Communication and dissemination strategy 2018-2022
Statistics Denmark´s communication and dissemination strategy sets out the principles of how to communicate with our target groups and gives an outline of the general strategies and objectives for our communication with the surrounding world.
The communication and dissemination strategy is one important element in realising Strategy 2022 where it is laid down that Statistics Denmark must participate more actively in public debates and adapt services to the new and changing needs of users.
To meet these demands, the new communication and dissemination strategy sets out two strategic communication targets:
- Our communication is adapted to user needs
- We are visible and relevant in public debates
Principles for good communication
Communication at Statistics Denmark must to be based on Statistics Denmark´s core values. The core values form an essential basis for enabling Statistics Denmark to give priority to the way in which we want to communicate – and to give priority to the contents that we want to communicate.
Statistics Denmark is the central producer and provider of statistics and is responsible for producing official statistics on social and economic trends in Danish society. To achieve this Statistics Denmark complies with the international principles for trustworthy official statistics adopted, respectively, by the EU and the UN, including Code of Practice for statistical institutes
Communication and dissemination strategyOther
ISBN pdf: 978-87-501-2318-7
Released: 19 December 2018 08:00
No of pages: 11
Contact info:
Steen Dahl Pedersen
Phone: 39 17 31 61