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Turnover in construction

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Short term statistics, Business statistics
Kasper Emil Dueholm Freiman
+45 3917 3143

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Turnover in construction 2022

The purpose of the statistic is to show the turnover in construction and its distribution. The statistic is established due to recommendations from the Productivity Commission and is used for calculations of productivity in the National Accounts. The statistic is comparable from 2015 and onwards.

Statistical presentation

The statistic provides quarterly and annual information on turnover construction in DKK million. Turnover is divided by work categories, including new buildings, repair and maintenance of buildings, civil engineering and other construction.

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Statistical processing

The reported data is scaled to the total population of professional units with main activity in construction. No numbers are imputed.

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The statistics are used for calculations of productivity in the national accounts. In addition, the statistics are used by organizations and businesses in the industry as well as news media.

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Accuracy and reliability

There are no quantitative measures of the total uncertainty. The sample uncertainty for the total turnover is estimated to be approximately 1.5 pct. The uncertainty that results from non-response, wrong reported numbers and misunderstandings has little effect on the numbers.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistic is published four times a year, media January, April, July and October. Time from the end of the reference period to publication is about 15 weeks. The statistic is normally published at the announced time.

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There are no statistics of turnover in construction divided on work categories before 2015. The trends in turnover within construction can be compared to figures from Purchases and sales. Turnover in the construction industry supplement the other short-term statistics relating to this area.

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Accessibility and clarity

The figures are published in Statbank Denmark under Turnover in construction.

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