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Statistical processing

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Welfare and Health, Social Statistics
Jane Christensen
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Disability services for children and young people

Data is collected continuously from the municipalities' administrative systems, or via Existing information is updated with what is reported during the year. Data is collected in a longitudinal register, which contains all persons who, during the first 17 years of life, have received disability compensatory measures according to the Service Act. Data is validated and possibly corrected. by the municipalities and subsequently the municipalities approve the data as a fair expression of efforts for the year in question. After this process, the reported information is aggregated and supplemented with data from the population statistics register.

Source data

Data regarding disability services are received from the Danish municipalities by Statistics Denmark, who acts as data processor for the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing, and Senior Citizens. The municipalities report data either by computerized administrative systems, which directly transmit data to Statistics Denmark, or by using a web-based platform, provided by Statistics Denmark. The web-based platform can be accessed trough the webpage of the statistics: webindberetningsløsning.

Frequency of data collection

Data from the 98 municipalities are collected continuously. In some few cases, the data are collected on a monthly or yearly basis.

Data collection

Data are transmitted primarily through the computerized administrative systems of the municipalities, which transmit data directly to Statistics Denmark. As an alternative, the municipalities can use a web-based platform, provided by Statistics Denmark to report data: webindberetningsløsning.

All of the reported data is daily gathered in a web database, provided by Statistics Denmark, which also can be accessed by the municipalities.

Data validation

The statistical data are validated in cooperation with the municipalities on a yearly basis. Each municipality receives a compilation of relevant number of children and youth, classified by the type of received measure, as well as the total amount of disability services classified by type, found in the registry of Statistics Denmark. The compilation is sent to each municipality for validation and approval.

If a municipality cannot approve the validity of reported data upon the publication of the statistics, a cooperation effort, involving the relevant municipality and Statistics Denmark, is implemented to ensure that the errors and inconsistencies in data are corrected until the next scheduled publication.

Current validation process was especially focused on ensuring that the municipalities, as a whole, have reported all of the disability services, which have been granted to relevant recipients.

The statistics can contain data or sections of data, which have not been approved by the municipalities. In such cases, a note will be issued in Statbank Denmark and relevant documentation, describing the scope and nature of the irregularity.

Data compilation

The validated data, which stems from municipal IT- systems and the web-based platform of Statistics Denmark, is integrated. All of the collected data must comply with the regulations stated in the Executive Order on Data Transmission in the Social Area. The principles, defined in the Executive Order, allow for an effective integration of collected new data into the base dataset. Base data from the registry is linked together to form process data, which is enriched with information from the population statistics from Statistics Denmark. Errors in CPR-numbers (social security numbers) are printed on an error list and processed. Furthermore, a test of duplicates is also implemented before the data is finalized for publication.


No corrections are made besides those corrections described in the chapters on data validation and data processing.