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How many Danes have the name...

The statistics are compiled on the basis of names of the total population living in Denmark as of 1 January.

The statistics are based on information about first names as well as surnames – i.e. not middle names. If your full name is, e.g. Dorthe Høst Larsen, you will be recorded under, respectively Dorthe and Larsen. Hyphenated surnames – e.g., Høst-Larsen – are considered as one surname.

For reasons of confidentiality, we have decided to delete names that only appear once or twice in the database on names. Consequently, it is possible to obtain an inaccurate reply, if the name-combination for which you are searching is very uncommon – in such cases the reply will be “.”..

The statistical data source is the Central Population Register
The statistics on names of the total population are published annually in the middle of January.


Dorthe Larsen
Phone: +45 39 17 33 07