International Trade in Services by Enterprise Characteristics
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External Economy, Economic StatisticsSøren Burman
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International Trade in Services by Enterprise Characteristics 2021
The purpose of Trade in Services by Enterprise Characteristics (STEC) is to describe enterprises engaging in international trade in services, how large they are, which economic sector they belong to, how many countries they trade with etc. These statistics have been compiled since 2014 and are comparable until 2018 for legal units. From 2019 and onwards the statistics have been compiled on the basis of the enterprise unit.
Statistical presentation
Trade in Services by Enterprise Characteristics is an annual measurement of enterprises involved in international trade in services and their characteristics, stated in value. The statistics are grouped by economic activity, enterprise size, ownership and type of services.
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Statistical processing
These statistics are compiled by combining data for International Trade in services (ITSS) with Business statistics. Data is validated by comparing data with the sources used for compiling the statistics and by comparing the different tables compiled in this statistic.
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STEC is relevant for analysts and enterprises, for analyses of e.g. globalization and enterprises which contribute to the international trade in services in Denmark.
Accuracy and reliability
The accuracy for International Trade in Service by Enterprise Characteristics is closely related to the accuracy of International Trade in Service Statistics which is high on an aggregated level. The revisions follow the revision structure of International Trade in Service Statistics.
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Timeliness and punctuality
These statistics are published 10 months after the reference period. They are published without any delays.
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STEC have been compiled since 2017 but is comparable from 2014 to 2018 for legal units. From 2019 the statistics have been compiled using the enterprise unit. The data is fully comparable with compiled services in the ITSS and Balance of payments statistics. Comparability with other statistics, such as the business statistics can be limited due to different coverages.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published annually in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject International Trade in Services.The statistics can also be found in various publications and analysis.