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Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2019




ISO 4217 is the International Standard for currency codes. The purpose of ISO 4217 is to define internationally recognised codes of letters and/or numbers that can be used to identify currencies, e.g. for international money transfers or exchange of currencies. This standard was first published in 1978, but many currency codes have been in use before that.

The first two letters of a currency code are consistent with country codes that comply with the ISO 3166 standard. The third letter corresponds, where possible, to the initial letter of a country or territory's currency. For example, the currency code for official currency in Denmark is indicated with "DKK", where "DK" is Denmark's country code in ISO 3166 and "K" is the first letter in "Kroner".

Valid from:

January 1, 2019


Rohan James Draper,, ph. +45 39 17 31 14
All versions
Name Valid from Valid to
Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2019 January 1, 2019 Still valid
Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2018 January 1, 2018 December 31, 2018
Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2017 January 1, 2017 December 31, 2017
Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2016 January 1, 2016 December 31, 2016
Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2015 January 1, 2015 December 31, 2015
Currency codes (ISO 4217), v1:2014 January 1, 2014 December 31, 2014
Historical currency codes, v1:2019

Historical currency codes, v1:2019