Manufacturers’ Sales of Goods (quarterly)
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Short-Term Statistics, Business StatisticsMorten Skovrider Kollerup
+45 39 17 32 49
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The purpose of the statistics is to describe the Danish industrial production by detailed type of goods. Manufacturers' sales of goods is the source for Danish Prodcom statistics, regulated by and submitted to Eurostat.
Statistical presentation
The statistics describe manufacturers' sales of goods measured in terms of volume and value by detailed types of goods according to the international classifications CN and SITC. In addition to this, total sales (turnover) are distributed by industries (NACE groups).
The data collecting for the statistics for 2020 has partly been affected by the COVID-19 situation. However, it is assessed that the overall statistics has not been affected in any great extent.
Since 2020, Statistics Denmark has carried out extensive work to ensure the quality of the reports from the largest companies. This has led to some audits for the years 2018 to 2022.
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Statistical processing
Data are collected through a quarterly survey of all enterprises in manufacturing (including mining and quarrying) with at least 10 employees or a yearly turnover over 100 mio. dkk, approx. 3,000 units. Reported data are validated, by checking against previous reports as well as against other sources. Data are then aggregated by industrial groupings as well as commodity groups. Series with seasonality are seasonally adjusted.
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The statistics are in high demand from many different users, including the National Accounts, ministries, trade associations, market analysts, researchers, consultants and businesses.
Accuracy and reliability
The main non-sampling error is the measurement error concerning classification at the most detailed CN level, as respondents do not always report sales according to the correct codes. Furthermore, data on quantities are generally less reliable than those on values, as some respondents estimate quantities and others do not answer, implying that estimations must be made in the statistical production process.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published two months after the end of the reference quarter. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.
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In its present form and as available in StatBank Denmark, the statistics are comparable since 1995, but the statistics have been produced in some form since 1905. The Prodcom-version of the statistics can be compared to Prodcom statistics of other EU countries. The statistics can be compared to Foreign Trade in Goods to create statistics on apparent consumption - for this, it is important to note the difference in coverage and the potential quality issues at the most detailed CN code level. The tables with sales by industry are consistent from 2000 following the DB07 classification.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published annually at the beginning of March in a Danish press release. Quarterly figures are published in the StatBank under Purchases and sales by manufacturing industries. Internationally, these statistics are available through Eurostat's database and at the UN, where the statistics are disseminated under Industrial Commodity Statistics.