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Tables in StatBank

Road traffic accidents

Table ID Updated
Gender equality indicator of injured and killed in road traffic accidents
casualty, motor vehicles involved and age | Unit: -
LIGEHI10 26-06-2023
Injured in road traffic accidents reported by the police and casualty wards
the police and casualty wards by reporter, accident situation, means of transport, sex, age and type of injury | Unit: Number
MOERKE 26-06-2023
Injured in road traffic accidents reported by casualty wards
casualty wards by reporter, accident situation, means of transport, sex, age and casualty (classified by diagnosis) | Unit: Number
MOERKE1 26-06-2023
Injured and killed in road traffic accidents
type of accident, accident situation, casualty, transport unit and other units involved | Unit: Number
UHELD10 26-06-2023
Injured and killed in road traffic accidents
type of accident, casualty, transport unit, position, type of person and influenced by alcohol | Unit: Number
UHELD11 26-06-2023
Drivers and pedestrians
transport unit, sex, age, age of driving license and level of alcohol in blood | Unit: Number
UHELD12 26-06-2023
Road traffic accidents
type of accident, accident situation, urban area and speed limit | Unit: Number
UHELD3 26-06-2023
Road traffic accidents
type of accident, type of transport unit involved, hour, day of the week and month | Unit: Number
UHELD4 26-06-2023
Road traffic accidents
type of accident, accident situation, transport unit and other units involved | Unit: Number
UHELD5 26-06-2023
Road traffic accidents
type of accident, accident situation, transport unit and number of transport units involved | Unit: Number
UHELD6 26-06-2023
Injured and killed in road traffic accidents
type of accident, casualty, transport unit, sex, age and type of injury | Unit: Number
UHELD8 26-06-2023
Injured and killed in road traffic accidents
type of accident, casualty, transport unit, type of person, urban area and type of road | Unit: Number
UHELD9 26-06-2023
Injured and killed in road traffic accidents
region, casualty, motor vehicles involved, age and sex | Unit: Number
UHELDK1 26-06-2023
Injured and killed in alcohol accidents
region, age and sex | Unit: Number
UHELDK2 26-06-2023
Road traffic accidents
type of accident, municipality, urban area and accident situation | Unit: Number
UHELDK7 26-06-2023