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Business Development, Business StatisticsEmil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 39 17 32 28
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The statistics provides information about the activities in the sector for Architectural services and thereby improve the knowledge of the sector. Moreover, the purpose is to improve the information in the national accounts statistics regarding the service sector, and finally it contributes to the continuing maintenance of activity codes in the Central Business Register.
The statistics is a part of EU Structural Business Statistics (SBS). The statistics was carried out for the first time for the year 2001.
Statistical presentation
The statistics provides information on the distribution of total turnover and export on products and services. Furthermore information is collected on the turnover broken down by clients and information on the export broken down by residence of client (resident or Non-resident intra-EU or Non-resident extra-EU).
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Statistical processing
Data are collected by web from 201 enterprises for the sector Architectural services. In the questionnaire the enterprises are asked to breakdown their turnover by a number of products, services and client categories. The reported data are checked by comparing the distribution of turnover among enterprises that are similar. Survey data is grossed up in part by including information from administrative sources on the VAT turnover in the reference year for the entire population.
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The statistics is used among enterprises when planning and provides an overview of the development taking place in the service sector.
Furthermore the statistics is an input to national accounts in Statistics Denmark regarding the service sector. The statistics is also used of the European Statistic bureau, Eurostat, to create EU-statistics about Business Services.
Accuracy and reliability
Overall, the uncertainty of the level of the total turnover is estimated below 1 per cent. The uncertainty varies widely between services and is significantly higher than the uncertainty of the total turnover.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics is published once every second year and approximately 10 months after the reference year. The statistics is published usually without delay regarding to the announced date. To EU the data must be delivered within 18 months after the reference year.
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The statistics has been compiled since 2001, but it can be problems in comparing figures over time. The questionnaire, the sample design and the calculation method have been adjusted a few time, latest in 2021.
Accessibility and clarity
The latest New article can be found on NEW. The statistics is published on STATBANK. Furthermore the statistics has a subject page.
In the Statistics Database of EU the distributions of the turnover by services and residence of client are published on EUROSTAT's homepage.