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External Economy, Economic Statistics
Søren Burman
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International Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics

These statistics are published annual in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the International Trade in Goods. The statistics can also be found in various publications and analysis’ and it is possible to gain access to microdata through our program for authorized research institutions.

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

These statistics are published annually in a Danish press release.


The statistics can be found in various annual publications and analyses published by Statistics Denmark.

On-line database

The statistics are published in the StatBank under the subjects in the following tables: - DKTEC1: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, enterprise size, industry and time - DKTEC2: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, country, main industries and time - DKTEC6: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, industry, ownership, country and time - DKTEC5: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, type of trader, industry, group of countries and time - DKTEC3: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, concentration, main industries and time - DKTEC4: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, partner country, main industries and time - DKTEC1: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, enterprise size, industry and time - DKTEC2: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, country, main industries and time - DKTEC6: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, industry, ownership, country and time - DKTEC5: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, type of trader, industry, group of countries and time - DKTEC3: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, concentration, main industries and time - DKTEC4: Trade in goods by enterprise characteristics by imports and exports, unit, partner country, main industries and time

Micro-data access

Researchers and other analysts from authorized research institutions can be granted access to the underlying microdata by contacting the Research Services division. This is possible to gain access to international trade in goods and business statistics, not trade by enterprise characteristics directly.


These statistics are also available through Eurostat’s COMEXT database and tailored products and special data-extractions can be bought through Statistics Denmark’s division - DST Consulting.

Confidentiality - policy

These statistics follows the Data Confidentiality of Statistics Denmark at Statistics Denmark).

Confidentiality - data treatment

These statistics follow an active confidentiality policy. For a cell to be published, it must contain more than 2 enterprises, and the two largest enterprises must altogether not hold more than 85% of the total value in the cell. The statistics for number of enterprises are not suppressed according to the confidentiality policy of the Business Statistics.

Documentation on methodology

The method used for compiling Trade in Goods by Enterprise Characteristics is described by Eurostat in Compilers guide on international trade in goods by enterprise characteristics.

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.