Innovation in the private sector
Contact info
Science, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsAnne-Sofie Dam Bjørkman
+45 3917 3396
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The purpose of the innovation survey is to examine the scope, the nature and the effect of innovation in the business sector including the innovation activities. Data will be collected enabling comparisons over time. The survey is conducted in accordance with the EU and OECD guidelines for innovation statistics described in the Oslo Manual. Danish data are thereby comparable with data from other EU countries. From the reference year 2007 statistics are compiled on a yearly basis.
Statistical presentation
Innovation in the enterprise sector is a yearly statistics on resources used for R&D and share of innovative enterprises. The statistics is distributed by sector, size class and region.
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Statistical processing
Data for this statistics are collected via questionnaires for app. 3,600 respondents among a population of app. 20,000 enterprises. The material is validated already during the response from the enterprise, and afterwards followed by computer-aided validation and manual validation. Imputations and calibrated weighting is also a part of the treatment of data.
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The statistics is used by ministries, business organizations, researchers, the media, private enterprises and students. It is used for research, publications from ministries and for international comparison. Indicators based on the statistics is part of the documentation of the knowledge society. Indicators based on the statistics are included in the EU Innovation Union Scoreboard, which is part of the Europe2020 strategy.
Accuracy and reliability
Errors in the data reports and problems for companies with determining exact amounts that are used on innovation, and when it is innovation and innovation activities.
Coefficients of variation (CV) for central indicators in 2016 (preliminary data) are under processing.
For 2016: - Share of enterprises with innovation: 2.0 - Innovation expenditure, other innovation expenditure: 2.5
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Timeliness and punctuality
Normally the statistics is published less than a year after the end of the reference period. The statistics for 2022 is published 15 months after the end of the reference period.
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The statistics is comparable from 2007 and onwards. Data is delivered to Eurostat, the statistical office of the EU, and to OECD, who are both publishing aggregated data in their databases.
The statistics is compiled according to an EU-regulation, describing in details which variables to deliver and for which size classes, types of activities etc. The Danish statistics is therefore comparable with the similar statistics of other EU-countries, provided that they follow the regulation.
The statistics is to a certain degree comparable with the statistics on innovation in the public sector.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics is published yearly in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (News from Statistics Denmark). In Statistikbanken data on innovation in enterprises are published in the tables INN21, INN22, INN23, INN24 and INN25. Furthermore data is included in the publication "Innovation og forskning" on the theme page of the statistics.