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Business Development, Business Statistics
Emil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 39 17 32 28

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The statistics is used among enterprises when planning and provides an overview of the development taking place in the service sector.

Furthermore the statistics is an input to national accounts in Statistics Denmark regarding the service sector. The statistics is also used of the European Statistic bureau, Eurostat, to create EU-statistics about Business Services.

User Needs

The statistics is used among enterprises when planning and provides an overview of the development taking place in the service sector.

Furthermore the statistics is an input to national accounts in Statistics Denmark regarding the service sector. The statistics is also used of European Statistic bureau, Eurostat,, to create EU-statistics about Business Services.

User Satisfaction

Information about user satisfaction for the statistics does not exist.

Data completeness rate

At national level the data are published for all enterprises in the sector for Architectural services. The statistics is covered by the requirements of the EU. Regarding completeness of the data all these requirements are satisfied.