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Welfare and Health, Social Statistics
Jane Christensen
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Disability services for children and young people

The statistics are best comparable with data on disability services, which previously have been collected and published in the statics on social resources. Data cannot be compared directly internationally.

Comparability - geographical

Similar statistics are compiled in many other countries. However, the statistics are not subject to any EU regulation or compiled in accordance with other international guidelines. Data, contained in the statistics, are defined on the basis of Danish legislation and thus cannot be directly compared internationally.

Comparability over time

The statistics have been compiled since year 2022 and can be best compared to data, which previously have been published on the subject. Such data can be found in statistical tables RESHJMTR and RESLED.

These tables are based on summary information, which the municipalities have reported yearly to Statistics Denmark. It is worth noting that there are instances where data cannot directly be linked with regards to some time periods. For instance, data contained in the statistics on social resources and data published in the current statistics on disability services can be difficult to link due to differences in methods of calculation. The most significant difference is that the data in current statistic on disability services is calculated on the basis of CPR-numbers (social security numbers). Another difference is that disability services, published in current statistics, are reported by the administrative municipality, whereas in the statistic on social resources, the services were reported by the municipalities which actually financed the measures. This can contribute to differences in number of measures for specific municipalities.

Coherence - cross domain

The statistics can be linked to the statistics on disabled and disadvantaged adults. The reason for this is that children and youth with chronic or long term physical or mental disability can, upon their transition to adulthood, be offered selected services that are usually granted to disabled or disadvantaged adults.

Coherence - internal

Data reported from different sources usually follow the same reporting forms. If changes in the reporting forms are made, differences can occur, as the IT suppliers cannot implement the changes simultaneously. During these periods of transition, the reply categories from the old reporting forms will be "mapped" to new categories.