The Supply and Use of Cereals and Feed
Contact info
Food Industries, Business StatisticsSimone Thun
+45 3917 3388
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The purpose with the statistics on supply and use of cereals and feed is to show the annual use of feed for animals and the use cereals, which is a part of the calculations of the feed consumption. The feed consumption is also calculated after the origin of the feed, if is produced in Denmark or abroad. The statistics is also use for the calculations of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture. The supply and use of cereals and feed have been compiled since 1900, but data in its present form are comparable from 1990 and onwards.
Statistical presentation
The statistics are an annual calculation of agriculture's feed supply and feed consumption calculated in millions. kg and million DKK. Feed supply and feed consumption are calculated for a large number of feed materials by drawing up balance sheets. It is calculated for both calendar year and operating year and by origin.
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Statistical processing
The data is collected in biannual and annual questionnaires where the incoming data is checked. Data is from different sources where some are sample surveys and others are censuses why there can be differences in how the further data is calculated. The statistics is produced by setting up balance sheets for each feeding product so the supply equals the demand for each product. The calculations are made on crop years, because the calculations are most accurate but calculations on calendar year is also made because of the calculations of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture.
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It is relevant for the agricultural organizations, ministries and agencies, who uses it to follow the development in the amounts and costs of cereals and feed. Moreover it is an input to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture e.g. to the valuation of feeding stuff. The users can comment on the statistics in the user committee for agricultural statistics and the users have expressed satisfaction with the statistics.
Accuracy and reliability
The supply and use of cereals and feed are among other things build on sample surveys for stock of cereals at farms, the harvest of cereals and international trade of goods and the results are therefore subject to some uncertainty. The data on the use of cereals for feeding are subject to some margin of errors, as the use for feeding is calculated as a residual in the balance sheets. Surveys on stock and turnovers at cereal trading companies are censuses and the results are quite accurate. Changes in stocks are also a possibility, which can cause uncertainty.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics is published once a year in May together with the Economic Accounts for Agriculture, barely 6 months after the end of the reference period. Data is preliminary until 2,5 years after the end of the reference period. The statistics is punctual and is published without delay.
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The statistics have been compiled since 1900 but are in their present form comparable from 1990 onwards. It is in compliance with the current EU legislation and it is an input to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture which is comparable to the Economic Accounts for Agriculture published by Eurostat.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in the StatBank under the subject Feed, fertiliser and pesticides.