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Transferring of analysis results

It is important that you follow Statistic Denmark’s rules for transferring results to your own computer. Violation of these rules may result in temporary exclusion from the scheme for you as a user or for your entire institution; depending on whether the breach of the data transferring rules is considered mild or severe (you can read more about this assessment in the text below). If you accidentally transfer microdata, you must immediately inform Statistics Denmark by sending an email to It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with Statistics Denmark's data security rules.

As a user, you are responsible for ensuring that no microdata is transferred. In this context, a help function has been set up in the transferring platform that queries you as a user if potential transferring of microdata is detected. Statistics Denmark investigates cases where it issues such a comment and systematically checks all files that cannot be verified. Additionally, we inspect samples of other file types.
If we confirm microdata transferring in this check, it will lead to sanctions. As of April 1, 2024, Statistics Denmark has implemented a new sanction system to ensure greater proportionality in sanctions.

The policy distinguishes between minor and serious breaches:

  • Minor breaches: Inadvertent action – e.g., identification during debugging
  • Severe breachesDeliberate action – e.g., deliberate attempt to identify individual or company data

Statistics Denmark will assess whether a breach is considered mild or severe in specific cases. In such instances, the data-transferring platform will prompt you as a user to respond if it detects potential microdata during data transfer. The severity assessment will also consider whether the transferred data involves large amounts of microdata, as all users are certified and expected to be familiar with the rules in this area.

For isolated minor breaches, the sanction affects the individual researcher and the specific project not all projects and users of the authorized institution. For repeated or severe breaches, sanctions are more stringent, affecting all projects and users of the authorized institution.

In summary form, it appears as follows

Researcher scheme


Sanction against user

Sanction against project

Sanction against institution


Access to all user's projects closed

Access to the project closed

Access for all users and projects closed

Transferring of individual or company data

Password or access shared by authorized user 

1st time

2nd time within 2 years

1st time

2nd time within 2 years

3rd time within 2 years

4th time within 2 years

Minor breach

(Accident or inadvertent action*)

Until explanation can be approved

1-month quarantine

Until explanation can be approved

1-month quarantine

3-month quarantine

Specific assessment

Possibility of termination of authorization agreement

Serious breach

(Accident or inadvertent action**)

3-month quarantine

3-month quarantine

Possibility of termination of authorization agreement and or the user agreement 

3-month quarantine

3-month quarantine

Possibility of termination of authorization agreement 

6-month quarantine

Specific evaluation of authorization agreement, with possibility of termination of authorization agreement.

Regulatory schemes

Sanction against user

Sanction against scheme


User access is closed

Access for all scheme users is closed

Transferring of individual or company data

Password or access shared by authorized user

1st time

2nd time within 2 years

3rd time within 2 years

4th time within 2 years

Minor breach

(Accident or inadvertent action*)

Until explanation can be approved

1-month quarantine

1-month quarantine

Specific assessment

Possibility of termination of authorization agreement

Serious breach 

(Intention action**)

3-month quarantine

3-month quarantine 

Possibility of termination of authorization agreement and or the user agreement

3-month quarantine

6-month quarantine

Possibility of termination of authorization agreement

* e.g. transferring in connection with debugging
**e.g. deliberate attempt to identify individual or company data


It is only allowed to transfer results via Statistics Denmark’s transferring tool (FSEHjemsend).

Guide to Transferring and Downloading Files

The transferring process can be divided into three phases: First, you need to upload the files for transfer. Then, you must verify the files, and finally, you can download the files to your own computer.

When uploading files for transferring, they will be scanned for any data resembling microdata. Please note that it is your responsibility as users to ensure that the files comply with the guidelines and do not contain microdata. The scanning tool is a supplement and cannot replace manual control.

  1. Upload the Files

    To upload the files for transferring, you need to log in to the Research Machine via Then, click on the shortcut 'Transfer' on your desktop. This will launch an application in your web browser, taking you to the page where you can upload files for transferring.

    Once on the page, you can read about Statistics Denmark's guidelines for transferring analysis results.

    Choose the files you want to transfer by either clicking 'Add Files' or dragging the files onto the page. You can add individual files or entire folders of files. Please be aware that you can only select files of the allowed file type and size. If you choose a file that cannot be transferred, you will receive an error message. After selecting the files you wish to transfer, click on the 'Verify' button.

  2. Verify the Files

    You will now be taken to the page that scans and verifies the presence of potential microdata. On this page, you can once again review the guidelines for file transferring.

    If you receive a risk message indicating that a file may contain microdata, it is mandatory to add a note with information about the file's content. This comment will be used by Research Services to verify the transferred files. You will be guided through this process on the page.

    If you realize that you have forgotten to add a file, you can easily switch back and forth between the upload page and the verification page.

    Before you can transfer the files, you must approve that the selected files comply with Statistics Denmark's data confidentiality policy and transferring guidelines. You can approve this by clicking the box next to 'Approve Transfer.' Once you have done this, you can transfer the files by pressing the 'Transfer' button. You will then receive a notification that your files have been sent from the research server.

  3. Download the Files to Your Computer via Denmark Data Portal
  4. You are now ready to download the files you have just transferred. To do this, log in to the Denmark Data Window in the same way you normally would.

    Once logged in, click on 'My Overview.' Find the relevant project under the 'Projects' tab and click on the 'Transfers' tab.

    Here, you will find all the files that have been transferred for the specific project. The files are categorized by the date they were transferred. 

    When you click on a specific date, you can see all the files you transferred on that day. You can also view any comments you previously wrote for the file by clicking on the speech bubble, and you can delete the file by clicking on the trash can. 

    To download the files to your own computer, simply click on the downward arrow.

What cannot be transferred?

No types of micro data can be transferred. Not through the transferring tool or in any other way for example by writing information from your screen on a piece of paper, taking a screenshot or taking a picture of the screen with your phone. This also applies to the micro data you have sent to Statistics Denmark for a concrete project.

Below you will find a list of what you cannot send home. The list is not exhaustive.

  • Tables with less than three observations
  • Datasets - or parts of datasets – with information on individual/company level, which can be background knowledge of income, education or socioeconomic status or calculated variables on individual level, pseudonymised key variables such as civil registration numbers, CVR numbers, works place numbers or address numbers etc.
  • File formats that have not been approved for transferring

Approved file formats

It is only allowed to transfer file formats that are approved by Research Service at Statistics Denmark. If you send a file format that is not approved, you will receive an error message from the system saying “Filtype ikke tilladt” (File type not allowed).

File type

File extension


xls xlsx xlsm xlm xml


eps png wmf tif jpg gif emf jpeg svg bmp ppt pptx pptm tiff


htm html mht

Programme code

sas r do doh ado




lst sas7bdat


sps sav spv


dta smcl


tab txt






doc docx rtf

It is not allowed to change the file extension in relation to the content of the file.

If you wish to have a file type added to the list, please contact


Phone: +45 39 17 31 30