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Childcare institutions

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Bjarne Mann
+45 39 17 37 58

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Childcare institutions 2022

These statistics cover the number of childcare institutions and units in Denmark, for children from 0 through 17. Before 2015 these figures were part of the overall childcare statistics.

Statistical presentation

This survey is an annual estimate of the number of institutions and units within day care, including whether the institutions are organized by the municipality, the childcare scheme and ownership of the institution.

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Statistical processing

The count of institutions in Statistics Denmark is continuous updated with new data from data suppliers. New information on closure - or opening of institutions is examined by Statistics Denmark before the changes are added to the count of institutions

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The data is collected on an agreement between Statistics Denmark, the Ministry for Children and Social Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The count is expected to amount to an official register for institution on the day care facilities in the Ministry for Children and Social Affairs.

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Accuracy and reliability

The overall accuracy is primarily affected by a correct allocation of uniqe keys to the institutions. This is primarily done by Municipalities. Wrong allocation of keys has been identified in the count which might overestimated the number of institutions in this count. Furthermore, institutions might have been established on the wrong legal act. Statistics Denmark is aware of these mistakes and validate each new institution before it is added to the count.

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Timeliness and punctuality

These statistics are published in January in the year after the reference year, without delay with reference to the announced time of publication in the release calendar.

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There are figures for the number of childcare institutions back to the 1940s. At that time, the statistics were about institutions for preventive child care. Since 1964 the number of day-care institutions at national level is calculated. Figures from before 2004 can be found in the Statistical Yearbook while figures from 2004 onwards can be found in the StatBank. The compilation of institutions from 2017 has been collected through personal contact of the DST survey.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published in the StatBank under Institutions. For more information go to the subject page on Childcare

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