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    Publication: The Danish business sector and the sustainable development goals 2020

    This publication by Statistics Denmark shows the development since 2010 in the Danish business sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals by means of existing statistics. Following fourteen industrial groups, it gives an account of economic, environmental and social conditions., Danish businesses are mainly occupied with environmental goals, The figures show that the business sector is most concerned with the green part of the agenda for sustainability as defined by the SDGs. Progress has been made lowering the emission of greenhouse gases and saving energy and water, especially compared with the increasing value added of the business sector in this period., In social areas, the story is less clear-cut. Evidently, progress was made limiting the number of accidents at work, whereas sickness absence has increased. As regards gender equality, the figures indicate a narrowing of the pay gap, whereas the share of women in top management and boards is still low., In addition to showing whether businesses contribute to achieving the goals, the publication focuses on the importance of specific types of industries in relation to selected goals. E.g. in terms of greenhouse gas emission, the development in Transportation and Agriculture is truly decisive for the overall progress, whereas other industries are less important in this respect., To the extent possible, the publication explains when progress can be attributed to decisions by the businesses themselves and when it is more likely the result of progress elsewhere. Using examples, cases are identified where figures may give rise to misinterpretation due to special circumstances., Work by the UN organisation UNCTAD is the primary source of inspiration for this publication. UNCTAD is involved in corporate reporting, including non-financial reporting., Get as pdf, The Danish business sector and the sustainable development goals, Colophone, The Danish business sector and the sustainable development goals, Business, ISBN pdf: 978-87-501-2376-7, Released: 27 January 2021 08:00, No of pages: 52, Contact info:, Ole Olsen, Phone: 39 17 38 63
