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Industry investment survey (Discontinued)

The purpose of Investment Survey in Manufacturing industries is to provide an estimate of the expected future investments in manufacturing industries. The survey can be characterized as a tendency survey since the managements in the participating enterprises are asked to give an estimate on the annual investments in current prices. The survey has been carried through since 1982 according to demands from the EC.

From 2021, the statistics have been entered under Investment survey for manufacturing industry and the content of this documentation deals with the archived statistical bank tables .

Statistical presentation

The investment survey in manufacturing industries is a tendency survey in which the expectations regarding the annual change in industrial investments are summarized twice a year (March and October). The survey gives information on expected investments in the current year and the forthcoming year and the results are presented as percentage changes.

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Statistical processing

Not relevant for these statistics.

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Users of the statistics are trade organizations, banks, politicians, public authorities, international organizations, business enterprises and the news media. The confidence indicators provides valuable information about the state of the business economy and are reflected upon every month in financial related news medias. There has been no survey if the statistics meets the needs of clients.

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Accuracy and reliability

No overall accuracy has been calculated. Is has been observed a tendency that 2nd and 3rd measurement of a survey-year shows higher growth rates as compared to 1st and 4th measurement. The reason for this seems to be measurement errors.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The half-yearly survey is launched by means of questionnaires about 20 days before the survey month beginning. Deadline for responses is about the 12th in the survey month. Two weeks after, about the 26th, a reminder is send to the remaining admitting a new deadline about the 4th the month after the reference month. About the 15th the statistics is enumerated. About the 22nd results are published and send to the EU-partner DG ECFIN. The process runs punctual.

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The statistics is carried out in collaboration with the EU-commission since 1982. Please refer to (DG ECFIN).

Read more about comparability

Accessibility and clarity

Results of the surveys are published monthly at Statistics Denmark.

Key indicators are published in the newsletter edition Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik, Industriens investeringsforventninger and in English at the homepage Short term trends.

Detailed data is available in English version at Statbank; choose English language and look for the tables INVEST1 & INVEST2.

Read here about the statistics.

Also, data are published at the homepage of the EU-commission partner Directorate Generale Economic and Financial affairs (DG ECFIN) along with similar data from other EU countries.

Scientists and analysts have the option to buy detailed micro-data through the Division of Research Services, Statistics Denmark. In this case data will anonymized in order to ensure enterprises confidentiality.

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