Frozen fillets of swordfish "Xiphias gladius"
- 0304 85: Frozen fillets of toothfish "Dissostichus spp."
- 0304 86: Frozen fillets of herring "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii"
- 0304 87: Frozen fillets of tuna "of the genus Thunnus", skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito "Euthynnus [Katsuwonus] pelamis"
0304 88: Frozen fillets of dogfish, other sharks, rays and skates "Rajidae"
- 0304 88 11: Frozen fillets of picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp."
- 0304 88 15: Frozen fillets of porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus"
- 0304 88 18: Frozen fillets of blue shark "Prionace glauca"
- 0304 88 19: Frozen fillets of dogfish and other sharks (excl. picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
- 0304 88 90: Frozen fillets of rays and skates "Rajidae"
0304 89: Frozen fish fillets, n.e.s.
- 0304 89 10: Frozen fillets of freshwater fish, n.e.s.
- 0304 89 21: Frozen fillets of redfish "Sebastes marinus"
- 0304 89 29: Frozen fillets of redfish "Sebastes spp." (excl. Sebastes marinus)
- 0304 89 30: Frozen fillets of fish of the genus Euthynnus (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito)
- 0304 89 41: Frozen fillets of mackerel "Scomber australasicus"
- 0304 89 49: Frozen fillets of mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber japonicus" and fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
- 0304 89 60: Frozen fillets of monkfish "Lophius spp."
- 0304 89 90: Frozen fish fillets, n.e.s.
- 0304 91: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of swordfish "Xiphias gladius" (excl. fillets)
- 0304 92: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of toothfish "Dissostichus spp." (excl. fillets)
0304 93: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp." (excl. fillets)
- 0304 93 10: Frozen surimi of tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" or snakeheads "Channa spp."
- 0304 93 90: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp." (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 94: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma" (excl. fillets)
0304 95: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. fillets and Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma")
- 0304 95 10: Frozen surimi of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma")
- 0304 95 21: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of cod "Gadus macrocephalus" (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 25: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of cod "Gadus morhua" (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 29: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of cod "Gadus ogac" and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 30: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of haddock "Melanogrammus aeglefinus" (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 40: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of coalfish "Pollachius virens" (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 50: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of hake "Merluccius spp." (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 60: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of blue whiting "Micromesistius poutassou" (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 95 90: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. fillets, surimi, Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma", cod, haddock, coalfish, hake "Merluccius spp." and blue whiting)
0304 96: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of dogfish and other sharks
- 0304 96 10: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp."
- 0304 96 20: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus"
- 0304 96 30: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of blue shark "Prionace glauca"
- 0304 96 90: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of dogfish and other sharks (excl. picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
- 0304 97: Frozen meat, whether or not minced, of rays and skates "Rajidae"
0304 99: Frozen fish meat n.e.s. (excl. fillets)
- 0304 99 10: Frozen surimi of fish n.e.s.
- 0304 99 21: Frozen meat of freshwater fish n.e.s. (excl. fillets and surimi)
- 0304 99 23: Frozen meat "whether or not minced" of herring "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii" (excl. fillets)
- 0304 99 29: Frozen meat "whether or not minced" of redfish "Sebastes spp." (excl. fillets)
- 0304 99 55: Frozen meat "whether or not minced" of megrim (excl. fillets)
- 0304 99 61: Frozen meat "whether or not minced" of Ray's bream "Brama spp." (excl. fillets)
- 0304 99 65: Frozen meat "whether or not minced" of monkfish "Lophius spp." (excl. fillets)
- 0304 99 99: Frozen meat of saltwater fish n.e.s. (excl. fillets and surimi)
0305: Fish, fit for human consumption, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, fit for human consumption, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption
- 0305 10: Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption
- 0305 20: Fish livers, roes and milt, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
- 0305 31: Fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp."
0305 32: Fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae
- 0305 32 11: Fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of cod "Gadus macrocephalus"
- 0305 32 19: Fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac" and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida
- 0305 32 90: Fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod and Boreogadus saida)
0305 39: Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked (excl. tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads and fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae)
- 0305 39 10: Fillets of Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho", salted or in brine, but not smoked
- 0305 39 50: Fillets of lesser or Greenland halibut "Reinhardtius hippoglossoides", salted or in brine, but not smoked
- 0305 39 90: Fillets of fish, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked (excl. tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, and fish fillets, salted or in brine of Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon and lesser or Greenland halibut)
- 0305 41: Smoked Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 42: Smoked herring "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 43: Smoked trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
0305 44: Smoked tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp.", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 44 10: Smoked eels "Anguilla spp.", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 44 90: Smoked tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp.", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
0305 49: Smoked fish, incl. fillets (excl. offal, Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon, herring, trout, tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch and snakeheads)
- 0305 49 10: Smoked lesser or Greenland halibut "Reinhardtius hippoglossoides", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 49 20: Smoked Atlantic halibut "Hippoglossus hippoglossus", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 49 30: Smoked mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus", incl. fillets (excl. offal)
- 0305 49 80: Smoked fish, incl. fillets (excl. offal, Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon, herring, lesser or Greenland halibut, Atlantic halibut, mackerel, trout, tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch and snakeheads)
- 0305 51: Dried cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus", even salted, not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 52: Dried tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp.", even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
0305 53: Dried fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets, offal and cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus")
- 0305 53 10: Dried polar cod "Boreogadus saida", even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 53 90: Dried fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets, offal, cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus" and polar cod "Boreogadus saida")
0305 54: Dried herrings "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii", anchovies "Engraulis spp.", sardines "Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.", sardinella "Sardinella spp.", brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus", mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus", Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jack and horse mackerel "Trachurus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", cobia "Rachycentron canadum", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", swordfish "Xiphias gladius", Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae", even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 54 30: Dried herrings "Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii", even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 54 50: Dried anchovies "Engraulis spp.", even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 54 90: Dried sardines "Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.", sardinella "Sardinella spp.", brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus", mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus", Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jack and horse mackerel "Trachurus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", cobia "Rachycentron canadum", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", swordfish "Xiphias gladius", Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae", even salted but not smoked (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 59: Fish, dried, even salted but not smoked, n.e.s. (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 61: Herring (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), only salted or in brine (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 62: Cod "Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus", salted or in brine only (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 63: Anchovies "Engraulis spp.", salted or in brine only (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 64: Tilapia "Oreochromis spp.", catfish "Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.", carp "Cyprinus spp., Carassius spp., Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Hypophthalmichthys spp., Cirrhinus spp., Mylopharyngodon piceus, Catla catla, Labeo spp., Osteochilus hasselti, Leptobarbus hoeveni, Megalobrama spp.", eels "Anguilla spp.", Nile perch "Lates niloticus" and snakeheads "Channa spp.", salted or in brine only (excl. fillets and offal)
0305 69: Fish, salted or in brine only (excl. fillets, offal, herring, cod, anchovies, tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch and snakeheads)
- 0305 69 10: Fish of the species Boreogadus saida, salted or in brine only (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 69 30: Atlantic halibut "Hippoglossus hippoglossus", salted or in brine only (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 69 50: Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho", only salted or in brine (excl. fillets and offal)
- 0305 69 80: Fish, only salted or in brine (excl. herring, cod, anchovies, tilapia, catfish, carp, eels, Nile perch, snakeheads, Boreogadus saida, Atlantic halibut, Pacific salmon, Atlantic salmon, Danube salmon and fillets and offal)
- 0305 71: Shark fins, smoked, dried, salted or in brine
- 0305 72: Fish heads, tails and maws, smoked, dried, salted or in brine
- 0305 79: Fish fins and other edible fish offal, smoked, dried, salted or in brine (excl. heads, tails, maws and shark fins)
0306: Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, incl. crustaceans in shell cooked by steaming or by boiling in water; flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption
0306 11: Frozen rock lobster and other sea crawfish "Palinurus spp.", "Panulirus spp." and "Jasus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 11 10: Frozen crawfish tails "Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crawfish tails in their shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 11 90: Frozen rock lobster and other sea crawfish "Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp. and Jasus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. ones in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. crawfish tails)
- 0306 12: Frozen lobsters "Homarus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0306 14: Frozen crabs, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 14 10: Frozen crabs "Paralithodes camchaticus, Chionoecetes spp. and Callinectes sapidus", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 14 30: Frozen crabs "Cancer pagurus", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 14 90: Frozen crabs, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Paralithodes camchaticus", "Chionoecetes spp.", "Callinectes sapidus" and "Cancer pagurus")
- 0306 15: Frozen Norway lobsters "Nephrops norvegicus", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0306 16: Frozen cold-water shrimps and prawns "Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps and prawns in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 16 91: Frozen cold-water shrimps "Crangon crangon", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 16 99: Frozen cold-water shrimps and prawns "Pandalus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps and prawns in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0306 17: Frozen shrimps and prawns, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps and prawns in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. cold-water shrimps and prawns)
- 0306 17 91: Frozen deepwater rose shrimps "Parapenaeus longirostris", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 17 92: Frozen shrimps of the genus "Penaeus", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 17 93: Frozen shrimps of the family Pandalidae, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. Pandalus)
- 0306 17 94: Frozen shrimps of the genus Crangon, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Crangon crangon")
- 0306 17 99: Frozen shrimps and prawns, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. shrimps and prawns in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Pandalidae", "Crangon", deepwater rose shrimps "Parapenaeus longirostris" and "Penaeus")
0306 19: Frozen crustaceans, even smoked, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked beforehand by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns); frozen flours, meals, and pellets of crustaceans, even smoked, fit for human consumption
- 0306 19 10: Frozen freshwater crayfish, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crayfish in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 19 90: Frozen crustaceans, fit for human consumption, even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, shrimps, prawns, crabs, freshwater crayfish and Norway lobsters "Nephrops norvegicus"); frozen flours, meals, and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption
- 0306 31: Rock lobster and other sea crawfish "Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp. and Jasus spp.", whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
- 0306 32: Lobsters "Homarus spp.", whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
- 0306 33: Crabs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
- 0306 34: Norway lobsters "Nephrops norvegicus", whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
- 0306 35: Cold-water shrimps and prawns "Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon", whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
0306 36: Shrimps and prawns, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. cold-water shrimps and prawns "Pandalus spp., Crangon crangon")
- 0306 36 10: Shrimps of the family Pandalidae, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. "Pandalus spp.")
- 0306 36 50: Shrimps of the genus Crangon, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. "Crangon crangon")
- 0306 36 90: Shrimps and prawns, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. "Pandalidae" and "Crangon")
0306 39: Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns); flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, fresh or chilled
- 0306 39 10: Freshwater crayfish, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
- 0306 39 90: Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps, prawns and freshwater crayfish); flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption, fresh or chilled
- 0306 91: Rock lobster and other sea crawfish "Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp. and Jasus spp.", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0306 92: Lobsters "Homarus spp.", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 92 10: Whole lobsters "Homarus spp.", dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 92 90: Parts of lobsters "Homarus spp.", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. parts in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0306 93: Crabs, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 93 10: Crabs "Cancer pagurus", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 93 90: Crabs, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crabs in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Cancer pagurus")
- 0306 94: Norway lobsters "Nephrops norvegicus", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. lobsters in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0306 95: Shrimps and prawns, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. ones in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 95 11: Shrimps "Crangon crangon", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 95 19: Shrimps "Crangon crangon", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine (excl. cooked by steaming or by boiling in water)
- 0306 95 20: Shrimps and prawns "Pandalus spp.", whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. ones in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 95 30: Shrimps of the family Pandalidae, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Pandalus spp.")
- 0306 95 40: Shrimps of the genus Crangon, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. shrimps in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Crangon crangon")
- 0306 95 90: Shrimps and prawns, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. ones in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. "Pandalidae" and "Crangon")
0306 99: Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps and prawns); flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, fit for human consumption
- 0306 99 10: Freshwater crayfish, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crayfish in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
- 0306 99 90: Crustaceans, fit for human consumption, whether in shell or not, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, incl. crustaceans in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water (excl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish, lobsters, crabs, Norway lobsters, shrimps, prawns and freshwater crayfish); flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, dried, salted, smoked or in brine, fit for human consumption
0306 11: Frozen rock lobster and other sea crawfish "Palinurus spp.", "Panulirus spp." and "Jasus spp.", even smoked, whether in shell or not, incl. rock lobster and other sea crawfish in shell, cooked by steaming or by boiling in water
0307: Molluscs, fit for human consumption, even smoked, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, fit for human consumption
- 0307 11: Oysters, even in shell, live, fresh or chilled
- 0307 12: Oysters, even in shell, frozen
- 0307 19: Oysters, even in shell, smoked, dried, salted or in brine
- 0307 21: Live, fresh or chilled, scallops, incl. queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, even in shell
- 0307 22: Scallops, incl. queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, frozen, even in shell
- 0307 29: Scallops, incl. queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, smoked, dried, salted or in brine, even in shell
- 0307 31: Live, fresh or chilled, not smoked, mussels "Mytilus spp., Perna spp.", with or without shell
- 0307 32: Mussels "Mytilus spp., Perna spp.", frozen, even in shell
- 0307 39: Mussels "Mytilus spp., Perna spp.", smoked, dried, salted or in brine, even in shell
0307 42: Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled, with or without shell
- 0307 42 10: Cuttle fish "Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.", live, fresh or chilled, with or without shell
- 0307 42 20: Squid "Loligo spp.", live, fresh or chilled
- 0307 42 30: Squid "Ommastrephes spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.", live, fresh or chilled
- 0307 42 40: European flying squid "Todarodes sagittatus", live, fresh or chilled
- 0307 42 90: Cuttle fish and squid, live, fresh or chilled, with or without shell (excl. "Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp., Loligo spp., Ommastrephes spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp., Todarodes sagittatus")
0307 43: Cuttle fish and squid, frozen, with or without shell
- 0307 43 21: Lesser cuttle fish "Sepiola rondeleti", frozen, with or without shell
- 0307 43 25: Cuttle fish "Sepiola spp.", frozen, with or without shell (excl. "Sepiola rondeleti")
- 0307 43 29: Cuttle fish "Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma", frozen, with or without shell
- 0307 43 31: Squid "Loligo vulgaris", frozen
- 0307 43 33: Squid "Loligo pealei", frozen
- 0307 43 35: Squid "Loligo gahi", frozen
- 0307 43 38: Squid "Loligo spp.", frozen (excl. "Loligo vulgaris, pealei and gahi")
- 0307 43 91: Squid "Ommastrephes spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.", frozen (excl. "Ommastrephes sagittatus")
- 0307 43 92: Squid "Illex spp.", frozen
- 0307 43 95: European flying squid "Todarodes sagittatus, Ommastrephes sagittatus", frozen
- 0307 43 99: Cuttle fish and squid, frozen, with or without shell (excl. "Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp., Loligo spp., Ommastrephes spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp., Illex spp., Todarodes sagittatus")
0307 49: Cuttle fish and squid, smoked, dried, salted or in brine, with or without shell
- 0307 49 20: Cuttle fish "Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.", smoked, dried, salted or in brine, with or without shell
- 0307 49 40: Squid "Loligo spp.", smoked, dried, salted or in brine
- 0307 49 50: Squid "Ommastrephes spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp.", smoked, dried, salted or in brine (excl. "Ommastrephes sagittatus")
- 0307 49 60: European flying squid "Todarodes sagittatus, Ommastrephes sagittatus", smoked, dried, salted or in brine
- 0307 49 80: Cuttle fish and squid, smoked, dried, salted or in brine, with or without shell (excl. "Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp., Loligo spp., Ommastrephes spp., Nototodarus spp., Sepioteuthis spp., Todarodes sagittatus")
- 0307 51: Octopus "Octopus spp.", live, fresh or chilled
- 0307 52: Octopus "Octopus spp.", frozen
- 0307 59: Octopus "Octopus spp.", smoked, dried, salted or in brine
- 0307 60: Snails, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, dried or in brine, even smoked, with or without shell (excl. sea snails)
- 0307 71: Live, fresh or chilled, even in shell, clams, cockles and ark shells "families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae"
- 0307 72: Frozen, even in shell, clams, cockles and ark shells "families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae"
- 0307 79: Smoked, dried, salted or in brine, even in shell, clams, cockles and ark shells "families Arcidae, Arcticidae, Cardiidae, Donacidae, Hiatellidae, Mactridae, Mesodesmatidae, Myidae, Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Tridacnidae and Veneridae"
- 0307 81: Live, fresh or chilled, even in shell, abalone "Haliotis spp."
- 0307 82: Live, fresh or chilled, even in shell, stromboid conchs "Strombus spp."
- 0307 83: Frozen, even in shell, abalone "Haliotis spp."
- 0307 84: Frozen, even in shell, stromboid conchs "Strombus spp."
- 0307 87: Smoked, dried, salted or in brine, even in shell, abalone "Haliotis spp."
- 0307 88: Smoked, dried, salted or in brine, even in shell, stromboid conchs "Strombus spp."
- 0307 91: Live, fresh or chilled molluscs, even in shell (excl. oysters, scallops of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, mussels "Mytilus spp., Perna spp.", cuttle fish and squid, octopus "Octopus spp.", snails other than sea snails, clams, cockles and ark shells, abalone and stromboid conchs); fresh or chilled flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, fit for human consumption
- 0307 92: Molluscs, even in shell, frozen (excl. oysters, scallops of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, mussels "Mytilus spp., Perna spp.", cuttle fish and squid, octopus "Octopus spp.", snails other than sea snails, clams, cockles and ark shells, abalone and stromboid conchs); flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, frozen, fit for human consumption
- 0307 99: Molluscs, even in shell, smoked, dried, salted or in brine (excl. oysters, scallops of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, mussels "Mytilus spp., Perna spp.", cuttle fish and squid, octopus "Octopus spp.", snails other than sea snails, clams, cockles and ark shells, abalone and stromboid conchs); flours, meals and pellets of molluscs, smoked, dried, salted or in brine, fit for human consumption
0308: Aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumption
- 0308 11: Live, fresh or chilled, sea cucumbers "Stichopus japonicus, Holothurioidea"
- 0308 12: Frozen sea cucumbers "Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea"
- 0308 19: Smoked, dried, salted or in brine, sea cucumbers "Stichopus japonicus, Holothuroidea"
- 0308 21: Live, fresh or chilled, sea urchins "Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus, Echichinus esculentus"
- 0308 22: Frozen sea urchins "Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus, Echinus esculentus"
- 0308 29: Smoked, dried, salted or in brine, sea urchins "Strongylocentrotus spp., Paracentrotus lividus, Loxechinus albus, Echinus esculentus"
- 0308 30: Live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, jellyfish "Rhopilema spp."
0308 90: Live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine, even smoked, aquatic invertebrates (excl. crustaceans, molluscs, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and jellyfish); all flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumption
- 0308 90 10: Live, fresh or chilled, aquatic invertebrates (excl. crustaceans, molluscs, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and jellyfish); all fresh or chilled flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumption
- 0308 90 50: Frozen aquatic invertebrates (excl. crustaceans, molluscs, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and jellyfish); all frozen flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumption
- 0308 90 90: Smoked, dried, salted or in brine, aquatic invertebrates (excl. crustaceans, molluscs, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and jellyfish); smoked, dried, salted or in brine, flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumption
0301: Live fish
04: Chapter 4: Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included
0401: Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
0401 10: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 10 10: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 10 90: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
0401 20: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 1% but <= 6%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 20 11: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 3% but > 1%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 20 19: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 3% but > 1%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
- 0401 20 91: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 3% but <= 6%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 20 99: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 3% but <= 6%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
0401 40: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6% but <= 10%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 40 10: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6% but <= 10%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 40 90: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6% but <= 10%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
0401 50: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 10%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 50 11: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 21% but > 10%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 50 19: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 21% but > 10%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
- 0401 50 31: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 21% but <= 45%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 50 39: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 21% but <= 45%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
- 0401 50 91: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 45%, in immediate packings of <= 2 l, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0401 50 99: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 45%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (excl. in immediate packings of <= 2 l)
0401 10: Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
0402: Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
0402 10: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%
- 0402 10 11: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
- 0402 10 19: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
- 0402 10 91: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%, sweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
- 0402 10 99: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%, sweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
0402 21: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5%, unsweetened
- 0402 21 11: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5% but < 27%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
- 0402 21 18: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 27% but > 1,5%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg or put up otherwise
- 0402 21 91: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 27%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
- 0402 21 99: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 27%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
0402 29: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5%, sweetened
- 0402 29 11: Special milk for infants, in solid forms, sweetened, of a fat content by weight of > 10% but <= 27%, in hermetically sealed containers of <= 500 g
- 0402 29 15: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 27% but > 1,5%, sweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg (excl. for infants in hermetically sealed containers of <= 500 g)
- 0402 29 19: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 27% but > 1,5%, sweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
- 0402 29 91: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 27%, sweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
- 0402 29 99: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 27%, sweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
0402 91: Milk and cream, concentrated but unsweetened (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 91 10: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of <= 8%, unsweetened (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 91 30: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 8% but <= 10%, unsweetened (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 91 51: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 10% but <= 45%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 91 59: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 10% but <= 45%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 91 91: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 45%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 91 99: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 45%, unsweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
0402 99: Milk and cream, concentrated and sweetened (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 99 10: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of <= 9,5%, sweetened (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 99 31: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 9,5% but <= 45%, sweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 99 39: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 9,5% but <= 45%, sweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 99 91: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 45%, sweetened, in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
- 0402 99 99: Milk and cream, concentrated, of a fat content by weight of > 45%, sweetened, in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg (excl. in solid forms)
0402 10: Milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%
0403: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa
0403 10: Yogurt, whether or not flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa
- 0403 10 11: Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter), of a fat content by weight <= 3,0%
- 0403 10 13: Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter), of a fat content by weight > 3,0% but <= 6,0%
- 0403 10 19: Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter), of a fat content by weight > 6,0%
- 0403 10 31: Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, with added sugar or other sweetening matter), of a fat content by weight <= 3,0%
- 0403 10 33: Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa), with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content by weight > 3,0% but <= 6,0%
- 0403 10 39: Yogurt (excl. flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa), with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of > 6,0%
- 0403 10 51: Yogurt, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, sweetened, in solid forms, of a milkfat content by weight of <= 1,5%
- 0403 10 53: Yogurt, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, sweetened, in solid forms, of a milkfat content by weight of > 1,5% but <= 27%
- 0403 10 59: Yogurt, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, sweetened, in solid forms, of a milkfat content by weight of > 27%
- 0403 10 91: Yogurt, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, sweetened, of a milkfat content by weight of <= 3% (excl. in solid forms)
- 0403 10 93: Yogurt, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, sweetened, of a milkfat content by weight of > 3% but <= 6% (excl. in solid forms)
- 0403 10 99: Yogurt, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, sweetened, of a milkfat content by weight of > 6% (excl. in solid forms)
0403 90: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated or flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa (excl. yogurt)
- 0403 90 11: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of <= 1,5% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 13: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 1,5% but <= 27% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 19: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 27% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 31: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of <= 1,5% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 33: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 1,5% but <= 27% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 39: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream in solid forms, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 27% (excl. yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 51: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of <= 3% (excl. in solid forms, yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 53: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 3% but <= 6% (excl. in solid forms, yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 59: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, unsweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 6% (excl. in solid forms, yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 61: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of <= 3% (excl. in solid forms, yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 63: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 3% but <= 6% (excl. in solid forms, yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 69: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 6% (excl. in solid forms, yogurt, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa)
- 0403 90 71: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, whether or not sweetened, in solid forms, with a fat content by weight of <= 1,5% (excl. yogurt)
- 0403 90 73: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, whether or not sweetened, in solid forms, with a fat content by weight of > 1,5% but <= 27% (excl. yogurt)
- 0403 90 79: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, whether or not sweetened, in solid forms, with a fat content by weight of > 27% (excl. yogurt)
- 0403 90 91: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, whether or not sweetened, with a fat content by weight of <= 3% (excl. in solid forms and yogurt)
- 0403 90 93: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, whether or not sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 3% but <= 6% (excl. in solid forms and yogurt)
- 0403 90 99: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and cream, whether or not concentrated, flavoured or with added fruit, nuts or cocoa, whether or not sweetened, with a fat content by weight of > 6% (excl. in solid forms and yogurt)
0403 10: Yogurt, whether or not flavoured or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, fruits, nuts or cocoa
0404: Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter; products consisting of natural milk constituents, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, n.e.s.
0404 10: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
- 0404 10 02: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of <= 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5%
- 0404 10 04: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of <= 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5 and <= 27%
- 0404 10 06: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of <= 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 27%
- 0404 10 12: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of > 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5%
- 0404 10 14: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of > 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27%
- 0404 10 16: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, without added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of > 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 27%
- 0404 10 26: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of <= 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5%
- 0404 10 28: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of <= 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27%
- 0404 10 32: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of <= 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 27%
- 0404 10 34: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of > 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5%
- 0404 10 36: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of > 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27%
- 0404 10 38: Whey and modified whey, in powder, granules or other solid forms, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38" of > 15% by weight and a fat content, by weight, of > 27%
- 0404 10 48: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of <= 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 52: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of <= 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 54: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of <= 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 56: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of > 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 58: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of > 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 62: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of > 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 72: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of <= 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 74: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of <= 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 76: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of <= 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 78: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of > 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 82: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of > 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% and <= 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
- 0404 10 84: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a protein content "nitrogen content x 6.38", by weight of > 15% and of a fat content, by weight, of > 27% (excl. in powder, granules or other solid forms)
0404 90: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, whether or not sweetened, n.e.s.
- 0404 90 21: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5%, n.e.s.
- 0404 90 23: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% but <= 27%, n.e.s.
- 0404 90 29: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of > 27%, n.e.s.
- 0404 90 81: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of <= 1,5%, n.e.s.
- 0404 90 83: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of > 1,5% but <= 27%, n.e.s.
- 0404 90 89: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, with added sugar or other sweetening matter, of a fat content, by weight, of > 27%, n.e.s.
0404 10: Whey and modified whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
0405: Butter, incl. dehydrated butter and ghee, and other fats and oils derived from milk; dairy spreads
0405 10: Butter (excl. dehydrated butter and ghee)
- 0405 10 11: Natural butter of a fat content, by weight, of >= 80% but <= 85%, in immediate packings of a net content of <= 1 kg (excl. dehydrated butter and ghee)
- 0405 10 19: Natural butter of a fat content, by weight, of >= 80% but <= 85% (excl. in immediate packings of a net content of <= 1 kg, and dehydrated butter and ghee)
- 0405 10 30: Recombined butter of a fat content, by weight, of >= 80% but <= 85% (excl. dehydrated butter and ghee)
- 0405 10 50: Whey butter of a fat content, by weight, of >= 80% but <= 85% (excl. dehydrated butter and ghee)
- 0405 10 90: Butter of a fat content, by weight, of > 85% but <= 95% (excl. dehydrated butter and ghee)
- 0405 20: Dairy spreads of a fat content, by weight, of >= 39% but < 80%
0405 90: Fats and oils derived from milk, and dehydrated butter and ghee (excl. natural butter, recombined butter and whey butter)
- 0405 90 10: Fats and oils derived from milk, of a fat content, by weight, of >= 99,3% and of a water content, by weight, of <= 0,5%
- 0405 90 90: Fats and oils derived from milk, dehydrated butter and ghee (excl. of a fat content, by weight, of >= 99,3% and a water content, by weight, of <= 0,5%, and natural butter, recombined butter and whey butter)
0405 10: Butter (excl. dehydrated butter and ghee)
0406: Cheese and curd
0406 10: Fresh cheese "unripened or uncured cheese", incl. whey cheese, and curd
- 0406 10 30: Fresh Mozzarella, whether or not in a liquid, of a fat content, by weight, of <= 40%
- 0406 10 50: Fresh cheese "unripened or uncured cheese", incl. whey cheese and curd of a fat content, by weight, of <= 40% (excl. Mozzarella)
- 0406 10 80: Fresh cheese "unripened or uncured cheese", incl. whey cheese and curd of a fat content, by weight, of > 40%
- 0406 20: Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds
0406 30: Processed cheese, not grated or powdered
- 0406 30 10: Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, in the manufacture of which no cheeses other than Emmentaler, Gruyère and Appenzell have been used and which may contain, as an addition, Glarus herb cheese "known as Schabziger"; put up for retail sale, of a fat content by weight in the dry matter of <= 56%
- 0406 30 31: Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, of a fat content, by weight, of <= 36% and of a fat content, by weight, in the dry matter of <= 48% (excl. processed cheese mixtures made from Emmentaler, Gruyère and Appenzell, with or without the addition of Glarus herb cheese known as Schabziger, put up for retail sale)
- 0406 30 39: Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, of a fat content, by weight, of <= 36% and of a fat content, by weight, in the dry matter of > 48% (excl. processed cheese mixtures made from Emmentaler, Gruyère and Appenzell, with or without the addition of Glarus herb cheese known as Schabziger, put up for retail sale, of a fat content by weight in the dry matter of <= 56%)
- 0406 30 90: Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, of a fat content, by weight, of > 36% (excl. processed cheese mixtures made from Emmentaler, Gruyère and Appenzell, with or without the addition of Glarus herb cheese known as Schabziger, put up for retail sale, of a fat content by weight in the dry matter of <= 56%)
- 0406 40: Blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by "Penicillium roqueforti"
0406 90: Cheese (excl. fresh cheese, incl. whey cheese, curd, processed cheese, blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by "Penicillium roqueforti", and grated or powdered cheese)
- 0406 90 01: Cheese for processing (excl. fresh cheese, incl. whey cheese, curd, processed cheese, blue-veined cheese and other cheese containing veins produced by "Penicillium roqueforti", and grated or powdered cheese):
- 0406 90 13: Emmentaler (excl. grated or powdered and that for processing)
- 0406 90 15: Gruyère and Sbrinz (excl. grated or powdered and those for processing)
- 0406 90 17: Bergkäse and Appenzell (excl. grated or powdered and those for processing)
- 0406 90 18: Fromage fribourgeois, Vacherin Mont d'Or and Tête de Moine (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 21: Cheddar (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 23: Edam (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 25: Tilsit (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 29: Kashkaval (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 32: Feta (excl. for processing)
- 0406 90 35: Kefalo-Tyri (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 37: Finlandia (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 39: Jarlsberg (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 50: Sheep's or buffalo milk cheese, in containers containing brine, or in sheepskin or goatskin bottles (excl. feta)
- 0406 90 61: Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano, of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of <= 47% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 63: Fiore Sardo and Pecorino, of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of <= 47% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 69: Cheese of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of <= 47%, n.e.s.
- 0406 90 73: Provolone of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of > 47% but <= 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 74: Maasdam of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of > 47% but <= 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 75: Asiago, Caciocavallo, Montasio and Ragusano, of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of > 47% but <= 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
- 0406 90 76: Danbo, Fontal, Fontina, Fynbo, Havarti, Maribo and Samsø, of a fat content by weight of <= 40% and a water content, by weight, of non-fatty matter of > 47% but <= 72% (excl. grated or powdered and for processing)
0406 10: Fresh cheese "unripened or uncured cheese", incl. whey cheese, and curd
0401: Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
01: Chapter 1: Live animals